--- title: "About us" description: "MtF Wiki is committed to becoming a free, open, and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site." date: 2021-06-01T22:27:01+08:00 draft: false weight: 0 --- # About ![MtF-Wiki](./new/mtf-wiki-long.svg) {{}} is committed to becoming a free, open, and continuously updated transgender knowledge integration site. Project GitHub Repo:[mtf-wiki/MtF-Wiki](https://github.com/mtf-wiki/MtF-Wiki/) Website of the project:[MtF.Wiki](https://mtf.wiki/) Sync mirror:[mtfwiki.cn](https://mtfwiki.cn/) (sync per 30 mins) ## Core maintainer Founder: **Kenchiu** **Coelacanthus(Celeste)**  email: coelacanthus@outlook.comemailcoelacanthus@outlook.com Maintainance of code and site **Promontana(Estela)**   email: i@estela.cnemaili@estela.cn Chinese editor of Shanghai. Translator **Joanna**  email: llh721113@outlook.comemailllh721113@outlook.com Chinese editor of Beijing Thanks goes to these GitHub contributors:

and other lovely guys who give us help and information. ## Contact Through Telegram Group Through QQ 群: MtF WikiQQ 群MtF Wiki (Chinese) Through GitHub Issues Via e-mail email: mtfwiki@estela.cnemailmtfwiki@estela.cn ## Acknowledgement We run a [Hugo][hugo-url] on GitHub Pages with theme [zdoc][zdoc-url]. Thanks for them. Many materials were referred to during the process of writing this project, we would like to say thank you here. --- [![CC](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) [hugo-url]: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo [zdoc-url]: https://github.com/zzossig/hugo-theme-zdoc