using Manager.MaiStudio; using HarmonyLib; namespace AquaMai.Cheat { /** * Unlock tickets that are typically locked unless a specific event is open. */ public class TicketUnlock { // For any ticket, return the event ID 1 to unlock it [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(TicketData), "get_ticketEvent")] public static bool get_ticketEvent(ref StringID __result) { var id = new Manager.MaiStudio.Serialize.StringID { id = 1, str = "無期限常時解放" }; var sid = new StringID(); sid.Init(id); __result = sid; return false; } // Modify the maxTicketNum to 0 // this is because TicketManager.GetTicketData adds the ticket to the list if either // the player owns at least one ticket or the maxTicketNum = 0 [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(TicketData), "get_maxCount")] public static bool get_maxCount(ref int __result) { __result = 0; return false; } } }