import json import re from pathlib import Path import genson import requests token = "fill this in" urls = { "prod": f"{token}/chu3/2.27", "staging": f"{token}/chu3/2.27" } def save_resp(i, idx, api, data): url = urls[idx] resp ="{url}/{api}", json=data) txt = f""" Request: {api} {data} Response: {resp.status_code} {resp.text} """ Path(f"test-diff/{idx}").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) Path(f"test-diff/{idx}/{i}-{api}.json").write_text(txt) Path(f"test-diff/{idx}-struct").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) Path(f"test-diff/{idx}-struct/{i}-{api}.json").write_text(json.dumps(to_structure(resp.json()), indent=2)) # def to_structure(d: dict): # # Convert the dictionary into type structure # # e.g. {a: "1", b: 2, c: [1, 2, 3], d: {e: true, f: [1, "b", "c"]}} -> {a: "str", b: "int", c: ["int"], d: {e: "bool", f: ["int", "str"]}} # # Make sure that the returned dict is sorted by key # def get_type(value): # # Handle dictionary # if isinstance(value, dict): # return {key: get_type(val) for key, val in value.items()} # # Handle list # elif isinstance(value, list): # # Get unique types from the list # unique_types = {get_type(item) for item in value} # if len(unique_types) == 1: # return [unique_types.pop()] # Homogeneous list # return list(unique_types) # Heterogeneous list # else: # return type(value).__name__ # # return get_type(d) def to_structure(d: dict): b = genson.SchemaBuilder() b.add_object(d) return sort_dict_keys(b.to_schema()) def sort_dict_keys(data): if isinstance(data, dict): # Sort the dictionary keys and recursively sort its values return {key: sort_dict_keys(data[key]) for key in sorted(data)} elif isinstance(data, list): # If the value is a list, sort each item in the list recursively return [sort_dict_keys(item) for item in data] else: # Return the value as is if it's not a dict or list return data if __name__ == '__main__': # Read chusan.log d = Path("test.log").read_text('utf-8').splitlines() d = [l.split("|", 1)[1] for l in d if '|' in l] d = [l.split(": ", 1)[1] for l in d if ': ' in l] d = [l for l in d if l.startswith("Chu3 <") and 'Upsert' not in l] d = [l.split("< ", 1)[1] for l in d] d = [l.split(" : ") for l in d] # (api, data) d = [(api, json.loads(data)) for api, data in d] print(d) for i, (a, dt) in enumerate(d): save_resp(i, "prod", a, dt) save_resp(i, "staging", a, dt)