using System; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using AquaMai.Fix; using AquaMai.Helpers; using AquaMai.Resources; using AquaMai.Utils; using AquaMai.UX; using MelonLoader; using Tomlet; using UnityEngine; namespace AquaMai { public static class BuildInfo { public const string Name = "AquaMai"; public const string Description = "Mod for Sinmai"; public const string Author = "Aza"; public const string Company = null; public const string Version = "1.1.3"; public const string DownloadLink = null; } public class AquaMai : MelonMod { public static Config AppConfig { get; private set; } private static bool _hasErrors; private void Patch(Type type) { MelonLogger.Msg($"> Patching {type}"); try { HarmonyInstance.PatchAll(type); foreach (var nested in type.GetNestedTypes()) { Patch(nested); } var customMethod = type.GetMethod("DoCustomPatch", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); customMethod?.Invoke(null, [HarmonyInstance]); } catch (Exception e) { MelonLogger.Error($"Failed to patch {type}: {e}"); _hasErrors = true; } } /** * Apply patches using reflection, based on the settings */ private void ApplyPatches() { // Iterate over all properties of AppConfig foreach (var categoryProp in AppConfig.GetType().GetProperties()) { // Get the value of the category property (e.g., UX, Cheat) var categoryValue = categoryProp.GetValue(AppConfig); if (categoryValue == null) continue; var categoryType = categoryValue.GetType(); // Iterate over properties in the category (e.g., SkipWarningScreen, SinglePlayer) foreach (var settingProp in categoryType.GetProperties()) { // The property should be a boolean if (settingProp.PropertyType != typeof(bool)) continue; // Check if the boolean value is true if (!(bool)settingProp.GetValue(categoryValue)) continue; // Get the Type from the config directive name var directiveType = Type.GetType($"AquaMai.{categoryProp.Name}.{settingProp.Name}"); // If the type is found, call the Patch method if (directiveType != null) { Patch(directiveType); } } } } [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] private static extern bool SetConsoleOutputCP(uint wCodePageID); private void WriteEmbeddedResourceToFile(string resource, string file) { using var s = MelonAssembly.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resource); using var fs = File.Open(file, FileMode.Create); s.CopyTo(fs); } private static void InitLocale() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppConfig.UX.Locale)) { Locale.Culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(AppConfig.UX.Locale); return; } Locale.Culture = Application.systemLanguage switch { SystemLanguage.Chinese or SystemLanguage.ChineseSimplified or SystemLanguage.ChineseTraditional => CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("zh"), SystemLanguage.English => CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en"), _ => CultureInfo.InvariantCulture }; } public override void OnInitializeMelon() { // Prevent Chinese characters from being garbled SetConsoleOutputCP(65001); MelonLogger.Msg("Loading mod settings..."); // Check if AquaMai.toml exists if (!File.Exists("AquaMai.toml")) { WriteEmbeddedResourceToFile("AquaMai.AquaMai.toml", "AquaMai.example.toml"); WriteEmbeddedResourceToFile("AquaMai.AquaMai.zh.toml", "AquaMai.example.zh.toml"); MelonLogger.Error("======================================!!!"); MelonLogger.Error("AquaMai.toml not found! Please create it."); MelonLogger.Error("找不到配置文件 AquaMai.toml!请创建。"); MelonLogger.Error("Example copied to AquaMai.example.toml"); MelonLogger.Error("示例已复制到 AquaMai.example.zh.toml"); MelonLogger.Error("========================================="); return; } // Read AquaMai.toml to load settings AppConfig = TomletMain.To(File.ReadAllText("AquaMai.toml")); // Migrate old settings AppConfig.UX.LoadAssetsPng = AppConfig.UX.LoadAssetsPng || AppConfig.UX.LoadJacketPng; AppConfig.UX.LoadJacketPng = false; // Init locale with patching C# runtime // Patch(typeof(I18nSingleAssemblyHook)); InitLocale(); // Fixes that does not have side effects // These don't need to be configurable // Helpers Patch(typeof(MessageHelper)); Patch(typeof(MusicDirHelper)); Patch(typeof(SharedInstances)); // Fixes Patch(typeof(FixCharaCrash)); Patch(typeof(BasicFix)); Patch(typeof(DisableReboot)); Patch(typeof(ExtendNotesPool)); Patch(typeof(FixCheckAuth)); Patch(typeof(DebugFeature)); Patch(typeof(FixConnSlide)); Patch(typeof(SlideAutoPlayTweak)); Patch(typeof(FixLevelDisplay)); // UX Patch(typeof(CustomVersionString)); Patch(typeof(CustomPlaceName)); Patch(typeof(RunCommandOnEvents)); Patch(typeof(CustomLogo)); // Utils Patch(typeof(JudgeAdjust)); # if DEBUG Patch(typeof(LogNetworkErrors)); # endif // Apply patches based on the settings ApplyPatches(); if (_hasErrors) { MelonLogger.Warning("========================================================================!!!\n" + Locale.LoadError); MelonLogger.Warning("==========================================================================="); } MelonLogger.Msg(Locale.Loaded); } } }