import { resolve, relative } from 'node:path' import type { Plugin } from 'vite' import { pathEndsWith, pathEquals, pathStartsWith, } from '../path' interface Context { helpers: { /** * A helper function to help to determine whether the passed string parameter equals the * current transforming module ID with normalization of paths capabilities and * cross platform / OS compatibilities. * @param equalsWith - String to equal with * @returns boolean */ idEquals: (equalsWith: string) => boolean /** * A helper function to help to determine whether the passed string parameter startsWith the * current transforming module ID with normalization of paths capabilities and * cross platform / OS compatibilities. * @param startsWith - String to start with * @returns boolean */ idStartsWith: (startsWith: string) => boolean /** * A helper function to help to determine whether the passed string parameter endsWith the * current transforming module ID with normalization of paths capabilities and * cross platform / OS compatibilities. * @param endsWith - String to end with * @returns boolean */ idEndsWith: (endsWith: string) => boolean /** * A helper function to help to determine whether the passed first path parameter * equals the second passed string with normalization of paths capabilities and * cross platform / OS compatibilities. * @param path - Path to be compared with * @param equalsWith - String to equal with * @returns boolean */ pathEquals: (path: string, equalsWith: string) => boolean /** * A helper function to help to determine whether the passed first path parameter * startsWith the second passed string with normalization of paths capabilities and * cross platform / OS compatibilities. * @param path - Path to be compared with * @param startsWith - String to start with * @returns boolean */ pathStartsWith: (path: string, startsWith: string) => boolean /** * A helper function to help to determine whether the passed first path parameter * endsWith the second passed string with normalization of paths capabilities and * cross platform / OS compatibilities. * @param path - Path to be compared with * @param endsWith - String to end with * @returns boolean */ pathEndsWith: (path: string, endsWith: string) => boolean } } export interface MarkdownSectionWrapperOptions { /** * The list of file names to exclude from the transformation * @default [''] */ excludes?: string[] /** * The function to exclude the file from the transformation * @param id - the current transforming module ID (comes from vite when transform hook is called) * @param context - the context object, contains several helper functions * @returns boolean * @default () => false */ exclude?: (id: string, context: Context) => boolean } export function MarkdownSectionWrapper(headerTransformers: ((frontmatter: string|null, text: string, id: string) => string)[], footerTransformers: ((frontmatter: string|null, text: string, id: string) => string)[], options?: MarkdownSectionWrapperOptions): Plugin { const { excludes = [''], exclude = () => false, } = options ?? {} let root = '' return { name: '@pjts/markdown-section-wrapper', // May set to 'pre' since end user may use vitepress wrapped vite plugin to // specify the plugins, which may cause this plugin to be executed after // vitepress or the other markdown processing plugins. enforce: 'pre', configResolved(config) { root = config.root ?? '' }, transform(code, id) { function idEndsWith(endsWith: string) { return pathEndsWith(relative(root, id), endsWith) } function idEquals(equals: string) { return pathEquals(relative(root, id), equals) } function idStartsWith(startsWith: string) { return pathStartsWith(relative(root, id), startsWith) } if (!id.endsWith('.md')) return null if (excludes.includes(id)) return null if (exclude(id, { helpers: { idEndsWith, idEquals, idStartsWith, pathEndsWith, pathEquals, pathStartsWith } })) return null let frontmatter = (code.match(/(^---$(\s|\S)+?^---$)/m)?.[0] ?? null) let text = code.replace(/(^---$(\s|\S)+?^---$)/m, '') let headers: string[] = => f(frontmatter, text, id)) let footers: string[] = => f(frontmatter, text, id)) return [frontmatter, ...headers, text, ...footers].join("") }, } } export function TemplateAppSBox(_frontmatter: string|null, _text: string, _id: string): string { return ` ## 意见反馈 ` } export function TemplateCopyrightInfo(_frontmatter: string|null, _text: string, _id: string): string { return ` ` } const ROOT = resolve(__dirname, '../../') export function PageHeaderTemplate(_frontmatter: string|null, _text: string, id: string): string { if (!id.endsWith('.md')) return '' id = relative(ROOT, id) if (id == '') return '' return ` # {{ $frontmatter.title }} `}