[F] Fix maimai reboot time setting

Azalea 2024-04-26 00:11:50 -04:00
parent affec8d3c1
commit 8449853076
1 changed files with 50 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ import io.ktor.client.request.*
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*
import java.time.Instant
import java.time.ZoneId
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMemberProperties
@ -34,6 +37,8 @@ class Maimai2ServletController(
companion object {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Maimai2ServletController::class.java)
private val empty = listOf<Any>()
private val GAME_SETTING_DATE_FMT = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("2010-01-01 HH:mm:00.0")
private val GAME_SETTING_TIME_FMT = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:00")
val getUserExtend = UserReqHandler { _, userId -> mapOf(
@ -206,6 +211,50 @@ class Maimai2ServletController(
val getGameRanking = BaseHandler { mapOf("type" to it["type"].toString(), "gameRankingList" to empty) }
val getGameTournamentInfo = BaseHandler { mapOf("length" to 0, "gameTournamentInfoList" to empty) }
val getGameSetting = BaseHandler {
// The client-side implementation for reboot time is extremely cursed.
// Only hour and minute are used, date is discarded and second is set to 0.
// And it's using local timezone instead of treating it as UTC.
// The official maimai cabs will reboot every day, but we don't want that
// So, we need to return the hour and minute 18 hours from now
val rebootStart = Instant.now().atZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo")).plusSeconds(60 * 60 * 18)
val rebootEnd = rebootStart.plusSeconds(60)
"isAouAccession" to true,
"gameSetting" to mapOf(
"rebootStartTime" to GAME_SETTING_DATE_FMT.format(rebootStart),
"rebootEndTime" to GAME_SETTING_DATE_FMT.format(rebootEnd),
"rebootInterval" to 0,
// Fields below doesn't seem to be used by the client at all
"isMaintenance" to false,
"requestInterval" to 10,
"movieUploadLimit" to 0,
"movieStatus" to 0,
"movieServerUri" to "",
"deliverServerUri" to "",
"oldServerUri" to "",
"usbDlServerUri" to "",
// Fields below are SDGB-specific settings (not present in SDEZ)
"pingDisable" to true,
"packetTimeout" to 20_000,
"packetTimeoutLong" to 60_000,
"packetRetryCount" to 5,
"userDataDlErrTimeout" to 300_000,
"userDataDlErrRetryCount" to 5,
"userDataDlErrSamePacketRetryCount" to 5,
"userDataUpSkipTimeout" to 0,
"userDataUpSkipRetryCount" to 0,
"iconPhotoDisable" to true,
"uploadPhotoDisable" to false,
"maxCountMusic" to 0,
"maxCountItem" to 0
val endpointList = setOf("GetGameEventApi", "GetGameRankingApi", "GetGameSettingApi", "GetGameTournamentInfoApi",
"GetTransferFriendApi", "GetUserActivityApi", "GetUserCardApi", "GetUserCharacterApi", "GetUserDataApi",
"GetUserExtendApi", "GetUserFavoriteApi", "GetUserGhostApi", "GetUserItemApi", "GetUserLoginBonusApi",
@ -219,7 +268,7 @@ class Maimai2ServletController(
"CMUpsertUserPrintlogApi", "GetUserFavoriteItemApi", "GetUserRivalDataApi", "GetUserRivalMusicApi",
"GetUserScoreRankingApi", "UpsertClientBookkeepingApi", "UpsertClientSettingApi",
"UpsertClientTestmodeApi", "UpsertClientUploadApi", "Ping", "RemoveTokenApi", "CMLoginApi", "CMLogoutApi",
"CMUpsertBuyCardApi", "GetGameSettingApi").toMutableList()
val noopEndpoint = endpointList.popAll("GetUserScoreRankingApi", "UpsertClientBookkeepingApi",
"UpsertClientSettingApi", "UpsertClientTestmodeApi", "UpsertClientUploadApi", "Ping", "RemoveTokenApi",
@ -229,22 +278,6 @@ class Maimai2ServletController(
val staticEndpoint = mapOf(
"CreateTokenApi" to """{"Bearer":"meow"}""",
"CMUpsertUserPrintlogApi" to """{"returnCode":1,"orderId":"0","serialId":"FAKECARDIMAG12345678"}""",
"GetGameSettingApi" to mapOf(
"isAouAccession" to true,
"gameSetting" to mapOf(
"isMaintenance" to false,
"requestInterval" to 10,
"rebootStartTime" to "2099-01-01 23:59:00.0",
"rebootEndTime" to "2099-01-01 23:59:01.0",
"movieUploadLimit" to 10000,
"movieStatus" to 0,
"movieServerUri" to "",
"deliverServerUri" to "",
"oldServerUri" to "",
"usbDlServerUri" to "",
"rebootInterval" to 0
).also { endpointList.popAll(it.keys.toList()) }
val members = this::class.declaredMemberProperties