mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
@ -6,85 +6,128 @@ using HarmonyLib;
using MAI2.Util;
using Manager;
using Manager.UserDatas;
using MelonLoader;
using Net;
using Net.Packet;
using Net.Packet.Mai2;
using Net.VO;
namespace AquaMai.Core.Helpers;
public static class Shim
private static T Iife<T>(Func<T> func) => func();
public static readonly string apiSuffix = Iife(() =>
var baseNetQueryConstructor = typeof(NetQuery<VOSerializer, VOSerializer>)
return ((INetQuery)baseNetQueryConstructor.Invoke(
.Select((parameter, i) => i == 0 ? "" : parameter.DefaultValue)
catch (Exception e)
MelonLogger.Error($"Failed to resolve the API suffix: {e}");
return null;
public static string RemoveApiSuffix(string api)
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiSuffix) && api.EndsWith(apiSuffix)
? api.Substring(0, api.Length - apiSuffix.Length)
: api;
public delegate string GetAccessTokenMethod(int index);
public static readonly GetAccessTokenMethod GetAccessToken = new Func<GetAccessTokenMethod>(() => {
var tOperationManager = Traverse.Create(Singleton<OperationManager>.Instance);
var tGetAccessToken = tOperationManager.Method("GetAccessToken", [typeof(int)]);
if (!tGetAccessToken.MethodExists())
return (index) => throw new MissingMethodException("No matching OperationManager.GetAccessToken() method found");
return (index) => tGetAccessToken.GetValue<string>(index);
public static readonly GetAccessTokenMethod GetAccessToken = Iife<GetAccessTokenMethod>(() =>
var tOperationManager = Traverse.Create(Singleton<OperationManager>.Instance);
var tGetAccessToken = tOperationManager.Method("GetAccessToken", [typeof(int)]);
if (!tGetAccessToken.MethodExists())
return (index) => throw new MissingMethodException("No matching OperationManager.GetAccessToken() method found");
return (index) => tGetAccessToken.GetValue<string>(index);
public delegate PacketUploadUserPlaylog PacketUploadUserPlaylogCreator(int index, UserData src, int trackNo, Action<int> onDone, Action<PacketStatus> onError = null);
public static readonly PacketUploadUserPlaylogCreator CreatePacketUploadUserPlaylog = new Func<PacketUploadUserPlaylogCreator>(() => {
var type = typeof(PacketUploadUserPlaylog);
if (type.GetConstructor([typeof(int), typeof(UserData), typeof(int), typeof(Action<int>), typeof(Action<PacketStatus>)]) is ConstructorInfo ctor1) {
return (index, src, trackNo, onDone, onError) => {
var args = new object[] {index, src, trackNo, onDone, onError};
return (PacketUploadUserPlaylog)ctor1.Invoke(args);
else if (type.GetConstructor([typeof(int), typeof(UserData), typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(Action<int>), typeof(Action<PacketStatus>)]) is ConstructorInfo ctor2) {
return (index, src, trackNo, onDone, onError) => {
var accessToken = GetAccessToken(index);
var args = new object[] {index, src, trackNo, accessToken, onDone, onError};
return (PacketUploadUserPlaylog)ctor2.Invoke(args);
throw new MissingMethodException("No matching PacketUploadUserPlaylog constructor found");
public static readonly PacketUploadUserPlaylogCreator CreatePacketUploadUserPlaylog = Iife<PacketUploadUserPlaylogCreator>(() =>
var type = typeof(PacketUploadUserPlaylog);
if (type.GetConstructor([typeof(int), typeof(UserData), typeof(int), typeof(Action<int>), typeof(Action<PacketStatus>)]) is ConstructorInfo ctor1)
return (index, src, trackNo, onDone, onError) =>
var args = new object[] { index, src, trackNo, onDone, onError };
return (PacketUploadUserPlaylog)ctor1.Invoke(args);
else if (type.GetConstructor([typeof(int), typeof(UserData), typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(Action<int>), typeof(Action<PacketStatus>)]) is ConstructorInfo ctor2)
return (index, src, trackNo, onDone, onError) =>
var accessToken = GetAccessToken(index);
var args = new object[] { index, src, trackNo, accessToken, onDone, onError };
return (PacketUploadUserPlaylog)ctor2.Invoke(args);
throw new MissingMethodException("No matching PacketUploadUserPlaylog constructor found");
public delegate PacketUpsertUserAll PacketUpsertUserAllCreator(int index, UserData src, Action<int> onDone, Action<PacketStatus> onError = null);
public static readonly PacketUpsertUserAllCreator CreatePacketUpsertUserAll = new Func<PacketUpsertUserAllCreator>(() => {
var type = typeof(PacketUpsertUserAll);
if (type.GetConstructor([typeof(int), typeof(UserData), typeof(Action<int>), typeof(Action<PacketStatus>)]) is ConstructorInfo ctor1) {
return (index, src, onDone, onError) => {
var args = new object[] {index, src, onDone, onError};
return (PacketUpsertUserAll)ctor1.Invoke(args);
else if (type.GetConstructor([typeof(int), typeof(UserData), typeof(string), typeof(Action<int>), typeof(Action<PacketStatus>)]) is ConstructorInfo ctor2) {
return (index, src, onDone, onError) => {
var accessToken = GetAccessToken(index);
var args = new object[] {index, src, accessToken, onDone, onError};
return (PacketUpsertUserAll)ctor2.Invoke(args);
throw new MissingMethodException("No matching PacketUpsertUserAll constructor found");
public static readonly PacketUpsertUserAllCreator CreatePacketUpsertUserAll = Iife<PacketUpsertUserAllCreator>(() =>
var type = typeof(PacketUpsertUserAll);
if (type.GetConstructor([typeof(int), typeof(UserData), typeof(Action<int>), typeof(Action<PacketStatus>)]) is ConstructorInfo ctor1)
return (index, src, onDone, onError) =>
var args = new object[] { index, src, onDone, onError };
return (PacketUpsertUserAll)ctor1.Invoke(args);
else if (type.GetConstructor([typeof(int), typeof(UserData), typeof(string), typeof(Action<int>), typeof(Action<PacketStatus>)]) is ConstructorInfo ctor2)
return (index, src, onDone, onError) =>
var accessToken = GetAccessToken(index);
var args = new object[] { index, src, accessToken, onDone, onError };
return (PacketUpsertUserAll)ctor2.Invoke(args);
throw new MissingMethodException("No matching PacketUpsertUserAll constructor found");
public static IEnumerable<UserScore>[] GetUserScoreList(UserData userData)
var tUserData = Traverse.Create(userData);
var tUserData = Traverse.Create(userData);
var tScoreList = tUserData.Property("ScoreList");
if (tScoreList.PropertyExists())
return tScoreList.GetValue<List<UserScore>[]>();
var tScoreList = tUserData.Property("ScoreList");
if (tScoreList.PropertyExists())
return tScoreList.GetValue<List<UserScore>[]>();
var tScoreDic = tUserData.Property("ScoreDic");
if (tScoreDic.PropertyExists())
var scoreDic = tScoreDic.GetValue<Dictionary<int, UserScore>[]>();
return scoreDic.Select(dic => dic.Values).ToArray();
var tScoreDic = tUserData.Property("ScoreDic");
if (tScoreDic.PropertyExists())
var scoreDic = tScoreDic.GetValue<Dictionary<int, UserScore>[]>();
return scoreDic.Select(dic => dic.Values).ToArray();
throw new MissingFieldException("No matching UserData.ScoreList/ScoreDic found");
throw new MissingFieldException("No matching UserData.ScoreList/ScoreDic found");
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
<Reference Include="System" />
<Reference Include="System.Configuration" />
<Reference Include="System.Core" />
<Reference Include="System.Runtime" />
<Reference Include="System.Security" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
<Reference Include="Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy" />
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using AquaMai.Config.Attributes;
using AquaMai.Core.Helpers;
using HarmonyLib;
using Net.Packet;
@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ public class RemoveEncryption
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Packet), "Obfuscator", typeof(string))]
public static bool PreObfuscator(string srcStr, ref string __result)
__result = srcStr.Replace("MaimaiExp", "").Replace("MaimaiChn", "");
__result = Shim.RemoveApiSuffix(srcStr);
return false;
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using Net;
using Net.Packet;
using MelonLoader;
using MelonLoader.TinyJSON;
using HarmonyLib;
using AquaMai.Core.Attributes;
using AquaMai.Config.Attributes;
using AquaMai.Core.Helpers;
namespace AquaMai.Mods.Utils;
en: "Log network requests to the MelonLoader console.",
zh: "将网络请求输出到 MelonLoader 控制台")]
public class LogNetworkRequests
private static readonly bool url = true;
private static readonly bool request = true;
private static readonly string requestOmittedApis = "UploadUserPhotoApi,UploadUserPortraitApi";
private static readonly bool response = true;
private static readonly string responseOmittedApis = "GetGameEventApi";
en: "Only print error responses, without the successful ones.",
zh: "仅输出出错的响应,不输出成功的响应")]
private static readonly bool responseErrorOnly = false;
private static HashSet<string> requestOmittedApiList = [];
private static HashSet<string> responseOmittedApiList = [];
private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable<NetHttpClient, HttpWebResponse> errorResponse = new();
public static void OnBeforePatch()
requestOmittedApiList = [.. requestOmittedApis.Split(',')];
responseOmittedApiList = [.. responseOmittedApis.Split(',')];
if (responseErrorOnly && !response)
MelonLogger.Warning("[LogNetworkRequests] `responseErrorOnly` is enabled but `response` is disabled. Will not print any response.");
private static string GetApiName(INetQuery netQuery)
return Shim.RemoveApiSuffix(netQuery.Api);
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Packet), "Create")]
public static void PostCreate(Packet __instance)
MelonLogger.Msg($"[LogNetworkRequests] {GetApiName(__instance.Query)} URL: {MaybeGetNetPacketUrl(__instance)}");
private static string MaybeGetNetPacketUrl(Packet __instance)
if (Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("Client").GetValue() is not NetHttpClient client)
return "<NetHttpClient is null>";
if (Traverse.Create(client).Field("_request").GetValue() is not HttpWebRequest request)
return "<HttpWebRequest is null>";
return request.RequestUri.ToString();
// Record the error responses of NetHttpClient to display. These responses could not be acquired in other ways.
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(NetHttpClient), "SetError")]
public static void PreSetError(NetHttpClient __instance, HttpWebResponse response)
if (response != null)
errorResponse.Add(__instance, response);
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Packet), "ProcImpl")]
public static void PreProcImpl(Packet __instance)
if (request && __instance.State == PacketState.Ready)
var netQuery = __instance.Query;
var api = GetApiName(netQuery);
var displayRequest = InspectRequest(api, netQuery.GetRequest());
MelonLogger.Msg($"[LogNetworkRequests] {api} Request: {displayRequest}");
else if (
response &&
__instance.State == PacketState.Process &&
Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("Client").GetValue() is NetHttpClient client)
if (client.State == NetHttpClient.StateDone && !responseErrorOnly)
var netQuery = __instance.Query;
var api = GetApiName(netQuery);
var displayResponse = InspectResponse(api, client.GetResponse().ToArray());
MelonLogger.Msg($"[LogNetworkRequests] {api} Response: {displayResponse}");
else if (client.State == NetHttpClient.StateError)
var displayError = InspectError(client);
MelonLogger.Warning($"[LogNetworkRequests] {GetApiName(__instance.Query)} Error: {displayError}");
private static string InspectRequest(string api, string request) =>
? $"<{request.Length} characters omitted>"
: (request == "" ? "<empty request>" : request);
private static string InspectResponse(string api, byte[] response)
var decoded = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);
if (responseOmittedApiList.Contains(api))
return $"<{decoded.Length} characters omitted>";
else if (decoded == "")
return "<empty response>";
else if (decoded.IndexOf("\n") != -1)
return JSON.Dump(decoded);
return decoded;
catch (Exception e)
// Always non-empty when decoding fails.
return $"<Failed to decode text ({JSON.Dump(e.Message)}): {response.Length} bytes " +
? "omitted"
: "[" + BitConverter.ToString(response).Replace("-", " ")) + "]" +
private static string InspectError(NetHttpClient client) =>
"<" +
$"WebExceptionStatus.{client.WebException}: " +
$"HttpStatus = {client.HttpStatus}, " +
$"Error = {JSON.Dump(client.Error)}, " +
$"Response = " +
(errorResponse.TryGetValue(client, out var response)
? InspectErrorResponse(response)
: "null") +
private static string InspectErrorResponse(HttpWebResponse response)
var webConnectionStream = response.GetResponseStream();
var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
return InspectResponse(null, memoryStream.ToArray());
catch (Exception e)
// The stream has alraedy been consumed?
return $"<Failed to read response stream ({JSON.Dump(e.Message)})>";
Reference in New Issue