--- title: MtF.wiki description: MtF.wiki, a place that may help some transgender women. date: 2020-10-29T04:15:05+08:00 draft: false landing: height: 700 image: new/mtf-wiki-square.svg title: - MtF.wiki text: - Welcome to the MtF.wiki. We are trying to organize the relevant information of transgender women to provide you with better help~ titleColor: textColor: spaceBetweenTitleText: 25 buttons: - link: docs text: Docs color: primary #backgroundImage: # src: images/Transgender_Pride_Flag.webp # height: 600 footer: sections: - title: Project links: - title: Homepage link: https://mtf.wiki - title: Project Homepage link: https://github.com/project-trans/MtF-wiki - title: Contact links: - title: Discord link: https://link.mtf.wiki/discord - title: Twitter link: https://twitter.com/MtFwiki - title: GitHub link: https://github.com/project-trans - title: Email link: mailto:hi@mtf.wiki contents: align: left applySinglePageCss: true markdown: > © 2020-2023 All rights reserved. Maintained by {{< project-trans >}} > If you can remember my name, if you can all remember my name, maybe I or "we", will be able to live freely one day. ---