Thought this site was founded initially for Chinese trans, we provide this English page to show our visibility. However, if you would like to contribute information for trans in your region, welcome to do it.
{{<mtf-wiki>}} is committed to becoming a free, open and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site, where you can learn about all kinds of medicine and medical knowledge, female common sense, and other things.
The current {{<mtf-wiki>}} is in its infancy. Various materials may have not been completed, and there may even be some errors. Welcome all enthusiastic sisters to join us [^2] and contribute to the {{<mtf-wiki>}}.
As for the original intention of building this website, in addition to providing a knowledge platform for the majority of MtF groups, it is also eager for others to affirm the setting of gender conversion.
Many materials were referred to in the process of writing this project, and I would like to thank you.