* Some game may require additional patches and these will not provided in this project and repository. You already found this, so you know where to find related resources too.
* This repository may contain untested, experimental implementation for few games which I can't test properly. If you couldn't find your wanted game in the above list, do not expect support.
* This server also provides a simple API for viewing play records and edit settings for some games.
By default, Aqua will use sqlite and save user data in data/db.sqlite.
If you want to use optional databases, edit configuration file then it will auto create the table and import some initial data.
### Configuration
Configuration is saved in `config/application.properties`, spring loads this file automatically.
* The host and port of game title servers can be overritten in `allnet.server.host` and `allnet.server.port`. By default it will send the same host and port the client used the request this information.