[+] Chusan rating calculation

Azalea 2024-12-26 19:37:55 -05:00
parent 038e76ed94
commit 8b90449970
3 changed files with 171 additions and 115 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
import { slide } from "svelte/transition";
import { DATA_HOST } from "../libs/config";
import { t } from "../libs/i18n";
import { type GameName, getMult, roundFloor } from "../libs/scoring";
import { type GameName, getMult, parseComposition, roundFloor } from "../libs/scoring";
import { coverNotFound } from "../libs/ui";
import type { MusicMeta } from "../libs/generalTypes";
import { tooltip } from "../libs/ui";
@ -14,47 +14,35 @@
export let meta: MusicMeta
export let game: GameName
let mapData = g.split(":").map(Number)
let mult = getMult(mapData[3], game)
let mapRank: number | undefined = meta?.notes?.[mapData[1] === 10 ? 0 : mapData[1]]?.lv
const rounding = useLocalStorage("rounding", true);
let gameIndexMap = {
'mai2': 3,
'ongeki': 2,
'chu3': 2
let gameIndex = gameIndexMap[game as keyof typeof gameIndexMap];
// // mapData: [id, difficulty, score, rank]
// let mapData = g.split(":").map(Number)
// // mult: [score cutoff, rank multiplier, rank text]
// let mult = getMult(mapData[3], game)
// let mapRank: number | undefined = meta?.notes?.[mapData[1] === 10 ? 0 : mapData[1]]?.lv
const p = parseComposition(g, meta, game)
const rounding = useLocalStorage("rounding", true)
<div class="map-detail-container" transition:slide>
<div class="scores">
<img src={`${DATA_HOST}/d/${game}/music/00${mapData[0].toString().padStart(6, '0').substring(2)}.png`} alt="" on:error={coverNotFound} />
<img src={p.img} alt="" on:error={coverNotFound} />
<div class="info">
<div class="first-line">
<div class="song-title">{meta?.name ?? t("UserHome.UnknownSong")}</div>
<span class={`lv level-${mapData[1] === 10 ? 3 : mapData[1]}`}>
{ mapRank ?? '-' }
<span class={`lv level-${p.diffId === 10 ? 3 : p.diffId}`}>
{ p.difficulty ?? '-' }
<div class="second-line">
<span class={`rank-${getMult(mapData[gameIndex], game)[2].toString()[0]}`}>
<span class="rank-text">{("" + getMult(mapData[gameIndex], game)[2]).replace("p", "+")}</span>
<span class="rank-num" use:tooltip={(mapData[gameIndex] / 10000).toFixed(4)}>
rounding.value ?
roundFloor(mapData[gameIndex], game, 1) :
(mapData[gameIndex] / 10000).toFixed(4)
<span class={`rank-${p.rank[0]}`}>
<span class="rank-text">{p.rank.replace("p", "+")}</span>
<span class="rank-num" use:tooltip={(p.score / 10000).toFixed(4)}>
{rounding.value ? roundFloor(p.score, game, 1) : (p.score / 10000).toFixed(4)}%
{#if game === 'mai2'}
<span class="dx-change">
{ mapRank ? Math.floor(mapRank * mult[1] * (Math.min(100.5, mapData[3] / 10000) / 100)) : '-' }
{#if p.ratingChange !== undefined}
<span class="dx-change">{ p.ratingChange.toFixed(1) }</span>

View File

@ -1,85 +1,151 @@
export type GameName = 'mai2' | 'chu3' | 'ongeki' | 'wacca'
const multTable = {
'mai2': [
[ 100.5, 22.4, 'SSSp' ],
[ 100.0, 21.6, 'SSS' ],
[ 99.5, 21.1, 'SSp' ],
[ 99, 20.8, 'SS' ],
[ 98, 20.3, 'Sp' ],
[ 97, 20, 'S' ],
[ 94, 16.8, 'AAA' ],
[ 90, 15.2, 'AA' ],
[ 80, 13.6, 'A' ],
[ 75, 12, 'BBB' ],
[ 70, 11.2, 'BB' ],
[ 60, 9.6, 'B' ],
[ 50, 8, 'C' ],
[ 40, 6.4, 'D' ],
[ 30, 4.8, 'D' ],
[ 20, 3.2, 'D' ],
[ 10, 1.6, 'D' ],
[ 0, 0, 'D' ]
// TODO: Fill in multipliers for Chunithm and Ongeki
'chu3': [
[ 100.75, 0, 'SSS' ],
[ 100.0, 0, 'SS' ],
[ 97.5, 0, 'S' ],
[ 95.0, 0, 'AAA' ],
[ 92.5, 0, 'AA' ],
[ 90.0, 0, 'A' ],
[ 80.0, 0, 'BBB' ],
[ 70.0, 0, 'BB' ],
[ 60.0, 0, 'B' ],
[ 50.0, 0, 'C' ],
[ 0.0, 0, 'D' ]
'ongeki': [
[ 100.75, 0, 'SSS+' ],
[ 100.0, 0, 'SSS' ],
[ 99.0, 0, 'SS' ],
[ 97.0, 0, 'S' ],
[ 94.0, 0, 'AAA' ],
[ 90.0, 0, 'AA' ],
[ 85.0, 0, 'A' ],
[ 80.0, 0, 'BBB' ],
[ 75.0, 0, 'BB' ],
[ 70.0, 0, 'B' ],
[ 50.0, 0, 'C' ],
[ 0.0, 0, 'D' ]
'wacca': [
[ 100.0, 0, 'AP' ],
[ 98.0, 0, 'SSS' ],
[ 95.0, 0, 'SS' ],
[ 90.0, 0, 'S' ],
[ 85.0, 0, 'AAA' ],
[ 80.0, 0, 'AA' ],
[ 70.0, 0, 'A' ],
[ 60.0, 0, 'B' ],
[ 1.0, 0, 'C' ],
[ 0.0, 0, 'D' ]
export function getMult(achievement: number, game: GameName) {
achievement /= 10000
const mt = multTable[game]
for (let i = 0; i < mt.length; i++) {
if (achievement >= (mt[i][0] as number)) return mt[i]
return [ 0, 0, 0 ]
export function roundFloor(achievement: number, game: GameName, digits = 2) {
// Round, but if the rounded number reaches the next rank, use floor instead
const mult = getMult(achievement, game);
achievement /= 10000
const rounded = achievement.toFixed(digits);
if (getMult(+rounded * 10000, game)[2] === mult[2] && rounded !== '101.0') return rounded;
return (+rounded - Math.pow(10, -digits)).toFixed(digits);
import { DATA_HOST } from "./config"
import type { MusicMeta } from "./generalTypes"
export type GameName = 'mai2' | 'chu3' | 'ongeki' | 'wacca'
const multTable = {
'mai2': [
[ 100.5, 22.4, 'SSSp' ],
[ 100.0, 21.6, 'SSS' ],
[ 99.5, 21.1, 'SSp' ],
[ 99, 20.8, 'SS' ],
[ 98, 20.3, 'Sp' ],
[ 97, 20, 'S' ],
[ 94, 16.8, 'AAA' ],
[ 90, 15.2, 'AA' ],
[ 80, 13.6, 'A' ],
[ 75, 12, 'BBB' ],
[ 70, 11.2, 'BB' ],
[ 60, 9.6, 'B' ],
[ 50, 8, 'C' ],
[ 40, 6.4, 'D' ],
[ 30, 4.8, 'D' ],
[ 20, 3.2, 'D' ],
[ 10, 1.6, 'D' ],
[ 0, 0, 'D' ]
// TODO: Fill in multipliers for Chunithm and Ongeki
'chu3': [
[ 100.9, 215, 'SSS+' ],
[ 100.75, 200, 'SSS' ],
[ 100.0, 0, 'SS' ],
[ 97.5, 0, 'S' ],
[ 95.0, 0, 'AAA' ],
[ 92.5, 0, 'AA' ],
[ 90.0, 0, 'A' ],
[ 80.0, 0, 'BBB' ],
[ 70.0, 0, 'BB' ],
[ 60.0, 0, 'B' ],
[ 50.0, 0, 'C' ],
[ 0.0, 0, 'D' ]
'ongeki': [
[ 100.75, 0, 'SSS+' ],
[ 100.0, 0, 'SSS' ],
[ 99.0, 0, 'SS' ],
[ 97.0, 0, 'S' ],
[ 94.0, 0, 'AAA' ],
[ 90.0, 0, 'AA' ],
[ 85.0, 0, 'A' ],
[ 80.0, 0, 'BBB' ],
[ 75.0, 0, 'BB' ],
[ 70.0, 0, 'B' ],
[ 50.0, 0, 'C' ],
[ 0.0, 0, 'D' ]
'wacca': [
[ 100.0, 0, 'AP' ],
[ 98.0, 0, 'SSS' ],
[ 95.0, 0, 'SS' ],
[ 90.0, 0, 'S' ],
[ 85.0, 0, 'AAA' ],
[ 80.0, 0, 'AA' ],
[ 70.0, 0, 'A' ],
[ 60.0, 0, 'B' ],
[ 1.0, 0, 'C' ],
[ 0.0, 0, 'D' ]
export function getMult(achievement: number, game: GameName) {
achievement /= 10000
const mt = multTable[game]
for (let i = 0; i < mt.length; i++) {
if (achievement >= (mt[i][0] as number)) return mt[i]
return [ 0, 0, 0 ]
export function roundFloor(achievement: number, game: GameName, digits = 2) {
// Round, but if the rounded number reaches the next rank, use floor instead
const mult = getMult(achievement, game);
achievement /= 10000
const rounded = achievement.toFixed(digits);
if (getMult(+rounded * 10000, game)[2] === mult[2] && rounded !== '101.0') return rounded;
return (+rounded - Math.pow(10, -digits)).toFixed(digits);
export function chusanRating(lv: number, score: number) {
lv = lv * 100
if (score >= 1009000) return lv + 215; // SSS+
if (score >= 1007500) return lv + 200 + (score - 1007500) / 100; // SSS
if (score >= 1005000) return lv + 150 + (score - 1005000) / 50; // SS+
if (score >= 1000000) return lv + 100 + (score - 1000000) / 100; // SS
if (score >= 975000) return lv + (score - 975000) / 250; // S+, S
if (score >= 925000) return lv - 300 + (score - 925000) * 3 / 500; // AA
if (score >= 900000) return lv - 500 + (score - 900000) * 4 / 500; // A
if (score >= 800000) return ((lv - 500) / 2 + (score - 800000) * ((lv - 500) / 2) / (100000)); // BBB
return 0; // C
interface ParsedComposition {
musicId: number
diffId: number // ID of the difficulty
score: number
cutoff: number
mult: number
rank: string // e.g. 'SSS+'
difficulty?: number // Actual difficulty of the map
img: string
ratingChange?: number // Rating change after playing this map
export function parseComposition(item: string, meta: MusicMeta, game: GameName): ParsedComposition {
// Chuni & ongeki: musicId, difficultId, score
// Mai: musicId, level (difficultyId), romVersion, achievement (score)
const mapData = item.split(':').map(Number)
if (game === 'mai2') mapData.splice(2, 1)
const [ musicId, diffId, score ] = mapData
// Get score multiplier
const tup = getMult(score, game)
const [ cutoff, mult ] = [ +tup[0], +tup[1] ]
const rank = tup[2] as string
let diff = meta?.notes?.[mapData[1] === 10 ? 0 : mapData[1]]?.lv
function calcDxChange() {
if (!diff) return
if (game === 'mai2')
return Math.floor(diff * +mult * (Math.min(100.5, mapData[3] / 10000) / 100))
if (game === 'chu3')
return chusanRating(diff, score) / 100
return {
difficulty: diff,
img: `${DATA_HOST}/d/${game}/music/00${mapData[0].toString().padStart(6, '0').substring(2)}.png`,
ratingChange: calcDxChange()

View File

@ -260,6 +260,8 @@
<RatingComposition title="B35" comp={d.user.ratingComposition.best35} {allMusics} {game}/>
<RatingComposition title="B15" comp={d.user.ratingComposition.best15} {allMusics} {game}/>
<RatingComposition title="Recent 10" comp={d.user.ratingComposition.recent10} {allMusics} {game}/>
<RatingComposition title="N10" comp={d.user.ratingComposition.next10} {allMusics} {game}/>
<RatingComposition title="Recent 40" comp={d.user.ratingComposition.recent10} {allMusics} {game}/>
<div class="recent">