
124 lines
3.7 KiB

import argparse
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import orjson
import xmltodict
from hypy_utils import write
from hypy_utils.tqdm_utils import pmap
def convert_one(file: Path):
# Get path relative to source
rel = file.relative_to(src)
# If path is one-level under StreamingAssets, ignore it (e.g. StreamingAssets/A000/Data.xml)
if len( <= 2:
# Read xml
xml = xmltodict.parse(file.read_text())
# There should only be one root element, expand it
assert len(xml) == 1, f'Expected 1 root element, got {len(xml)}'
xml = xml[list(xml.keys())[0]]
# Remove @xmlns:xsi and @xmlns:xsd
if '@xmlns:xsi' in xml:
del xml['@xmlns:xsi']
if '@xmlns:xsd' in xml:
del xml['@xmlns:xsd']
# Generate target file path
# Ignore the first segment of the relative path, and append to the destination
# Also collapse the single-item directory into the filename
# e.g. {src}/A000/music/music000001/Music.xml -> {dst}/music/000001.json
target = dst / '/'.join([1:-2])
file_id = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit,[-2]))
target = target / f'{file_id}.json'
# Create directories if they don't exist
target.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Write json
write(target, orjson.dumps(xml))
def combine_music():
# Read all music json files
music_files = list(dst.rglob('music/*.json'))
print(f'> Found {len(music_files)} music files')
jsons = [orjson.loads(f.read_text()) for f in music_files]
# Combine all music
combined = {d['name']['id']: {
'name': d['name']['str'],
'ver': int(d['version']),
'composer': d['artistName']['str'],
'genre': d['genreName']['str'],
'bpm': int(d['bpm']),
'lock': f"{d['lockType']} {d['subLockType']}",
'notes': [{
'lv': int(n['level']) + (int(n['levelDecimal']) / 10),
'designer': n['notesDesigner']['str'],
'lv_id': n['musicLevelID'],
'notes': int(n['maxNotes']),
} for n in d['notesData']['Notes'] if n['isEnable'] != 'false']
} for d in jsons}
# Write combined music
write(dst / '00/all-music.json', orjson.dumps(combined))
if __name__ == '__main__':
agupa = argparse.ArgumentParser()
agupa.add_argument('source', type=str, help='Package/Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets directory')
agupa.add_argument('destination', type=str, help='Directory to extract to')
args = agupa.parse_args()
src = Path(args.source)
dst = Path(args.destination)
# Special post-convert command to relocate stuff
if args.source == 'post-convert':
ori = dst
dst = dst.parent
# In assetbundle/dir, move each XXX_{id}_XXX.png to assetbundle/dir/{id}.png
for d in os.listdir(dst / 'assetbundle'):
d = dst / 'assetbundle' / d
if not d.is_dir():
print(f'Relocating {d}')
for file in d.rglob('*.png'):
id = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, file.stem))
shutil.move(file, d / f'{id}.png')
# Assert that A000 exists in the source directory
assert (src / 'A000').exists(), f'{src}/A000 does not exist'
# Assert that target directory does not exist
if dst.exists():
if input(f'{dst} already exists, delete? (y/n): ') == 'y':
print(f'Deleting {dst}')
# Find all xml files in the source directory
files = list(src.rglob('*.xml'))
print(f'Found {len(files)} xml files')
# Multithreaded map
pmap(convert_one, files, desc='Converting', unit='file', chunksize=50)
print('> Finished converting')
# Convert all music
print('Combining music')