mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
[+] Chuni Userbox with Assets (#97)
@ -16,6 +16,14 @@
import { filter } from "d3";
import { coverNotFound } from "../../libs/ui";
import { userboxFileProcess, ddsDB, initializeDb } from "../../libs/userbox/userbox"
import ChuniPenguinComponent from "./userbox/ChuniPenguin.svelte"
import ChuniUserplateComponent from "./userbox/ChuniUserplate.svelte";
import useLocalStorage from "../../libs/hooks/useLocalStorage.svelte";
import { DDS } from "../../libs/userbox/dds";
let user: AquaNetUser
let [loading, error, submitting, preview] = [true, "", "", ""]
let changed: string[] = [];
@ -26,7 +34,7 @@
let iKinds = { namePlate: 1, frame: 2, trophy: 3, mapIcon: 8, systemVoice: 9, avatarAccessory: 11 }
// In userbox: 'nameplateId', 'frameId', 'trophyId', 'mapIconId', 'voiceId', 'avatar{Wear/Head/Face/Skin/Item/Front/Back}'
let userbox: UserBox
let avatarKinds = ['Wear', 'Head', 'Face', 'Skin', 'Item', 'Front', 'Back']
let avatarKinds = ['Wear', 'Head', 'Face', 'Skin', 'Item', 'Front', 'Back'] as const
// iKey should match allItems keys, and ubKey should match userbox keys
let userItems: { iKey: string, ubKey: keyof UserBox, items: UserItem[] }[] = []
@ -83,6 +91,40 @@
user = u
return fetchData()
}).catch((e) => { loading = false; error = e.message });
let DDSreader: DDS | undefined;
let USERBOX_SETUP_RUN = false;
let USERBOX_SETUP_TEXT = t("userbox.new.setup");
let USERBOX_ENABLED = useLocalStorage("userboxNew", false);
let USERBOX_SUPPORT = "webkitGetAsEntry" in DataTransferItem.prototype;
type OnlyNumberPropsOf<T extends Record<string, any>> = {[Prop in keyof T as (T[Prop] extends number ? Prop : never)]: T[Prop]}
let userboxSelected: keyof OnlyNumberPropsOf<UserBox> = "avatarWear";
const userboxNewOptions = ["systemVoice", "frame", "trophy", "mapIcon"]
async function userboxSafeDrop(event: Event & { currentTarget: EventTarget & HTMLInputElement; }) {
if (!event.target) return null;
let input = event.target as HTMLInputElement;
let folder = input.webkitEntries[0];
error = await userboxFileProcess(folder, (progress: number, progressString: string) => {
USERBOX_SETUP_TEXT = progressString;
}) ?? "";
indexedDB.databases().then(async (dbi) => {
let databaseExists = dbi.some(db => db.name == "userboxChusanDDS");
if (databaseExists) {
await initializeDb();
DDSreader = new DDS(ddsDB);
USERBOX_INSTALLED = databaseExists;
<StatusOverlays {error} loading={loading || !!submitting} />
@ -91,42 +133,140 @@
<GameSettingFields game="chu3"/>
<div class="fields">
{#each userItems as { iKey, ubKey, items }, i}
<div class="field">
<label for={ubKey}>{ts(`userbox.${ubKey}`)}</label>
<select bind:value={userbox[ubKey]} id={ubKey} on:change={() => changed = [...changed, ubKey]}>
{#each items as option}
<option value={option.itemId}>{allItems[iKey][option.itemId]?.name || `(unknown ${option.itemId})`}</option>
{#if changed.includes(ubKey)}
<button transition:slide={{axis: "x"}} on:click={() => submit(ubKey)} disabled={!!submitting}>
<p class="notice">{t("userbox.preview.notice")}</p>
<input bind:value={preview} placeholder={t("userbox.preview.url")}/>
{#if preview}
<div class="preview">
{#each userItems.filter(v => v.iKey != 'trophy' && v.iKey != 'systemVoice') as { iKey, ubKey, items }, i}
<div class="fields">
{#each userItems as { iKey, ubKey, items }, i}
<div class="field">
<label for={ubKey}>{ts(`userbox.${ubKey}`)}</label>
<img src={`${preview}/${iKey}/${userbox[ubKey].toString().padStart(8, '0')}.png`} alt="" on:error={coverNotFound} />
<select bind:value={userbox[ubKey]} id={ubKey} on:change={() => changed = [...changed, ubKey]}>
{#each items as option}
<option value={option.itemId}>{allItems[iKey][option.itemId]?.name || `(unknown ${option.itemId})`}</option>
{#if changed.includes(ubKey)}
<button transition:slide={{axis: "x"}} on:click={() => submit(ubKey)} disabled={!!submitting}>
<div class="chuni-userbox-container">
<ChuniUserplateComponent on:click={() => userboxSelected = "nameplateId"} chuniCharacter={userbox.characterId} chuniLevel={userbox.level} chuniRating={userbox.playerRating / 100}
chuniNameplate={userbox.nameplateId} chuniName={userbox.userName} chuniTrophyName={allItems.trophy[userbox.trophyId].name}></ChuniUserplateComponent>
<ChuniPenguinComponent classPassthrough="chuni-penguin-float" chuniWear={userbox.avatarWear} chuniHead={userbox.avatarHead} chuniBack={userbox.avatarBack}
chuniFront={userbox.avatarFront} chuniFace={userbox.avatarFace} chuniItem={userbox.avatarItem}
<div class="chuni-userbox-row">
{#each avatarKinds as avatarKind}
{#await DDSreader?.getFile(`avatarAccessoryThumbnail:${userbox[`avatar${avatarKind}`].toString().padStart(8, "0")}`) then imageURL}
<button on:click={() => userboxSelected = `avatar${avatarKind}`}>
<img src={imageURL} class={userboxSelected == `avatar${avatarKind}` ? "focused" : ""} alt={allItems.avatarAccessory[userbox[`avatar${avatarKind}`]].name} title={allItems.avatarAccessory[userbox[`avatar${avatarKind}`]].name}>
<div class="chuni-userbox">
{#if userboxSelected == "nameplateId"}
{#each userItems.find(f => f.ubKey == "nameplateId")?.items ?? [] as item}
{#await DDSreader?.getFile(`nameplate:${item.itemId.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`) then imageURL}
<button class="nameplate" on:click={() => {userbox[userboxSelected] = item.itemId; submit(userboxSelected)}}>
<img src={imageURL} alt={allItems.namePlate[item.itemId].name} title={allItems.namePlate[item.itemId].name}>
{#each userItems.find(f => f.ubKey == userboxSelected)?.items ?? [] as item}
{#await DDSreader?.getFile(`avatarAccessoryThumbnail:${item.itemId.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`) then imageURL}
<button on:click={() => {userbox[userboxSelected] = item.itemId; submit(userboxSelected)}}>
<img src={imageURL} alt={allItems.avatarAccessory[item.itemId].name} title={allItems.avatarAccessory[item.itemId].name}>
<div class="fields">
{#each userItems.filter(i => userboxNewOptions.includes(i.iKey)) as { iKey, ubKey, items }, i}
<div class="field">
<label for={ubKey}>{ts(`userbox.${ubKey}`)}</label>
<select bind:value={userbox[ubKey]} id={ubKey} on:change={() => changed = [...changed, ubKey]}>
{#each items as option}
<option value={option.itemId}>{allItems[iKey][option.itemId]?.name || `(unknown ${option.itemId})`}</option>
{#if changed.includes(ubKey)}
<button transition:slide={{axis: "x"}} on:click={() => submit(ubKey)} disabled={!!submitting}>
<!-- god this is a mess but idgaf atp -->
<div class="field boolean" style:margin-top="1em">
<input type="checkbox" bind:checked={USERBOX_ENABLED.value} id="newUserbox">
<label for="newUserbox">
<span class="name">{t("userbox.new.activate")}</span>
<span class="desc">{t(`userbox.new.activate_desc`)}</span>
<button on:click={() => USERBOX_SETUP_RUN = !USERBOX_SETUP_RUN}>{t(!USERBOX_INSTALLED ? `userbox.new.activate_first` : `userbox.new.activate_update`)}</button>
<p class="notice">{t("userbox.preview.notice")}</p>
<input bind:value={preview} placeholder={t("userbox.preview.url")}/>
{#if preview}
<div class="preview">
{#each userItems.filter(v => v.iKey != 'trophy' && v.iKey != 'systemVoice') as { iKey, ubKey, items }, i}
<img src={`${preview}/${iKey}/${userbox[ubKey].toString().padStart(8, '0')}.png`} alt="" on:error={coverNotFound} />
{#if USERBOX_SETUP_RUN && !error}
<div class="overlay" transition:fade>
<div class="actions">
<div class="progress">
<div class="progress-bar" style="width: {USERBOX_PROGRESS}%"></div>
<button class="drop-btn">
<input type="file" on:input={userboxSafeDrop} on:click={e => e.preventDefault()}>
<button on:click={() => USERBOX_SETUP_RUN = false}>
<style lang="sass">
@use "../../vars"
@ -134,6 +274,7 @@
width: 100%
margin-bottom: 0.5rem
@ -141,6 +282,36 @@ p.notice
opacity: 0.6
margin-top: 0
width: 100%
height: 10px
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px vars.$ov-lighter
border-radius: 25px
margin-bottom: 15px
overflow: hidden
background: #b3c6ff
height: 100%
border-radius: 25px
position: relative
width: 100%
aspect-ratio: 3
background: transparent
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px vars.$ov-lighter
margin-bottom: 1em
> input
position: absolute
top: 0
left: 0
width: 100%
height: 100%
opacity: 0
margin-top: 32px
display: flex
@ -202,4 +373,84 @@ p.notice
> select
flex: 1
display: flex
flex-direction: row
align-items: center
gap: 1rem
width: auto
width: auto
aspect-ratio: 1 / 1
display: flex
flex-direction: column
max-width: max-content
opacity: 0.6
/* AquaBox */
width: 100%
display: flex
padding: 0
margin: 0
width: 100%
flex: 0 1 100%
background: none
aspect-ratio: 1
width: 100%
filter: brightness(50%)
filter: brightness(75%)
width: calc(100% - 20px)
height: 350px
display: flex
flex-direction: row
flex-wrap: wrap
padding: 10px
background: vars.$c-bg
border-radius: 16px
overflow-y: auto
margin-bottom: 15px
justify-content: center
padding: 0
margin: 0
width: 20%
align-self: flex-start
background: none
aspect-ratio: 1
width: 100%
width: 50%
aspect-ratio: unset
border: none
display: flex
align-items: center
justify-content: center
@media (max-width: 1000px)
flex-wrap: wrap
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { DDS } from "../../../libs/userbox/dds"
import { ddsDB } from "../../../libs/userbox/userbox"
const DDSreader = new DDS(ddsDB);
export var chuniWear = 1100001;
export var chuniHead = 1200001;
export var chuniFace = 1300001;
export var chuniSkin = 1400001;
export var chuniItem = 1500001;
export var chuniFront = 1600001;
export var chuniBack = 1700001;
export var classPassthrough: string = ``
<div class="chuni-penguin {classPassthrough}">
<div class="chuni-penguin-body">
<!-- Body -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileFromSheet(`avatarAccessory:${chuniSkin.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`, 0, 0, 256, 400, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-skin" src={imageURL} alt="Body">
<!-- Face -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileFromSheet("surfboard:CHU_UI_Common_Avatar_face_00.dds", 0, 0, 225, 150, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-eyes chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Eyes">
{#await DDSreader.getFileFromSheet("surfboard:CHU_UI_Common_Avatar_body_00.dds", 86, 103, 96, 43, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-beak chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Beak">
<!-- Arms (surfboard) -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileFromSheet("surfboard:CHU_UI_Common_Avatar_body_00.dds", 0, 0, 85, 160, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-arm-left chuni-penguin-arm" src={imageURL} alt="Left Arm">
{#await DDSreader.getFileFromSheet("surfboard:CHU_UI_Common_Avatar_body_00.dds", 0, 0, 85, 160, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-arm-right chuni-penguin-arm" src={imageURL} alt="Right Arm">
<!-- Wear -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileScaled(`avatarAccessory:${chuniWear.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`, 0.75, `avatarAccessory:01100001`) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-wear chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Wear">
<!-- Head -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileScaled(`avatarAccessory:${chuniHead.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`, 0.75, `avatarAccessory:01200001`) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-head chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Head">
{#if chuniHead == 1200001}
<!-- If wearing original hat, add the feather and attachment -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileFromSheet("surfboard:CHU_UI_Common_Avatar_body_00.dds", 104, 153, 57, 58, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-head-2 chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Head2">
{#await DDSreader.getFileFromSheet("surfboard:CHU_UI_Common_Avatar_body_00.dds", 5, 160, 100, 150, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-head-3 chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Head3">
<!-- Face (Accessory) -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileScaled(`avatarAccessory:${chuniFace.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`, 0.75, `avatarAccessory:01300001`) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-face-accessory chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Face (Accessory)">
<!-- Item -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileScaled(`avatarAccessory:${chuniItem.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`, 0.75, `avatarAccessory:01500001`) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-item chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Item">
<!-- Front -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileScaled(`avatarAccessory:${chuniFront.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-front chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Front">
<!-- Back -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileScaled(`avatarAccessory:${chuniBack.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img class="chuni-penguin-back chuni-penguin-accessory" src={imageURL} alt="Back">
<div class="chuni-penguin-feet">
<!-- Feet -->
{#await DDSreader.getFileFromSheet(`avatarAccessory:${chuniSkin.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`, 0, 410, 167, 80, 0.75) then imageURL}
<img src={imageURL} alt="Feet">
<!-- Truly sorry for the horrors below -->
<style lang="sass">
@keyframes chuniPenguinBodyBob
transform: translate(-50%, 0%) translate(0%, -50%)
transform: translate(-50%, 10px) translate(0%, -50%)
transform: translate(-50%, 0%) translate(0%, -50%)
@keyframes chuniPenguinArmLeft
transform: translate(-50%, 0) rotate(-2deg)
transform: translate(-50%, 0) rotate(2deg)
transform: translate(-50%, 0) rotate(-2deg)
@keyframes chuniPenguinArmRight
transform: translate(-50%, 0) scaleX(-1) rotate(-2deg)
transform: translate(-50%, 0) scaleX(-1) rotate(2deg)
transform: translate(-50%, 0) scaleX(-1) rotate(-2deg)
-webkit-user-drag: none
height: 512px
aspect-ratio: 1/2
position: relative
.chuni-penguin-body, .chuni-penguin-feet
transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
position: absolute
left: 50%
top: 50%
z-index: 1
animation: chuniPenguinBodyBob 2s infinite cubic-bezier(0.45, 0, 0.55, 1)
top: 82.5%
z-index: 0
transform-origin: 95% 10%
position: absolute
top: 40%
left: 0%
animation: chuniPenguinArmLeft 1.5s infinite cubic-bezier(0.45, 0, 0.55, 1)
left: 70%
animation: chuniPenguinArmRight 1.5s infinite cubic-bezier(0.45, 0, 0.55, 1)
transform: translate(-50%, -50%)
position: absolute
top: 50%
left: 50%
top: 22.5%
top: 29.5%
top: 57.5%
top: 7.5%
z-index: 10
top: 12.5%
top: -12.5%
top: 27.5%
z-index: -1
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { DDS } from "../../../libs/userbox/dds"
import { ddsDB } from "../../../libs/userbox/userbox"
const DDSreader = new DDS(ddsDB);
export var chuniLevel: number = 1
export var chuniName: string = "AquaDX"
export var chuniRating: number = 1.23
export var chuniNameplate: number = 1
export var chuniCharacter: number = 0
export var chuniTrophyName: string = "NEWCOMER"
{#await DDSreader?.getFile(`nameplate:${chuniNameplate.toString().padStart(8, "0")}`) then nameplateURL}
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y_click_events_have_key_events -->
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y_no_static_element_interactions -->
<div on:click class="chuni-nameplate" style:background={`url(${nameplateURL})`}>
{#await DDSreader?.getFile(`characterThumbnail:${chuniCharacter.toString().padStart(6, "0")}`) then characterThumbnailURL}
<img class="chuni-character" src={characterThumbnailURL} alt="Character">
{#await DDSreader?.getFileFromSheet("surfboard:CHU_UI_title_rank_00_v10.dds", 5, 5 + (75 * 2), 595, 64) then trophyURL}
<div class="chuni-trophy">
<img src={trophyURL} class="chuni-trophy-bg" alt="Trophy">
<div class="chuni-user-info">
<div class="chuni-user-name">
<span class="chuni-user-level">
<span class="chuni-user-name-text">
<div class="chuni-user-rating">
<span class="chuni-user-rating-number">
<style lang="sass">
@use "../../../vars"
width: 576px
height: 228px
position: relative
font-size: 16px
/* Overlap penguin avatar when put side to side */
z-index: 2
cursor: pointer
width: 410px
height: 45px
background-position: center
background-size: cover
color: black
display: flex
justify-content: center
align-items: center
position: absolute
right: 25px
top: 40px
font-size: 1.15em
font-family: sans-serif
font-weight: bold
z-index: 1
text-shadow: 0 1px white
width: 100%
height: 100%
position: absolute
z-index: -1
position: absolute
top: 87px
right: 25px
width: 82px
aspect-ratio: 1
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px white
background: #efefef
height: 82px
width: 320px
position: absolute
top: 87px
right: 110px
background: #fff9
border-radius: 1px
box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px #ccc
display: flex
flex-direction: column
.chuni-user-name, .chuni-user-rating
margin: 0 4px
display: flex
align-items: center
color: black
font-family: sans-serif
font-weight: bold
flex: 1 0 65%
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ccc
font-size: 2em
margin-left: 10px
margin-left: auto
font-size: 2em
flex: 1 0 35%
font-size: 0.875em
text-shadow: #333 1px 1px, #333 1px -1px, #333 -1px 1px, #333 -1px -1px
color: #ddf
font-size: 1.5em
margin-left: 10px
@ -149,4 +149,7 @@ export interface UserBox {
avatarItem: number,
avatarFront: number,
avatarBack: number,
level: number
playerRating: number
@ -179,6 +179,17 @@ export const EN_REF_USERBOX = {
'userbox.preview.notice': 'To honor the copyright, we cannot host the images of the userbox items. However, if someone else is willing to provide the images, you can enter their URL here and it will be displayed.',
'userbox.preview.url': 'Image URL',
'userbox.error.nodata': 'Chuni data not found',
'userbox.new.name': 'AquaBox',
'userbox.new.setup': 'Drag and drop your Chuni game folder (Lumi or newer) into the box below to display UserBoxes with their nameplate & avatar. All files are handled in-browser.',
'userbox.new.setup.processing_file': 'Processing',
'userbox.new.setup.finalizing': 'Saving to internal storage',
'userbox.new.drop': 'Drop game folder here',
'userbox.new.activate_first': 'Enable AquaBox (game files required)',
'userbox.new.activate_update': 'Update AquaBox (game files required)',
'userbox.new.activate': 'Use AquaBox',
'userbox.new.activate_desc': 'Enable displaying UserBoxes with their nameplate & avatar',
'userbox.new.error.invalidFolder': 'The folder you selected is invalid. Ensure that your game\'s version is Lumi or newer and that the "A001" option pack is present.'
export const EN_REF = { ...EN_REF_USER, ...EN_REF_Welcome, ...EN_REF_GENERAL,
@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
A simplified DDS parser with Chusan userbox in mind.
There are some issues on Safari. I don't really care, to be honest.
Authored by Raymond and May.
DDS header parsing based off of https://gist.github.com/brett19/13c83c2e5e38933757c2
import DDSCache from "./ddsCache";
function makeFourCC(string: string) {
return string.charCodeAt(0) +
(string.charCodeAt(1) << 8) +
(string.charCodeAt(2) << 16) +
(string.charCodeAt(3) << 24);
* @description Magic bytes for the DDS file format (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming))
const DDS_MAGIC_BYTES = 0x20534444;
to get around the fact that TS's builtin Object.fromEntries() typing
doesn't persist strict types and instead only uses broad types
without creating a new function to get around it...
sorry, this is a really ugly solution, but it's not my problem
* @description List of compression type markers used in DDS
const DDS_COMPRESSION_TYPE_MARKERS = ["DXT1", "DXT3", "DXT5"] as const;
* @description Object mapping string versions of DDS compression type markers to their value in uint32s
const DDS_COMPRESSION_TYPE_MARKERS_MAP = Object.fromEntries(
.map(e => [e, makeFourCC(e)] as [typeof e, number])
) as Record<typeof DDS_COMPRESSION_TYPE_MARKERS[number], number>
attribute vec2 aPosition;
varying highp vec2 vTextureCoord;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0.0, 1.0);
vTextureCoord = ((aPosition * vec2(1.0, -1.0)) / 2.0 + 0.5);
varying highp vec2 vTextureCoord;
uniform sampler2D uTexture;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(uTexture, vTextureCoord);
export class DDS {
constructor(db: IDBDatabase | undefined) {
this.cache = new DDSCache(db);
let gl = this.canvasGL.getContext("webgl");
if (!gl) throw new Error("Failed to get WebGL rendering context") // TODO: make it switch to Classic userbox
this.gl = gl;
let ctx = this.canvas2D.getContext("2d");
if (!ctx) throw new Error("Failed to reach minimum system requirements") // TODO: make it switch to Classic userbox
this.ctx = ctx;
let ext =
gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc") ||
gl.getExtension("MOZ_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc") ||
if (!ext) throw new Error("Browser is not supported."); // TODO: make it switch to Classic userbox
this.ext = ext;
/* Initialize shaders */
/* Setup position buffer */
let attributeLocation = this.gl.getAttribLocation(this.shader ?? 0, "aPosition");
let positionBuffer = this.gl.createBuffer();
this.gl.bindBuffer(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, positionBuffer);
this.gl.bufferData(this.gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0]), this.gl.STATIC_DRAW);
2, this.gl.FLOAT,
false, 0, 0
* @description Loads a DDS file into the internal canvas object.
* @param buffer Uint8Array to load DDS from.
* @returns String if failed to load, void if success
load(buffer: Uint8Array) {
let header = this.loadHeader(buffer);
if (!header) return;
let compressionMode: GLenum = this.ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
if (header.pixelFormat.flags & 0x4) {
switch (header.pixelFormat.type) {
compressionMode = this.ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
compressionMode = this.ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;
compressionMode = this.ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT;
} else return;
/* Initialize and configure the texture */
let texture = this.gl.createTexture();
this.gl.bindTexture(this.gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
this.gl.texParameteri(this.gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this.gl.LINEAR);
this.gl.texParameteri(this.gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this.gl.LINEAR);
this.gl.texParameteri(this.gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
this.gl.texParameteri(this.gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this.gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
this.gl.uniform1i(this.gl.getUniformLocation(this.shader || 0, "uTexture"), 0);
/* Prepare the canvas for drawing */
this.canvasGL.width = header.width;
this.canvasGL.height = header.height
this.gl.viewport(0, 0, this.canvasGL.width, this.canvasGL.height);
this.gl.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
this.gl.drawArrays(this.gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
* @description Export a Blob from the parsed DDS texture
* @returns DDS texture in specified format
* @param inFormat Mime type to export in
getBlob(inFormat?: string): Promise<Blob | null> {
return new Promise(res => this.canvasGL.toBlob(res, inFormat))
get2DBlob(inFormat?: string): Promise<Blob | null> {
return new Promise(res => this.canvas2D.toBlob(res, inFormat))
* @description Helper function to load in a Blob
* @input Blob to use
async fromBlob(input: Blob) {
this.load(new Uint8Array(await input.arrayBuffer()));
* @description Read a DDS file header
* @param buffer Uint8Array of the DDS file's contents
loadHeader(buffer: Uint8Array) {
if (this.getUint32(buffer, 0) !== DDS_MAGIC_BYTES) return;
return {
size: this.getUint32(buffer, 4),
flags: this.getUint32(buffer, 8),
height: this.getUint32(buffer, 12),
width: this.getUint32(buffer, 16),
mipmaps: this.getUint32(buffer, 24),
/* TODO: figure out if we can cut any of this out (we totally can btw) */
pixelFormat: {
size: this.getUint32(buffer, 76),
flags: this.getUint32(buffer, 80),
type: this.getUint32(buffer, 84),
* @description Retrieve a file from the IndexedDB database and load it into the DDS loader
* @param path File path
* @returns Whether or not the attempt to retrieve the file was successful
loadFile(path: string) : Promise<boolean> {
return new Promise(async r => {
let file = await this.cache?.getFromDatabase(path)
if (file != null)
await this.fromBlob(file)
r(file != null)
* @description Retrieve a file from a path
* @param path File path
* @param fallback Path to a file to fallback to if loading this file fails
* @returns An object URL which correlates to a Blob
async getFile(path: string, fallback?: string) : Promise<string> {
if (this.cache?.cached(path))
return this.cache.find(path) ?? ""
if (!await this.loadFile(path))
if (fallback) {
if (!await this.loadFile(fallback))
return "";
} else
return ""
let blob = await this.getBlob("image/png");
if (!blob) return ""
return this.cache?.save(
path, URL.createObjectURL(blob)
) ?? "";
* @description Transform a spritesheet located at a path to match the dimensions specified in the parameters
* @param path Spritesheet path
* @param x Crop: X
* @param y Crop: Y
* @param w Crop: Width
* @param h Crop: Height
* @param s Scale factor
* @returns An object URL which correlates to a Blob
async getFileFromSheet(path: string, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, s?: number): Promise<string> {
if (!await this.loadFile(path))
return "";
this.canvas2D.width = w * (s ?? 1);
this.canvas2D.height = h * (s ?? 1);
this.ctx.drawImage(this.canvasGL, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, w * (s ?? 1), h * (s ?? 1));
/* We don't want to cache this, it's a spritesheet piece. */
return URL.createObjectURL(await this.get2DBlob("image/png") ?? new Blob([]));
* @description Retrieve a file and scale it by a specified scale factor
* @param path File path
* @param s Scale factor
* @param fallback Path to a file to fallback to if loading this file fails
* @returns An object URL which correlates to a Blob
async getFileScaled(path: string, s: number, fallback?: string): Promise<string> {
if (this.cache?.cached(path, s))
return this.cache.find(path, s) ?? ""
if (!await this.loadFile(path))
if (fallback) {
if (!await this.loadFile(fallback))
return "";
} else
return "";
this.canvas2D.width = this.canvasGL.width * (s ?? 1);
this.canvas2D.height = this.canvasGL.height * (s ?? 1);
this.ctx.drawImage(this.canvasGL, 0, 0, this.canvasGL.width, this.canvasGL.height, 0, 0, this.canvasGL.width * (s ?? 1), this.canvasGL.height * (s ?? 1));
return this.cache?.save(path, URL.createObjectURL(await this.get2DBlob("image/png") ?? new Blob([])), s) ?? "";
* @description Retrieve a Uint32 from a Uint8Array at the specified offset
* @param buffer Uint8Array to retrieve the Uint32 from
* @param offset Offset at which to retrieve bytes
getUint32(buffer: Uint8Array, offset: number) {
return (buffer[offset + 0] << 0) +
(buffer[offset + 1] << 8) +
(buffer[offset + 2] << 16) +
(buffer[offset + 3] << 24);
private compileShaders() {
let vertexShader = this.gl.createShader(this.gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
let fragmentShader = this.gl.createShader(this.gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
if (!vertexShader || !fragmentShader) return;
this.gl.shaderSource(vertexShader, DDS_DECOMPRESS_VERTEX_SHADER);
if (!this.gl.getShaderParameter(vertexShader, this.gl.COMPILE_STATUS))
throw new Error(
`An error occurred compiling vertex shader: ${this.gl.getShaderInfoLog(vertexShader)}`,
this.gl.shaderSource(fragmentShader, DDS_DECOMPRESS_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
if (!this.gl.getShaderParameter(fragmentShader, this.gl.COMPILE_STATUS))
throw new Error(
`An error occurred compiling fragment shader: ${this.gl.getShaderInfoLog(fragmentShader)}`,
let program = this.gl.createProgram();
if (!program) return;
this.shader = program;
this.gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader);
this.gl.attachShader(program, fragmentShader);
if (!this.gl.getProgramParameter(program, this.gl.LINK_STATUS))
throw new Error(
`An error occurred linking the program: ${this.gl.getProgramInfoLog(program)}`,
canvas2D: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement("canvas");
canvasGL: HTMLCanvasElement = document.createElement("canvas");
cache: DDSCache | null;
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
gl: WebGLRenderingContext;
ext: ReturnType<typeof this.gl.getExtension>;
shader: WebGLShader | null = null;
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
export default class DDSCache {
constructor(db: IDBDatabase | undefined) {
this.db = db;
* @description Finds an object URL for the image with the specified path and scale
* @param path Image path
* @param scale Scale factor
find(path: string, scale: number = 1): string | undefined {
return (this.urlCache.find(
p => p.path == path && p.scale == scale)?.url)
* @description Checks whether an object URL is cached for the image with the specified path and scale
* @param path Image path
* @param scale Scale factor
cached(path: string, scale: number = 1): boolean {
return this.urlCache.some(
p => p.path == path && p.scale == scale)
* @description Save an object URL for the specified path and scale to the cache
* @param path Image path
* @param url Object URL
* @param scale Scale factor
save(path: string, url: string, scale: number = 1) {
if (this.cached(path, scale)) {
return this.find(path, scale)
this.urlCache.push({path, url, scale})
return url
* @description Retrieve a Blob from a database based on the specified path
* @param path Image path
getFromDatabase(path: string): Promise<Blob | null> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.db)
return resolve(null);
let transaction = this.db.transaction(["dds"], "readonly");
let objectStore = transaction.objectStore("dds");
let request = objectStore.get(path);
request.onsuccess = async (e) => {
if (request.result)
if (request.result.blob)
return resolve(request.result.blob);
return resolve(null);
request.onerror = () => resolve(null);
private urlCache: {scale: number, path: string, url: string}[] = [];
private db: IDBDatabase | undefined;
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
import { t, ts } from "../../libs/i18n";
import useLocalStorage from "../../libs/hooks/useLocalStorage.svelte";
const isDirectory = (e: FileSystemEntry): e is FileSystemDirectoryEntry => e.isDirectory
const isFile = (e: FileSystemEntry): e is FileSystemFileEntry => e.isFile
const getDirectory = (directory: FileSystemDirectoryEntry, path: string): Promise<FileSystemEntry> => new Promise((res, rej) => directory.getDirectory(path, {}, d => res(d), e => rej()));
const getFile = (directory: FileSystemDirectoryEntry, path: string): Promise<FileSystemEntry> => new Promise((res, rej) => directory.getFile(path, {}, d => res(d), e => rej()));
const getFiles = async (directory: FileSystemDirectoryEntry): Promise<Array<FileSystemEntry>> => {
let reader = directory.createReader();
let files: Array<FileSystemEntry> = [];
let currentFiles: number = 1e9;
while (currentFiles != 0) {
let entries = await new Promise<Array<FileSystemEntry>>(r => reader.readEntries(r));
files = files.concat(entries);
currentFiles = entries.length;
return files;
const validateDirectories = async (base: FileSystemDirectoryEntry, path: string): Promise<boolean> => {
const pathTrail = path.split("/");
let directory: FileSystemDirectoryEntry = base;
for (let part of pathTrail) {
let newDirectory = await getDirectory(directory, part).catch(_ => null);
if (newDirectory && isDirectory(newDirectory)) {
directory = newDirectory;
} else
return false;
return true
const getDirectoryFromPath = async (base: FileSystemDirectoryEntry, path: string): Promise<FileSystemDirectoryEntry | null> => {
const pathTrail = path.split("/");
let directory: FileSystemDirectoryEntry = base;
for (let part of pathTrail) {
let newDirectory = await getDirectory(directory, part).catch(_ => null);
if (newDirectory && isDirectory(newDirectory)) {
directory = newDirectory;
} else
return null;
return directory;
export let ddsDB: IDBDatabase | undefined ;
/* Technically, processName should be in the translation file but I figured it was such a small thing that it didn't REALLY matter... */
folder: "ddsImage",
processName: "Characters",
path: "characterThumbnail",
filter: (name: string) => name.substring(name.length - 6, name.length) == "02.dds",
id: (name: string) => `0${name.substring(17, 21)}${name.substring(23, 24)}`
folder: "namePlate",
processName: "Nameplates",
path: "nameplate",
filter: () => true,
id: (name: string) => name.substring(17, 25)
folder: "avatarAccessory",
processName: "Avatar Accessory Thumbnails",
path: "avatarAccessoryThumbnail",
filter: (name: string) => name.substring(14, 18) == "Icon",
id: (name: string) => name.substring(19, 27)
folder: "avatarAccessory",
processName: "Avatar Accessories",
path: "avatarAccessory",
filter: (name: string) => name.substring(14, 17) == "Tex",
id: (name: string) => name.substring(18, 26)
folder: "texture",
processName: "Surfboard Textures",
useFileName: true,
path: "surfboard",
filter: (name: string) =>
id: (name: string) => name
] satisfies {folder: string, processName: string, path: string, useFileName?: boolean, filter: (name: string) => boolean, id: (name: string) => string}[] )
export const scanOptionFolder = async (optionFolder: FileSystemDirectoryEntry, progressUpdate: (progress: number, text: string) => void) => {
let filesToProcess: Record<string, FileSystemFileEntry[]> = {};
let directories = (await getFiles(optionFolder))
.filter(directory => isDirectory(directory) && ((directory.name.substring(0, 1) == "A" && directory.name.length == 4) || directory.name == "surfboard"))
for (let directory of directories)
if (isDirectory(directory)) {
for (const directoryData of DIRECTORY_PATHS) {
let folder = await getDirectoryFromPath(directory, directoryData.folder).catch(_ => null) ?? [];
if (folder) {
if (!filesToProcess[directoryData.path])
filesToProcess[directoryData.path] = [];
for (let dataFolderEntry of await getFiles(folder as FileSystemDirectoryEntry).catch(_ => null) ?? [])
if (isDirectory(dataFolderEntry)) {
for (let dataEntry of await getFiles(dataFolderEntry as FileSystemDirectoryEntry).catch(_ => null) ?? [])
if (isFile(dataEntry) && directoryData.filter(dataEntry.name))
} else if (isFile(dataFolderEntry) && directoryData.filter(dataFolderEntry.name))
let data = [];
for (const [folder, files] of Object.entries(filesToProcess)) {
let reference = DIRECTORY_PATHS.find(r => r.path == folder);
for (const [idx, file] of files.entries()) {
progressUpdate((idx / files.length) * 100, `${t("userbox.new.setup.processing_file")} ${reference?.processName ?? "?"}...`)
path: `${folder}:${reference?.id(file.name)}`, name: file.name, blob: await new Promise<File>(res => file.file(res))
progressUpdate(100, `${t("userbox.new.setup.finalizing")}...`)
let transaction = ddsDB?.transaction(['dds'], 'readwrite', { durability: "strict" })
if (!transaction) return; // TODO: bubble error up to user
transaction.onerror = e => e.preventDefault()
let objectStore = transaction.objectStore('dds');
for (let object of data)
// await transaction completion
await new Promise(r => transaction.addEventListener("complete", r, {once: true}))
export function initializeDb() : Promise<void> {
return new Promise(r => {
const dbRequest = indexedDB.open("userboxChusanDDS", 1)
dbRequest.addEventListener("upgradeneeded", (event) => {
if (!(event.target instanceof IDBOpenDBRequest)) return
ddsDB = event.target.result;
if (!ddsDB) return;
const store = ddsDB.createObjectStore('dds', { keyPath: 'path' });
store.createIndex('path', 'path', { unique: true })
store.createIndex('name', 'name', { unique: false })
store.createIndex('blob', 'blob', { unique: false })
dbRequest.addEventListener("success", () => {
ddsDB = dbRequest.result;
export async function userboxFileProcess(folder: FileSystemEntry, progressUpdate: (progress: number, progressString: string) => void): Promise<string | null> {
if (!isDirectory(folder))
return t("userbox.new.error.invalidFolder")
if (!(await validateDirectories(folder, "bin/option")) || !(await validateDirectories(folder, "data/A000")))
return t("userbox.new.error.invalidFolder");
const optionFolder = await getDirectoryFromPath(folder, "bin/option");
if (optionFolder)
await scanOptionFolder(optionFolder, progressUpdate);
const dataFolder = await getDirectoryFromPath(folder, "data");
if (dataFolder)
await scanOptionFolder(dataFolder, progressUpdate);
useLocalStorage("userboxNew", false).value = true;
return null
Reference in New Issue