using System; using HarmonyLib; using UnityEngine; namespace AquaMai.UX { // Hides the 2p (right hand side) UI. // Note: this is not my original work. I simply interpreted the code and rewrote it as a mod. public class SinglePlayer { [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(Main.GameMain), "LateInitialize", new Type[] { typeof(MonoBehaviour), typeof(Transform), typeof(Transform) })] public static bool LateInitialize(MonoBehaviour gameMainObject, ref Transform left, ref Transform right) { left.transform.position =; right.localScale =; GameObject.Find("Mask").SetActive(false); return true; } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(MeshButton), "IsPointInPolygon", new Type[] { typeof(Vector2[]), typeof(Vector2) })] public static bool IsPointInPolygon(Vector2[] polygon, ref Vector2 point) { var screenWidth = Screen.width; point = new Vector2(point.x - (screenWidth / 2), point.y); return true; } } }