logo = true logoImage = "/new/mtf-wiki-long.svg" logoText = "MtF.wiki" logoType = "long" # long, short description = "MtF.wiki is committed to becoming a free, open, and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site." themeOptions = ["light", "dark"] #useFaviconGenerator = false # https://www.favicon-generator.org/ enableTocSwitch = true enableLandingBackground = false enableSearch = true enableSearchHighlight = true enableLangChange = true enableDarkMode = true enableBreadcrumb = true enableBlogBreadcrumb = true enableEditBtn = false enableToc = true enableMenu = true enableNavbar = true enableFooter = true showPoweredBy = true tocLevels = ["h2", "h3", "h4"] paginateWindow = 1 taxoPaginate = 13 taxoGroupByDate = "2006" # "2006-01": group by month, "2006": group by year enableContactUs = true email = "hi@mtf.wiki" github = "https://github.com/project-trans/MtF-wiki" # comment enableComment = false disqus_shortname = "" commento = false