## AquaMai This mod is heavily WIP. More details will be added as the development progresses. ### Features **Cheats** * Unlock all tickets **UX Optimization** * Remove the starting logo and warning cutscene * Single Player (1P) mode * Skip from card scanning directly to music selection (experimental) **Bug Fixes** * Fix crash in the character selection screen ### Development 1. Copy `Assembly-CSharp.dll` to `Libs` folder. 2. Install [.NET Framework 4.7.2 Developer Pack](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net472-developer-pack-offline-installer) 3. Open `AquaMai.sln` in JetBrains Rider. 4. Build the solution. 5. Copy `Output/AquaMai.dll` to `Mods` folder. 6. Configure and copy `AquaMai.toml` to the same folder as your game executable: `Sinmai.exe` ### Relevant Links * [MelonLoader Wiki](https://melonwiki.xyz/#/modders/quickstart) * [Harmony Docs](https://harmony.pardeike.net/articles/patching-prefix.html)