Accuracy info and other features (#84)

* tweaks slide fade in

* judge accuracy info

* Update SlideArrowAnimation.cs
Minepig 2024-11-19 01:32:18 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 29bb54d2cc
commit 4d25b6a43c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
4 changed files with 373 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -188,6 +188,10 @@ namespace AquaMai
# if CI
# endif

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@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using HarmonyLib;
using Manager;
using Monitor;
using Monitor.Result;
using Process;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
namespace AquaMai.UX;
public class JudgeAccuracyInfo
public class AccuracyEntryList
public List<float>[] DiffList = new List<float>[TableRowNames.Length];
public List<float>[] RawDiffList = new List<float>[TableRowNames.Length];
public HashSet<int> NoteIndices = new();
public AccuracyEntryList()
for (int i = 0; i < TableRowNames.Length; i++)
DiffList[i] = new List<float>();
RawDiffList[i] = new List<float>();
public static AccuracyEntryList[] EntryList = new AccuracyEntryList[2];
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(GameProcess), "OnStart")]
private static void OnGameProcessStartFinish()
for (int i = 0; i < EntryList.Length; i++)
EntryList[i] = new AccuracyEntryList();
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ResultProcess), "OnRelease")]
private static void OnResultProcessReleaseFinish()
for (int i = 0; i < EntryList.Length; i++)
EntryList[i] = null;
Controllers[i] = null;
public static class NoteBaseJudgePatch
public static IEnumerable<MethodBase> TargetMethods()
AccessTools.Method(typeof(NoteBase), "Judge"),
AccessTools.Method(typeof(HoldNote), "JudgeHoldHead"),
AccessTools.Method(typeof(BreakHoldNote), "JudgeHoldHead"),
AccessTools.Method(typeof(TouchNoteB), "Judge"),
AccessTools.Method(typeof(TouchHoldC), "JudgeHoldHead"),
public static void Postfix(
NoteBase __instance, bool __result,
float ___JudgeTimingDiffMsec, float ___AppearMsec, NoteJudge.EJudgeType ___JudgeType, int ___NoteIndex
var monitor = __instance.MonitorId;
if (!__result || EntryList[monitor].NoteIndices.Contains(___NoteIndex)) return;
var raw = (NotesManager.GetCurrentMsec() - ___AppearMsec) - NoteJudge.JudgeAdjustMs;
switch (___JudgeType)
case NoteJudge.EJudgeType.Tap:
case NoteJudge.EJudgeType.Break:
case NoteJudge.EJudgeType.Touch:
case NoteJudge.EJudgeType.ExTap:
// MelonLogger.Msg($"{___JudgeType}: {___JudgeTimingDiffMsec}, {raw}");
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SlideRoot), "Judge")]
private static void SlideRootJudgePatch(
SlideRoot __instance, bool __result,
float ___JudgeTimingDiffMsec, float ___TailMsec, float ___lastWaitTimeForJudge,
NoteJudge.EJudgeType ___JudgeType, int ___NoteIndex
var monitor = __instance.MonitorId;
if (!__result || EntryList[monitor].NoteIndices.Contains(___NoteIndex)) return;
var raw = (NotesManager.GetCurrentMsec() - ___TailMsec + ___lastWaitTimeForJudge) - NoteJudge.JudgeAdjustMs;
EntryList[monitor].DiffList[1].Add(___JudgeTimingDiffMsec - NoteJudge.JudgeAdjustMs);
// MelonLogger.Msg($"{___JudgeType}: {___JudgeTimingDiffMsec}, {raw}");
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ResultProcess), "OnStart")]
private static void OnResultProcessStartFinish(
ResultMonitor[] ____monitors, ResultProcess.ResultScoreViewType[] ____resultScoreViewType, UserData[] ____userData
foreach (var monitor in ____monitors)
var idx = monitor.MonitorIndex;
if (!____userData[idx].IsEntry) continue;
var fileName = $"Acc_Track_{GameManager.MusicTrackNumber}_Player_{idx}.txt";
var filePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, fileName);
using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath))
for (int i = 0; i < TableRowNames.Length; i++)
writer.WriteLine($"Row: {TableRowNames[i]}");
writer.WriteLine(" DiffList:");
writer.WriteLine($" {string.Join(", ", EntryList[idx].DiffList[i])}");
writer.WriteLine(" RawDiffList:");
writer.WriteLine($" {string.Join(", ", EntryList[idx].RawDiffList[i])}");
var controller = Traverse.Create(monitor).Field<ScoreBoardController>("_scoreBoardController").Value;
var newController = Object.Instantiate(controller, controller.transform);
newController.gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>().enabled = false;
newController.transform.localPosition =;
var table = ExtractTextObjs(newController);
for (var i = 0; i < TableHead.Length; i++)
table[0, i].text = TableHead[i];
for (var i = 0; i < TableRowNames.Length; i++)
table[i + 1, 0].text = TableRowNames[i];
var num = EntryList[idx].DiffList[i].Count;
table[i + 1, 1].text = num.ToString();
if (num <= 0)
table[i + 1, 2].text = "——";
table[i + 1, 3].text = "——";
table[i + 1, 4].text = "——";
var average = EntryList[idx].DiffList[i].Average();
var averageFrame = average * 0.06f;
table[i + 1, 2].text = averageFrame.ToString("+0.00;-0.00;0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var averageRawFrame = EntryList[idx].RawDiffList[i].Average() * 0.06f;
table[i + 1, 3].text = averageRawFrame.ToString("+0.00;-0.00;0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (num <= 1)
table[i + 1, 4].text = "——";
var deviSqr = EntryList[idx].DiffList[i].Sum(x => (x - average) * (x - average)) / (num - 1);
var devi = Mathf.Sqrt(deviSqr) * 0.06f;
table[i + 1, 4].text = devi.ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
newController.gameObject.SetActive(____resultScoreViewType[idx] == ResultProcess.ResultScoreViewType.VSResult);
Controllers[idx] = newController;
private static readonly ScoreBoardController[] Controllers = new ScoreBoardController[2];
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(ResultMonitor), "ChangeScoreBoard")]
private static void OnChangeScoreBoard(
ResultMonitor __instance, ResultProcess.ResultScoreViewType resultScoreType
Controllers[__instance.MonitorIndex].gameObject.SetActive(resultScoreType == ResultProcess.ResultScoreViewType.VSResult);
private static readonly string[] RowNames = ["_tap", "_hold", "_slide", "_touch", "_break"];
private static readonly string[] ColumnNames = ["_critical", "_perfect", "_great", "_good", "_miss"];
private static readonly string[] TableHead = ["", "NUM", "AVG", "RAW", "S.D."];
private static readonly string[] TableRowNames = ["TAP", "SLD", "TCH", "EX"];
private static TextMeshProUGUI[,] ExtractTextObjs(ScoreBoardController controller)
var result = new TextMeshProUGUI[RowNames.Length, ColumnNames.Length];
for (var i = 0; i < RowNames.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < ColumnNames.Length; j++)
var trav = Traverse.Create(controller)
var text = trav.Field<TextMeshProUGUI>("_numberText").Value;
text.color =;
result[i, j] = text;
return result;

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public class SlideArrowAnimation
for (var num = _animatingSpriteRenderers.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--)
var spriteRenderer = _animatingSpriteRenderers[num];
if (spriteRenderer == null)
if (spriteRenderer == null || !spriteRenderer.gameObject.activeSelf)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using HarmonyLib;
using MAI2.Util;
using Manager;
using Monitor;
using UnityEngine;
namespace AquaMai.Visual;
public class SlideFadeInTweak
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SlideRoot), "UpdateAlpha")]
private static bool UpdateAlphaOverwrite(
SlideRoot __instance,
ref bool ___UpdateAlphaFlag,
float ___StartMsec, float ___AppearMsec, float ___StarLaunchMsec, float ___DefaultMsec,
int ____dispLaneNum, bool ___BreakFlag,
List<SpriteRenderer> ____spriteRenders, List<BreakSlide> ____breakSpriteRenders
if (!___UpdateAlphaFlag)
return false;
var currentMsec = NotesManager.GetCurrentMsec();
var slideSpeed = (int) Singleton<GamePlayManager>.Instance.GetGameScore(__instance.MonitorId).UserOption.SlideSpeed;
var defaultFadeInLength = (21 - slideSpeed) / 10.5f * ___DefaultMsec;
var fadeInFirstMsec = Math.Max(___StartMsec, ___AppearMsec - defaultFadeInLength);
var fadeInSecondMsec = Math.Max(___AppearMsec, ___StarLaunchMsec - defaultFadeInLength);
// var fadeInSecondMsec = ___AppearMsec;
var color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
if (currentMsec >= ___StarLaunchMsec)
___UpdateAlphaFlag = false;
else if (currentMsec < fadeInFirstMsec)
color.a = 0.0f;
else if (fadeInFirstMsec <= currentMsec && currentMsec < ___AppearMsec)
var fadeInLength = Math.Min(200.0f, ___AppearMsec - fadeInFirstMsec);
color.a = 0.5f * Math.Min(1f, (currentMsec - fadeInFirstMsec) / fadeInLength);
else if (___AppearMsec <= currentMsec && currentMsec < fadeInSecondMsec)
color.a = 0.5f;
else if (fadeInSecondMsec <= currentMsec && currentMsec < ___StarLaunchMsec)
var fadeInLength = Math.Min(200.0f, ___StarLaunchMsec - fadeInSecondMsec);
// var fadeInLength = ___StarLaunchMsec - fadeInSecondMsec;
color.a = 0.5f + 0.5f * Math.Min(1f, (currentMsec - fadeInSecondMsec) / fadeInLength);
if (!___BreakFlag)
for (var index = 0; index < ____dispLaneNum; ++index)
if (index >= ____spriteRenders.Count) break;
____spriteRenders[index].color = color;
for (var index = 0; index < ____dispLaneNum; ++index)
if (index >= ____breakSpriteRenders.Count) break;
____breakSpriteRenders[index].SpriteRender.color = color;
return false;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(SlideFan), "UpdateAlpha")]
private static bool UpdateFanAlphaOverwrite(
SlideRoot __instance,
float ___StartMsec, float ___AppearMsec, float ___StarLaunchMsec, float ___DefaultMsec,
Color ____defaultColor, SpriteRenderer[] ____spriteLines
var currentMsec = NotesManager.GetCurrentMsec();
var slideSpeed = (int) Singleton<GamePlayManager>.Instance.GetGameScore(__instance.MonitorId).UserOption.SlideSpeed;
var defaultFadeInLength = (21 - slideSpeed) / 10.5f * ___DefaultMsec;
var fadeInFirstMsec = Math.Max(___StartMsec, ___AppearMsec - defaultFadeInLength);
var fadeInSecondMsec = Math.Max(___AppearMsec, ___StarLaunchMsec - defaultFadeInLength);
// var fadeInSecondMsec = ___AppearMsec;
var color = ____defaultColor;
if (currentMsec < fadeInFirstMsec)
color.a = 0.0f;
else if (fadeInFirstMsec <= currentMsec && currentMsec < ___AppearMsec)
var fadeInLength = Math.Min(200.0f, ___AppearMsec - fadeInFirstMsec);
color.a = 0.3f * Math.Min(1f, (currentMsec - fadeInFirstMsec) / fadeInLength);
else if (___AppearMsec <= currentMsec && currentMsec < fadeInSecondMsec)
color.a = 0.3f;
else if (fadeInSecondMsec <= currentMsec && currentMsec < ___StarLaunchMsec)
var fadeInLength = Math.Min(200.0f, ___StarLaunchMsec - fadeInSecondMsec);
// var fadeInLength = ___StarLaunchMsec - fadeInSecondMsec;
color.a = 0.3f + 0.3f * Math.Min(1f, (currentMsec - fadeInSecondMsec) / fadeInLength);
color.a = 0.6f;
foreach (SpriteRenderer spriteLine in ____spriteLines)
spriteLine.color = color;
return false;