mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
[+] Recruit lobby
@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ class PathProps {
var mai2Plays: String = "data/upload/mai2/plays"
var mai2Plays: String = "data/upload/mai2/plays"
var mai2Portrait: String = "data/upload/mai2/portrait"
var mai2Portrait: String = "data/upload/mai2/portrait"
var aquaNetPortrait: String = "data/upload/net/portrait"
var aquaNetPortrait: String = "data/upload/net/portrait"
var recruitLog: String = "data/futari/recruit.log"
fun init() {
fun init() {
mai2Plays = mai2Plays.path().apply { toFile().mkdirs() }.toString()
mai2Plays = mai2Plays.path().apply { toFile().mkdirs() }.toString()
mai2Portrait = mai2Portrait.path().apply { toFile().mkdirs() }.toString()
mai2Portrait = mai2Portrait.path().apply { toFile().mkdirs() }.toString()
aquaNetPortrait = aquaNetPortrait.path().apply { toFile().mkdirs() }.toString()
aquaNetPortrait = aquaNetPortrait.path().apply { toFile().mkdirs() }.toString()
recruitLog = recruitLog.path().apply { toFile().parentFile.mkdirs() }.toString()
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.maimai2.worldslink
import ext.*
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.utils.PathProps
import kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi
import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController
import java.io.BufferedWriter
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileOutputStream
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import kotlin.concurrent.withLock
// KotlinX Serialization
private val KJson = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
isLenient = true
explicitNulls = false
coerceInputValues = true
// Maximum time to live for a recruit record
const val MAX_TTL = 3 * 60 * 1000
data class RecruitRecord(val d: RecruitInfo, val time: Long = millis())
@RequestMapping(path = ["/mai2-futari"])
class FutariLobby(paths: PathProps) {
// <IP Address, RecruitInfo>
val recruits = mutableMapOf<UInt, RecruitRecord>()
// Append writer
lateinit var writer: BufferedWriter
val mutex = ReentrantLock()
val log = logger()
init {
writer = FileOutputStream(File(paths.recruitLog), true).bufferedWriter()
fun log(data: String) = mutex.withLock {
fun log(data: StartRecruit, msg: String) =
log("${LocalDateTime.now().isoDateTime()}: $msg: ${data.RecruitInfo.toJson()}")
val StartRecruit.ip get() = RecruitInfo.MechaInfo.IpAddress
fun startRecruit(@RB data: String) {
val d = parsing { KJson.decodeFromString<StartRecruit>(data) }
val exists = d.ip in recruits
recruits[d.ip] = RecruitRecord(d.RecruitInfo)
if (!exists) log(d, "StartRecruit")
fun finishRecruit(@RB data: String) {
val d = parsing { KJson.decodeFromString<StartRecruit>(data) }
if (d.ip !in recruits) 400 - "Recruit not found"
log(d, "EndRecruit")
fun listRecruit(): String {
val time = millis()
recruits.filterValues { time - it.time > MAX_TTL }.keys.forEach { recruits.remove(it) }
return recruits.values.toList().joinToString("\n") { KJson.encodeToString(it.d) }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val json = """{"RecruitInfo":{"MechaInfo":{"IsJoin":true,"IpAddress":1820162433,"MusicID":11692,"Entrys":[true,false],"UserIDs":[281474976710657,281474976710657],"UserNames":["GUEST","GUEST"],"IconIDs":[1,1],"FumenDifs":[0,-1],"Rateing":[0,0],"ClassValue":[0,0],"MaxClassValue":[0,0],"UserType":[0,0]},"MusicID":11692,"GroupID":0,"EventModeID":false,"JoinNumber":1,"PartyStance":0,"_startTimeTicks":638725464510308001,"_recvTimeTicks":0}}"""
val data = KJson.decodeFromString<StartRecruit>(json)
println(KJson.encodeToString(StartRecruit.serializer(), data))
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.maimai2.worldslink
import ext.Bool
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
data class MechaInfo(
val IsJoin: Bool,
val IpAddress: UInt,
val MusicID: Int,
val Entrys: List<Bool>,
val UserIDs: List<Long>,
val UserNames: List<String>,
val IconIDs: List<Int>,
val FumenDifs: List<Int>,
val Rateing: List<Int>,
val ClassValue: List<Int>,
val MaxClassValue: List<Int>,
val UserType: List<Int>
data class RecruitInfo(
val MechaInfo: MechaInfo,
val MusicID: Int,
val GroupID: Int,
val EventModeID: Boolean,
val JoinNumber: Int,
val PartyStance: Int,
val _startTimeTicks: Long,
val _recvTimeTicks: Long
data class StartRecruit(
val RecruitInfo: RecruitInfo,
Reference in New Issue