L的声音训练教程(第一章节)翻译 (#529)
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title: 第一阶段 - 基础
# L's Voice Training Guide (Level 1) for MTF transgender vocal feminization
1. Inspiration
# 1.1 灵感
Start by watching this video for a really quick overview of the voice feminization process (and optionally, this video to learn more about the acoustic theory involved). Then watch this video for a breakdown of the vocal anatomy involved.
Your homework is to find a recording of a female speaking voice that you'd like to be able to imitate, that can serve as an inspiration and a point of reference. It doesn't have to be the one perfect, ultimate voice - just find one or two examples that seem pleasant and relatable. Think of female actresses or characters with nice voices, or YouTubers or podcast hosts you enjoy (search for "female youtubers" or "female podcast hosts" if you need some ideas). Mine is this podcast interview with Keon Saghari. Go ahead and use that if you can't decide on one right now!
Then start listening to it, at least a little bit every day. This will help you internalize the sounds and speech patterns of the voice that you like. And be on the lookout for new voices - if you find one you like better, start listening to that one instead!
可以考虑有好听声音的女性演员或角色,或者是你喜欢的女性 YouTuber、博客主持人(如果没有想法,可以搜索“女性 YouTuber”或“女性播客主持”)
我选的是[ Keon Saghari 在一档播客节目中的采访](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pIUvhv59np_tDRK7w0s75IQ3ByIoG6bs),如果你暂时选不出来,可以先用这个!
然后,每天至少听一小段录音。这会帮助你内化喜欢的声音和语音模式。同时,也可以不断寻找新声音 —— 如果找到更喜欢的,就切换到新的参考录音!
2. Vocal Tract Length
# 1.2 声道长度
Next you want to start strengthening and learning to control the muscles that raise your larynx (or voice box). This is how you shorten the length of your vocal tract, from your larynx to your lips, to match the proportions of a typical female vocal tract. Building these muscles will take a while, so we'll start with this first.
Do not do the swallow-and-hold exercise from this video, as the hold can cause unnecessary strain, but do try swallowing a few times. You want to touch your larynx (Adam's apple) lightly with your finger, and then yawn and feel it move down, and then swallow and feel it move up.
Once you have felt this a few times, watch this video and try the "big dog, small dog" exercise. If you're having trouble with the small dog, it can help to start yawning, to bring the larynx down, and then start to swallow to bring the larynx up, and then stick your tongue out like a dog panting and say "ahh" in a whisper to make sure you're not closing off your throat. Then watch this video and try the whisper siren exercise. You want to smoothly slide from a big dog "uhh" to a small dog "ehh" as your larynx slides upward. Again, place a finger or two lightly on your throat to feel your larynx move up and down.
Your homework is to practice the whisper siren for few minutes whenever you remember, throughout the day - say, whenever you go to the bathroom. It's almost silent, so you can do it anywhere and practice holding your muscles in place at the top (the high end of the siren, or the small dog) to build strength. Eventually, you want to learn to lift your larynx easily, without straining the muscles in your jaw and neck. As you get more comfortable with it, try to relax your neck a little bit more each time, until you can do it without tension. -->
3. Pitch
# 1.3 音高
Keep doing the previous exercises every day, but when you're ready for something more, you can start working on your pitch, or how high or low your voice is. Pitch is just one of many elements, and not even the most important, but it's probably the most well-known difference between the average male and female voice.
In addition to pitch, there are several registers that your voice will lock into at different points along your range, each with a different sound quality. Watch this video to hear the differences between a chest voice and a falsetto (and a mix voice, which is technically the same register as your chest voice, your modal register). Follow along with the warmups in this video, and then try switching between the registers a few times, both singing and speaking.
Then download the Android app Vocal Pitch Monitor (or Vocal Pitch Monitor on iOS) and in the settings, change the Scale to D Major and check the box to Display frequency in Hz. With the app running, talk in your starting voice and see where your pitch falls, naturally. A typical male speaking voice will stay between D2 and D3 (which are marked by horizontal lines, since we set the Scale to D Major). Now try talking higher and higher in pitch, until your voice is in the female range, around D3 (150 Hz) and above. Don't go higher than D4 (300 Hz), though, or you'll sound like a cartoon character!
接着下载安卓应用程序 [Vocal Pitch Monitor](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tadaoyamaoka.vocalpitchmonitor&hl=en_US)([或者 iOS 上的这个](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/vocal-pitch-monitor/id842218231))并在设置中将音阶改为 D 大调,并勾选显示频率为 Hz。运行该应用后,用你最初的声音说话,看看你的音高自然落在哪里。典型的男性说话音高一般会在 D2 和 D3 之间(由于我们将音阶设置为 D 大调,所以这些音符会有水平线标记)。现在尝试逐渐提高音高,直到你的声音进入女性音域,大约是 D3(150 Hz)及以上。但不要超过 D4(300 Hz),否则你会听起来像二次元!
You might find that you start in your modal register when you're in the male range, but flip over into falsetto at some point in order to get into the female range. Or you might find that you have to strain and shout to get that high. If that happens, just go back down to the pitch where you can still speak comfortably in your modal register and don't worry about going higher for now.
Your homework is to set aside some time every day (say, half an hour) to warm up with the video above and then practice speaking in the female range (between D3 and D4, or 150-300 Hz) or as close as you can get without straining or going into a falsetto. You can just say random things that pop into your head, recite lines from memory, or read a book or reddit comments out loud, while keeping an eye on your pitch in Vocal Pitch Monitor.
It might sound terrible, but that's okay - the important thing is to get used to speaking in that range. Drink water throughout and take a break if you feel your voice getting strained or hoarse.
每天抽出一些时间(比如半小时)按照热身视频做练习,然后练习在女性音域(D3 到 D4 之间,或者 150-300 Hz)说话,或者尽可能接近该音域,但不要用力喊叫或进入假声。可以随便说点什么,背诵一些台词,大声朗读书籍或者帖子,同时注意在 Vocal Pitch Monitor 中的音高。
**第二章 ... 未完待续**
<!-- (continue to Level 2 - Intermediate...) -->
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title: L的嗓音训练指南:MTF 女性化发声训练
author: Lsomethingsomething,代糖空泡(译)
enable: false
本文翻译自 Reddit 用户 [Lsomethingsomething](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lsomethingsomething/)
的帖子:[L's Voice Training Guide (Level 1) for MTF transgender vocal feminization](
# 译者注
# 目录
**第一阶段** - 基础
**第二阶段** - 进阶
**第三阶段** - 高级
**第四阶段** - 精通
<!-- Level 1 - Foundations
1. Inspiration *
2. Vocal Tract Length ***
3. Pitch **
Level 2 - Intermediate
4. Resonance ***
5. Open Quotient *
6. Intonation **
Level 3 - Advanced
7. Articulation **
8. Vocal Twang *
9. Throat Closure ***
Level 4 - Mastery
10. Exploration *
11. Polishing **
12. Performance *** -->
<!-- *easy **medium ***hard -->
# 引言
Hey, friend. Want to change your voice? Well... you can - that's an option.
Your voice is much more malleable than you may realize. There are at least a dozen different dimensions that you can learn to control independently to change the sound of your voice. The way you talk right now is not your one "true" voice, it is a habit. A habit that can be changed, if you so choose.
I like to come at this challenge from two angles. One is to break down all the muscle movements involved and learn to manipulate them individually, through simple drills. The other is to listen to carefully selected example voices and learn to imitate them, intuitively. You will get results much faster by using both, as you do in this guide.
My approach to voice training is not a process of feminization. It is a journey in flexibility, to full fluency over the entire possibility space of your voice. This guide is aimed at those of you who are already comfortable in the masculine end of the spectrum. With the exercises I've gathered here, you will familiarize yourself with the feminine end - and everything in between.
Once you have gained complete freedom across your vocal range, you can choose exactly where you'd like to live - whether that is within one voice, or two. Or three. Masculine, feminine, or androgynous, young or old, human or cartoon. Any or all. It's up to you.
So now, listen to this clip to hear me demonstrate the eight most important elements for vocal feminization, gradually transforming a masculine voice into a feminine one. Then, listen to this clip to hear how they sound one at a time, in isolation. With practice, you can learn to do this too!
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<source src="/vocal_elements_demo_separate.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
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Most of the material in this guide can be traced back to the pioneering work of Zheanna Erose of TransVoiceLessons, as well as the excellent free tutorial videos at New York Vocal Coaching. Many thanks, also, to the Scinguistics community, and of course, all of you lovely people here on r/transvoice!
I've organized this guide into four levels, from Foundations to Mastery, each split into three subsections. You could easily spend a month on each level - a week or two per subsection. But you don't have to master each subsection before moving on to the next. Just give yourself enough time to digest the material and get a feel for it, and then start the next subsection as soon as you no longer feel overwhelmed.
Ready? Let's begin.
本指南的许多内容都可以追溯到 [Zheanna Erose](https://www.youtube.com/c/ZheannaErose) 的先驱性探索([TransVoiceLessons](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBYlEnfAUbrYSwF0VujcmHA)),以及 [New York Vocal Coaching](https://www.youtube.com/user/NewYorkVocalCoaching) 提供的优质免费视频。同时,我也要感谢 [Scinguistics](https://cramdvoicelessons.blog/about/) 社区,以及在 [r/transvoice](https://www.reddit.com/r/transvoice/) 论坛的所有朋友们!
~ L
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