feat: unified brand name (#578)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
title: MtF Wiki
title: MtF.wiki
url: https://mtf.wiki
cff-version: 1.1.0
date-released: 2020-10-27
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ journal: GitHub Repository
message: If you use this software, please cite it using these metadata.
license: CC-BY-SA-4.0
- given-names: MtF Wiki Team
- given-names: MtF.wiki Team
- MtF
- Wiki
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Mirror:[mtfwiki.cn](https://mtfwiki.cn)、[mtfwiki.com](https://mtfwiki.com)
Brother Site: [ftm.wiki](https://ftm.wiki)
# Welcome to **MtF Wiki**
# Welcome to **MtF.wiki**
[简中](README.md) | [繁中](README-T.md) | **English** | [Español](README-ES.md)
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ This site was founded initially for China mainland's transgenders. However, if y
## Content
Welcome to the MtF Wiki, a place that may help some transgender women.
Welcome to the MtF.wiki, a place that may help some transgender women.
MtF (Male-to-Female), transgender female, refers to a female whose assigned sex is male when she was born.
MtF Wiki is committed to becoming a free, open, and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site, where you can learn about all kinds of medicine and medical knowledge, female common sense, and other things.
MtF.wiki is committed to becoming a free, open, and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site, where you can learn about all kinds of medicine and medical knowledge, female common sense, and other things.
The current MtF Wiki is in its infancy. Various materials may have not been completed, and there may even be some errors. Welcome all enthusiastic sisters to join us and contribute to the MtF Wiki.
The current MtF.wiki is in its infancy. Various materials may have not been completed, and there may even be some errors. Welcome all enthusiastic sisters to join us and contribute to the MtF.wiki.
As for the original intention of building this website, in addition to providing a knowledge platform for the majority of MtF groups, it is also eager for others to affirm the setting of gender conversion.
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ If you would like to cite this GitHub repo, you can use the bibtex below:
author = {MtF Wiki Team},
title = {MtF Wiki},
author = {MtF.wiki Team},
title = {MtF.wiki},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub Repository},
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Mirrores: [mtfwiki.cn](https://mtfwiki.cn)、[mtfwiki.com](https://mtfwiki.com)
Sitio hermano: [ftm.wiki](https://ftm.wiki)
# Welcome to **MtF Wiki**
# Welcome to **MtF.wiki**
[简中](README.md) | [繁中](README-T.md) | [English](README-EN.md) | **Español**
@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ Aunque este sitio fue fundado inicialmente para las trans chinas, proporcionamos
## Contenido
Bienvenida a MtF Wiki. Hay aquí un lugar que podría echar una mano a la comunidad de mujeres trans.
Bienvenida a MtF.wiki. Hay aquí un lugar que podría echar una mano a la comunidad de mujeres trans.
MtF(Male-to-Female), mujer trans, se refiere a las personas que, a pesar de haber sido asignados al género masculino al nacer, sitúan su identidad dentro de lo femenino.
Nos comprometemos a ser un sitio de integración de conocimientos transgénero gratuito, abierto y continuamente actualizado, donde se puede aprender sobre todo tipo de conocimientos medicamentos, médicos, sexuales y mucho más.
La MtF Wiki está en sus inicios, y la información puede no estar completa, e incluso puede haber algunos errores, por lo que damos la bienvenida a todas las hermanas entusiastas para que os unáis a nosotras y contribuyáis al desarrollo de la MtF Wiki.
La MtF.wiki está en sus inicios, y la información puede no estar completa, e incluso puede haber algunos errores, por lo que damos la bienvenida a todas las hermanas entusiastas para que os unáis a nosotras y contribuyáis al desarrollo de la MtF.wiki.
En cuanto al propósito original de construir este sitio, además de proporcionar una plataforma de conocimiento para la comunidad más amplia de MtF, es también un deseo de que otros afirmen el transexualismo.
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ Si quieres citar este GitHub repo, puedes usar el bibtex:
author = {MtF Wiki Team},
title = {MtF Wiki},
author = {MtF.wiki Team},
title = {MtF.wiki},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub Repository},
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Welcome to **MtF Wiki**
# Welcome to **MtF.wiki**
[简中](README.md) | **繁體中文** | [English](README-EN.md) | [Español](README-ES.md)
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
## 內容
歡迎大家來到 MtF Wiki.這裡是一個或許可以給部分跨性別女性群體提供幫助的地方。
歡迎大家來到 MtF.wiki.這裡是一個或許可以給部分跨性別女性群體提供幫助的地方。
MtF (Male-to-Female),跨性別女性,是指出生時指定性別是男性的女性。
(ps:在維基百科中關於指定性別的定義是“指定性別(Assigned sex),是根據出生時檢查性別特徵以確定的性別。”)
MtF Wiki 致力於成為一個免費開放且持續更新的跨性別知識整合站點,大家可以在這裡瞭解到各種藥物知識、醫療資源、女性常識,以及其他等等。
現在的 MtF Wiki 正處於起步階段,各種資料或許並不齊全,甚至可能還有部分錯誤,歡迎各位熱心的姐妹加入我們,為 MtF Wiki 的發展做出貢獻。
MtF.wiki 致力於成為一個免費開放且持續更新的跨性別知識整合站點,大家可以在這裡瞭解到各種藥物知識、醫療資源、女性常識,以及其他等等。
現在的 MtF.wiki 正處於起步階段,各種資料或許並不齊全,甚至可能還有部分錯誤,歡迎各位熱心的姐妹加入我們,為 MtF.wiki 的發展做出貢獻。
至於建設本網站的初衷,除了為廣大 MtF 群體提供一個知識平臺外,也是渴望他人對轉換性別的設定的肯定。
> 不向焦慮與抑鬱投降,這個世界終會有我們存在的地方
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ MtF Wiki 致力於成為一個免費開放且持續更新的跨性別知識整
author = {MtF Wiki Team},
title = {MtF Wiki},
author = {MtF.wiki Team},
title = {MtF.wiki},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub Repository},
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Welcome to **MtF Wiki**
# Welcome to **MtF.wiki**
**简体中文** | [繁中](README-T.md) | [English](README-EN.md) | [Español](README-ES.md)
@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
## 内容
欢迎大家来到 MtF Wiki.这里是一个或许可以给部分跨性别女性群体提供帮助的地方。
欢迎大家来到 MtF.wiki.这里是一个或许可以给部分跨性别女性群体提供帮助的地方。
MtF (Male-to-Female),跨性别女性,是指出生时指定性别是男性的女性。
(ps:在维基百科中关于指定性别的定义是“指定性别(Assigned sex),是根据出生时检查性别特征以确定的性别。”)
MtF Wiki 致力于成为一个免费开放且持续更新的跨性别知识整合站点,大家可以在这里了解到各种药物知识、医疗资源、女性常识,以及其他等等。
现在的 MtF Wiki 正处于起步阶段,各种资料或许并不齐全,甚至可能还有部分错误,欢迎各位热心的姐妹加入我们,为 MtF Wiki 的发展做出贡献。
MtF.wiki 致力于成为一个免费开放且持续更新的跨性别知识整合站点,大家可以在这里了解到各种药物知识、医疗资源、女性常识,以及其他等等。
现在的 MtF.wiki 正处于起步阶段,各种资料或许并不齐全,甚至可能还有部分错误,欢迎各位热心的姐妹加入我们,为 MtF.wiki 的发展做出贡献。
至于建设本网站的初衷,除了为广大 MtF 群体提供一个知识平台外,也是渴望他人对转换性别的设定的肯定。
> 不向焦虑与抑郁投降,这个世界终会有我们存在的地方
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ MtF Wiki 致力于成为一个免费开放且持续更新的跨性别知识整
author = {MtF Wiki Team},
title = {MtF Wiki},
author = {MtF.wiki Team},
title = {MtF.wiki},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub Repository},
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
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copyright = "© 2020-{year} MtF.wiki<br><a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/' target='_blank'><img src='https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png' loading='lazy' alt='CC BY-SA 4.0'></a>"
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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
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description = "MtF.wiki is committed to becoming a free, open, and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site."
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@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
title: MtF Wiki
description: MtF Wiki, a place that may help some transgender women.
title: MtF.wiki
description: MtF.wiki, a place that may help some transgender women.
date: 2020-10-29T04:15:05+08:00
draft: false
height: 700
image: new/mtf-wiki-square.svg
- MtF Wiki
- MtF.wiki
- Welcome to the MtF Wiki. We are trying to organize the relevant information of transgender women to provide you with better help~
- Welcome to the MtF.wiki. We are trying to organize the relevant information of transgender women to provide you with better help~
spaceBetweenTitleText: 25
@ -43,6 +43,6 @@ footer:
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markdown: >
<h2 class="mtf-wiki"><span>M</span><span>t</span>F <span>Wi</span><span>ki</span></h2>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF Wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF.wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<blockquote align="left">If you can remember my name, if you can all remember my name, maybe I or "we", will be able to live freely one day.</blockquote>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "About us"
description: "MtF Wiki is committed to becoming a free, open, and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site."
description: "MtF.wiki is committed to becoming a free, open, and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site."
weight: 0
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "Welcome"
description: "MtF Wiki Welcome"
description: "MtF.wiki Welcome"
date: 2020-10-29T17:09:21+08:00
draft: false
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
title: MtF Wiki
description: MtF Wiki, un lugar que podría echar una mano a mujeres trans.
title: MtF.wiki
description: MtF.wiki, un lugar que podría echar una mano a mujeres trans.
height: 700
image: new/mtf-wiki-square.svg
- MtF Wiki
- MtF.wiki
- Bienvenida a MtF Wiki. Tratamos de organizar la información relevante de mujeres trans para daros mejor ayuda~
- Bienvenida a MtF.wiki. Tratamos de organizar la información relevante de mujeres trans para daros mejor ayuda~
spaceBetweenTitleText: 25
@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ footer:
applySinglePageCss: true
markdown: >
<h2 class="mtf-wiki"><span>M</span><span>t</span>F <span>Wi</span><span>ki</span></h2>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF Wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF.wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<blockquote align="left">Si puedes recordar mi nombre, si todos podéis recordarlo, tal vez yo o «nosotras», un día, vivamos libres.</blockquote>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "Acerca de nosotras"
description: "La MtF Wiki se compromete a ser un sitio de integración de conocimientos transgénero gratuito , abierto y continuamente actualizado,"
description: "La MtF.wiki se compromete a ser un sitio de integración de conocimientos transgénero gratuito , abierto y continuamente actualizado,"
weight: 0
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "Bienvenida"
description: "Bienvenida a MtF Wiki"
description: "Bienvenida a MtF.wiki"
date: 2020-10-29T17:09:21+08:00
draft: false
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
title: MtF Wiki
description: MtF Wiki
title: MtF.wiki
description: MtF.wiki
height: 700
image: new/mtf-wiki-square.svg
- MtF Wiki
- MtF.wiki
- MtF Wiki へようこそ。 吾輩は、トランスジェンダー女性に関する情報を整理して要約し、より良い支援を提供するよう努めています〜
- MtF.wiki へようこそ。 吾輩は、トランスジェンダー女性に関する情報を整理して要約し、より良い支援を提供するよう努めています〜
spaceBetweenTitleText: 25
@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ footer:
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markdown: >
<h2 class="mtf-wiki"><span>M</span><span>t</span>F <span>Wi</span><span>ki</span></h2>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF Wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF.wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<blockquote align="left">あなたが私の名前を覚えれば、皆さんが私の名前を覚えれば、もしかしたら、私は、あるいは「私たち」は、いつか自由に生きられるようになるかもしれません。</blockquote>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "MtF Wiki について"
description: "MtF Wikiは、自由でオープン、かつ継続的に更新されるトランスジェンダーの知識統合サイトとなることを目指します。"
title: "MtF.wiki について"
description: "MtF.wikiは、自由でオープン、かつ継続的に更新されるトランスジェンダーの知識統合サイトとなることを目指します。"
weight: 0
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "ようこそ"
description: "MtF Wiki へようこそ"
description: "MtF.wiki へようこそ"
draft: false
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
title: MtF Wiki
description: MtF Wiki
title: MtF.wiki
description: MtF.wiki
height: 700
image: new/mtf-wiki-square.svg
- MtF Wiki
- MtF.wiki
- MtF Wiki غا قارشى ئالىمىز. دوستلىرىمىزغا تëخىمۇ ياخشى ياردەم قىلىش ئۈچۈن متف نىڭ مۇناسىۋەتلىك ئۇچۇرلىرىنى رەتلەۋاتىمىز.
- MtF.wiki غا قارشى ئالىمىز. دوستلىرىمىزغا تëخىمۇ ياخشى ياردەم قىلىش ئۈچۈن متف نىڭ مۇناسىۋەتلىك ئۇچۇرلىرىنى رەتلەۋاتىمىز.
spaceBetweenTitleText: 25
@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ footer:
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<h2 class="mtf-wiki"><span>M</span><span>t</span>F <span>Wi</span><span>ki</span></h2>
<p dir="ltr">Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF Wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF.wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<p align="right">ئەگەر سىز ئىسمىمنى ëسىڭىزدە تۇتالىسىڭىز، ئەگەر ھەممىڭلار ئىسمىمنى ëسىڭىزدە تۇتالىساڭلار، بەلكىم مەن ياكى «بىز» بەلكىم كۈنلەرنىڭ بىرىدە ئەركىن ھالدا ياشايدۇ.</p>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "ھەققىدە"
description: "MtF Wiki heqsiz, ochuq we üzlüksiz yéngilanghan kwashingbyé-ayallar bilimlirini birleshtürüsh tor békiti bolushqa wede béridu."
description: "MtF.wiki heqsiz, ochuq we üzlüksiz yéngilanghan kwashingbyé-ayallar bilimlirini birleshtürüsh tor békiti bolushqa wede béridu."
weight: 0
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: قارشى ئالىمىز
description: MtF Wiki Welcome
description: MtF.wiki Welcome
{{< mtf-wiki >}} غا قارشى ئالىمىز. بۇ يەردە بىر قىسىم كۋاشىڭبيې-ئاياللار توپىغا ياردەم بېرەلەيدىغان بىر يەر.
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
title: MtF Wiki
description: MtF Wiki
title: MtF.wiki
description: MtF.wiki
updatesBanner: "<a style='color:red;font-size:1.5em' href='blog/campus.pdf'>欢迎为校园指南版块投稿,帮助高考考生选择合适的学校</a>"
height: 700
image: new/mtf-wiki-square.svg
- MtF Wiki
- MtF.wiki
- 欢迎来到 MtF Wiki.我们试图整理汇总 MtF 的相关资料,为大家提供更好的帮助~
- 欢迎来到 MtF.wiki.我们试图整理汇总 MtF 的相关资料,为大家提供更好的帮助~
spaceBetweenTitleText: 25
@ -42,6 +42,6 @@ footer:
applySinglePageCss: true
markdown: >
<h2 class="mtf-wiki"><span>M</span><span>t</span>F <span>Wi</span><span>ki</span></h2>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF Wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF.wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<blockquote align="left">如果你能记住我的名字,如果你们都能记住我的名字,也许我或者“我们”,终有一天能自由地生存着。</blockquote>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "关于我们"
description: "MtF Wiki 致力于成为一个免费开放且持续更新的跨性别女性知识整合站点"
description: "MtF.wiki 致力于成为一个免费开放且持续更新的跨性别女性知识整合站点"
weight: 0
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: "严厉谴责一小撮破坏社会主义和谐社会建设的敌对分子
description: ""
date: 2022-03-16T22:33:45+08:00
draft: false
Author: "MtF wiki 工作组"
Author: "MtF.wiki 工作组"
enableToc: false
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ description: "本篇讲述在疫情防控下进行赴泰国手术的内容"
date: 2022-07-07T01:50:00+08:00
draft: false
enableToc: true
author: "MtF wiki 工作组"
author: "MtF.wiki 工作组"
{{< notice info >}}
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ description: "罩杯计算器"
} else if (cup<=20){
cup = "E";
window.document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "你胸大你说了算(罩杯超出 MtF wiki 预设)";
window.document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "你胸大你说了算(罩杯超出 MtF.wiki 预设)";
if (isNaN(xia)) {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: 欢迎
description: MtF Wiki Welcome
keywords: [mtf, "mtf wiki", 跨性别, 木桶饭, TS, 药娘, 变性, 吃糖]
description: MtF.wiki Welcome
keywords: [mtf, "MtF.wiki", 跨性别, 木桶饭, TS, 药娘, 变性, 吃糖]
欢迎来到 {{< mtf-wiki >}}。这里是一个或许可以给部分跨性别女性群体提供帮助的地方。
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ draft: true
1. 协议说明
1. 本协议适用于 MtF Wiki;
1. 本协议适用于引用自 MtF Wiki 的内容;
1. 除另外说明,本协议适用于所有在 MtF Wiki 发布的**手术照片**。
1. 本协议适用于 MtF.wiki;
1. 本协议适用于引用自 MtF.wiki 的内容;
1. 除另外说明,本协议适用于所有在 MtF.wiki 发布的**手术照片**。
1. 隐私说明
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ draft: true
1. **严禁**用于盈利用途;
1. 医院、诊所、媒体、新媒体、商业性机构**不得**引用;
1. **可以**用于社群分享、学术研究;
1. 引用时必须注明出处(_MtF Wiki_)与我们的网址(_MtF.wiki_)。
1. 引用时必须注明出处(_MtF.wiki_)与我们的网址(_MtF.wiki_)。
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
title: MtF Wiki
description: MtF Wiki
title: MtF.wiki
description: MtF.wiki
height: 700
image: new/mtf-wiki-square.svg
- MtF Wiki
- MtF.wiki
- 歡迎來到 MtF Wiki.我們嘗試整理有關跨性別女性的資料,希望為大家帶來幫助~
- 歡迎來到 MtF.wiki.我們嘗試整理有關跨性別女性的資料,希望為大家帶來幫助~
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<h2 class="mtf-wiki"><span>M</span><span>t</span>F <span>Wi</span><span>ki</span></h2>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF Wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<p>Copyright © 2020-2022 MtF.wiki. All rights reserved.</p>
<blockquote align="left">如果你能記住我的名字,如果你們都能記住我的名字,也許我或者「我們」,終有一天能自由地生存著。</blockquote>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: "關於我們"
description: "MtF Wiki 致力於成為一個免費、開放且持續更新的跨性別女性知識整合網站"
description: "MtF.wiki 致力於成為一個免費、開放且持續更新的跨性別女性知識整合網站"
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title: "歡迎"
description: "MtF Wiki Welcome"
description: "MtF.wiki Welcome"
date: 2020-10-26T14:09:21+08:00
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