[O] Reformat GetUserMusic

Azalea 2025-01-11 02:19:45 -05:00
parent 65cc3095e2
commit 94a0086fdd
1 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -167,10 +167,11 @@ fun ChusanController.chusanInit() {
"GetUserMusic".paged("userMusicList") {
// Compatibility: Older chusan uses boolean for isSuccess
fun checkAncient(d: List<UserMusicDetail>) =
data["version"]?.double?.let { if (it >= 2.15) d else d.map {
d.toJson().jsonMap().mut.apply { this["isSuccess"] = this["isSuccess"].truthy }
} } ?: d
fun checkAncient(d: List<UserMusicDetail>) = data["version"]?.double?.let { ver ->
if (ver >= 2.15) d else d.map { entry ->
entry.toJson().jsonMap().mut.also { it["isSuccess"] = it["isSuccess"].truthy }
} ?: d
db.userMusicDetail.findByUser_Card_ExtId(uid).groupBy { it.musicId }
.mapValues { mapOf("length" to it.value.size, "userMusicDetailList" to checkAncient(it.value)) }