using System.Reflection; using MelonLoader; [assembly: AssemblyTitle(AquaMai.BuildInfo.Description)] [assembly: AssemblyDescription(AquaMai.BuildInfo.Description)] [assembly: AssemblyCompany(AquaMai.BuildInfo.Company)] [assembly: AssemblyProduct(AquaMai.BuildInfo.Name)] [assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Created by " + AquaMai.BuildInfo.Author)] [assembly: AssemblyTrademark(AquaMai.BuildInfo.Company)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion(AquaMai.BuildInfo.Version)] [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(AquaMai.BuildInfo.Version)] [assembly: MelonInfo(typeof(AquaMai.AquaMai), AquaMai.BuildInfo.Name, AquaMai.BuildInfo.Version, AquaMai.BuildInfo.Author, AquaMai.BuildInfo.DownloadLink)] [assembly: MelonColor()] // Create and Setup a MelonGame Attribute to mark a Melon as Universal or Compatible with specific Games. // If no MelonGame Attribute is found or any of the Values for any MelonGame Attribute on the Melon is null or empty it will be assumed the Melon is Universal. // Values for MelonGame Attribute can be found in the Game's file or printed at the top of every log directly beneath the Unity version. [assembly: MelonGame(null, null)]