## This is a configuration file which included in the Aqua Server package. ## AimeDb server setting aimedb.server.enable=true aimedb.server.port=22345 ## Billing server setting billing.server.enable=true billing.server.port=8443 ## Server host & port return to client when boot up. ## By default the same address and port from the client connection is returned. ## Please notice most games won't work with localhost or #allnet.server.host= #allnet.server.port= allnet.server.hide-port=true ## This is for some games that use shop name for in-game functions. ## Specify the place name here if you need it. By default it is empty. allnet.server.place-name=AquaDX ## This enables client serial validation during power on request using keychip table in database. ## Only enable this if you know what you are doing. allnet.server.check-keychip=false ## Interval between keychip session clean up checks in ms. Default is 1 day. allnet.server.keychip-ses-clean-interval=86400000 ## Token that haven't been used for this amount of time will be removed from the database. Default is 2 days. allnet.server.keychip-ses-expire=172800000 ## Redirect url when someone open this game server in a browser. allnet.server.redirect=https://aquadx.net ## Http Server Port ## Only change this if you have a reverse proxy running. ## The game rely on 80 port for boot up command server.port=8080 ## Static file server ## This is used to server static files in /web/ directory, which is Aquaviewer aquaviewer.server.enable=false ## APIs for the legacy AquaViewer ## This enables the legacy Aquaviewer API (/api/game/xxx, /api/sega/xxx). This is disabled by default. ## It is recommended to use the new AquaNet API (/api/v2/xxx) instead. aquaviewer.api.enable=false ## Chunithm ## This enables team function if you set team name here. Leave this blank to disable it. game.chunithm.team-name= ## Chusan ## This enables team function if you set team name here. Leave this blank to use default game.chusan.team-name= ## This sets the reflector url for global matching game.chusan.reflector-url=http://reflector.naominet.live:18080/ ## This sets the matching server url. ## When this is set, we will sync with the external matching url so that we can match with more players. game.chusan.external-matching=https://chu3-match.sega.ink/ ## This enables user use login bonus function if set to true. ## NOTE: THIS IS NOT TESTED, it's implemented by someone very inexperienced and might not work. game.chusan.loginbonus-enable=false ## Ongeki ## The version of your client. Match this with DataConfig.xml file in latest option. (only if bright memory and up) ## For example, if DataConfig.xml says "1, 35, 1" then this need to be 1.35.01 game.ongeki.version=1.05.00 ## Limit rival list size for per user, it will be unlimited if this value <= 0 (CAUTION!). game.ongeki.rival.rivals-max-count=10 ## Maimai DX ## Allow users take photo as their avatar/portrait photo. game.maimai2.userPhoto.enable=true ## When uploading user portraits, limit the divMaxLength parameter. 1 divLength is about equal to the file size of 10kb. ## The default value is 32 (320kb), and the minimum value is 1 (10kb) game.maimai2.userPhoto.divMaxLength=32 ## CardMaker ## The expiration date of the printed card (days) game.cardmaker.card.expiration=15 ## User upload saving paths paths.mai2-plays=data/upload/mai2/plays paths.mai2-portrait=data/upload/mai2/portrait paths.aqua-net-portrait=data/upload/net/portrait ## Logging spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size=10MB spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size=20MB ## Database Setting spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver spring.datasource.username=aqua spring.datasource.password=aqua spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/aqua?allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true&useSSL=false spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size=10 ################################ ## AquaNet Settings ################################ ## Link card limit aqua-net.link-card-limit=10 ## CloudFlare Turnstile Captcha ## This enables captcha for user registration. aqua-net.turnstile.enable=false aqua-net.turnstile.secret=1x0000000000000000000000000000000AA ## Email Settings aqua-net.email.enable=false aqua-net.email.senderName=AquaDX aqua-net.email.senderAddr=you@example.com aqua-net.email.webHost=aquadx.net simplejavamail.javaxmail.debug=false simplejavamail.smtp.host=smtp.production.host simplejavamail.smtp.port=443 simplejavamail.transportstrategy=SMTPS simplejavamail.smtp.username= simplejavamail.smtp.password= #simplejavamail.proxy.username= #simplejavamail.proxy.password= ## GeoIP Settings (Powered by MaxMind GeoLite2) aqua-net.geoip.path=data/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb aqua-net.geoip.ip-header=CF-Connecting-IP ## JWT Authentication Settings aqua-net.jwt.secret="Open Sesame!" ## Disable debug pages server.error.whitelabel.enabled=false ## Adapter for Frontier (For testing only, please keep this disabled) aqua-net.frontier.enabled=false aqua-net.frontier.ftk=0x00 ## APIs for bot management aqua-net.bot.enabled=true aqua-net.bot.secret=hunter2 ## OpenAI Settings (For content moderation) aqua-net.openai.api-key=sk-1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef