203 lines
6.8 KiB
203 lines
6.8 KiB
import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'
import nav from './nav'
import mdPangu from 'markdown-it-pangu'
import katex from 'markdown-it-katex'
import footnote from 'markdown-it-footnote'
import { sidebar } from './sidebar'
import { rootDir, githubRepoLink } from './meta'
import { readFileSync, statSync } from 'node:fs'
import { join } from 'node:path'
const siteTitle = 'RLE.wiki'
const siteDescription = '一份 RLE 指北'
// https://vitepress.dev/reference/site-config
export default defineConfig({
lang: 'zh-CN',
title: siteTitle,
cleanUrls: true,
markdown: {
config(md) {
dir: rootDir,
head: [
['link', { rel: "apple-touch-icon", sizes: "180x180", href: "/apple-touch-icon.png" }],
['link', { rel: "icon", type: "image/png", sizes: "32x32", href: "/favicon-32x32.png" }],
['link', { rel: "icon", type: "image/png", sizes: "16x16", href: "/favicon-16x16.png" }],
['link', { rel: "manifest", href: "/site.webmanifest" }],
['meta', { name: "msapplication-TileColor", content: "#4c4c4c" }],
['meta', { name: "theme-color", content: "#ffffff" }],
['meta', { property: 'og:site_name', content: siteTitle }],
themeConfig: {
// https://vitepress.dev/reference/default-theme-config
siteTitle: false,
logo: {
src: '/logo-horizontal.svg',
alt: 'Logo: RLE.wiki',
socialLinks: [
{ icon: 'github', link: githubRepoLink }
editLink: {
pattern: `${githubRepoLink}/edit/main/docs/:path`,
text: '在 GitHub 上编辑此页面', // label localization
// label localization
outline: { label: '本页大纲', level: 'deep' },
lastUpdated: { text: '最后更新' },
darkModeSwitchLabel: '深色模式',
sidebarMenuLabel: '目录',
returnToTopLabel: '返回顶部',
docFooter: {
prev: '上一页',
next: '下一页',
search: {
provider: 'local',
options: {
locales: {
root: {
translations: {
button: {
buttonText: '搜索文档',
buttonAriaLabel: '搜索文档',
modal: {
noResultsText: '无法找到相关结果',
resetButtonTitle: '清除查询条件',
footer: {
selectText: '选择',
navigateText: '切换',
// Add title field in frontmatter to search
// You can exclude a page from search by adding search: false to the page's frontmatter.
_render(src, env, md) {
if (env.frontmatter?.search === false) return ''
let html = md.render(src, env)
if (env.frontmatter?.title)
html = md.render(`# ${env.frontmatter.title}\n`) + html
return html
transformHead: (context) => {
const head = [...context.head] || []
const pageSourceFilePath = join(rootDir, context.pageData.filePath)
const pageSourceFileStat = statSync(join(rootDir, context.pageData.filePath))
if (pageSourceFileStat.isDirectory()) {
property: 'og:title',
content: siteTitle,
name: 'description',
content: siteDescription,
return head
let pageSourceFileContent = readFileSync(pageSourceFilePath, { encoding: 'utf-8' })
// remove all frontmatter
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/---[\s\S]*?---/, '')
// remove markdown heading markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/^(#+)\s+(.*)/gm, ' $2 ')
// remove markdown link markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/gm, ' $1 ')
// remove markdown image markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/\!\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/gm, ' $1 ')
// remove markdown reference link markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/\[.*]/gm, '')
// remove markdown bold markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/\*\*([^*]+)\*\*/gm, ' $1 ')
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/__([^*]+)__/gm, ' $1 ')
// remove markdown italic markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/\*([^*]+)\*/gm, ' $1 ')
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/_([^*]+)_/gm, ' $1 ')
// remove markdown code markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/`([^`]+)`/gm, ' $1 ')
// remove markdown code block markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/```([^`]+)```/gm, ' $1 ')
// remove markdown table header markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/\|:?-+:?\|/gm, '')
// remove markdown table cell markup but keep the text content
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/\|([^|]+)\|/gm, ' $1 ')
// remove specific html tags completely
const tags = ['']
tags.forEach((tag) => {
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(new RegExp(`<${tag}[^>]*>[\\s\\S]*?<\\/${tag}>`, 'g'), '')
// remove specific html tags but keep the text content
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tagsToKeepContent.forEach((tag) => {
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(new RegExp(`<${tag}[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\\/${tag}>`, 'g'), ' $1 ')
// remove all new lines (either \r, \n)
pageSourceFileContent = pageSourceFileContent.replace(/[\r|\n]/gm, '')
// calculate the first 200 characters of the page content
let pageContent = pageSourceFileContent.slice(0, 200)
// trim space
pageContent = pageContent.trim()
// if pageSourceFileContent is longer than 200 characters, add ellipsis
if (pageSourceFileContent.length > 100)
pageContent += '...'
if (context.pageData.frontmatter?.layout === 'home') {
pageContent = context.pageData.frontmatter?.hero?.tagline ?? siteDescription
{ name: 'description', content: pageContent },
{ property: 'og:title', content: context.title },
{ property: 'og:description', content: pageContent },
{ property: 'og:title', content: context.title },
{ property: 'twitter:description', content: pageContent },
return head