2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
import json , logging
from typing import Any , Dict
import random
import struct
2023-05-31 02:29:50 +08:00
from csv import *
from random import choice
import random as rand
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
from core . data import Data
from core import CoreConfig
from . config import SaoConfig
from . database import SaoData
from titles . sao . handlers . base import *
class SaoBase :
def __init__ ( self , core_cfg : CoreConfig , game_cfg : SaoConfig ) - > None :
self . core_cfg = core_cfg
self . game_cfg = game_cfg
self . core_data = Data ( core_cfg )
self . game_data = SaoData ( core_cfg )
self . version = 0
self . logger = logging . getLogger ( " sao " )
def handle_noop ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
sao_request = request
sao_id = int ( sao_request [ : 4 ] , 16 ) + 1
ret = struct . pack ( " !HHIIIIIIb " , sao_id , 0 , 0 , 5 , 1 , 1 , 5 , 0x01000000 , 0 ) . hex ( )
return bytes . fromhex ( ret )
def handle_c122 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoGetMaintResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c12e ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoCommonAcCabinetBootNotificationResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c100 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoCommonGetAppVersionsRequest ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c102 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoMasterDataVersionCheckResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c10a ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoCommonPayingPlayStartRequest ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_ca02 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoGetQuestSceneMultiPlayPhotonServerResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c11e ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" cabinet_type " / Int8ub , # cabinet_type is a byte
" auth_type " / Int8ub , # auth_type is a byte
" store_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . store_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the store_id
" store_id " / PaddedString ( this . store_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # store_id is a (zero) padded string
" serial_no_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . serial_no ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the serial_no
" serial_no " / PaddedString ( this . serial_no_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # serial_no is a (zero) padded string
" access_code_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . access_code ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the access_code
" access_code " / PaddedString ( this . access_code_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # access_code is a (zero) padded string
" chip_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . chip_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the chip_id
" chip_id " / PaddedString ( this . chip_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # chip_id is a (zero) padded string
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
access_code = req_data . access_code
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
#Check authentication
user_id = self . core_data . card . get_user_id_from_card ( access_code )
if not user_id :
user_id = self . core_data . user . create_user ( ) #works
card_id = self . core_data . card . create_card ( user_id , access_code )
if card_id is None :
user_id = - 1
self . logger . error ( " Failed to register card! " )
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
# Create profile with 3 basic heroes
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
profile_id = self . game_data . profile . create_profile ( user_id )
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , 101000010 , 1 , 0 , 101000016 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 1003 , 1005 )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , 102000010 , 1 , 0 , 103000006 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 1003 , 1005 )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , 103000010 , 1 , 0 , 112000009 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 1003 , 1005 )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_party ( user_id , 0 , 101000010 , 102000010 , 103000010 )
2023-05-31 06:03:52 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , 101000016 , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , 103000006 , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , 112000009 , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_player_quest ( user_id , 1001 , True , 300 , 0 , 0 , 1 )
# Force the tutorial stage to be completed due to potential crash in-game
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
self . logger . info ( f " User Authenticated: { access_code } | { user_id } " )
#Grab values from profile
profile_data = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
if user_id and not profile_data :
profile_id = self . game_data . profile . create_profile ( user_id )
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , 101000010 , 1 , 0 , 101000016 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 1003 , 1005 )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , 102000010 , 1 , 0 , 103000006 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 1003 , 1005 )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , 103000010 , 1 , 0 , 112000009 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 1003 , 1005 )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_party ( user_id , 0 , 101000010 , 102000010 , 103000010 )
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , 101000016 , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , 103000006 , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , 112000009 , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_player_quest ( user_id , 1001 , True , 300 , 0 , 0 , 1 )
# Force the tutorial stage to be completed due to potential crash in-game
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
profile_data = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
resp = SaoGetAuthCardDataResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , profile_data )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c40c ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoHomeCheckAcLoginBonusResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c104 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" cabinet_type " / Int8ub , # cabinet_type is a byte
" auth_type " / Int8ub , # auth_type is a byte
" store_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . store_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the store_id
" store_id " / PaddedString ( this . store_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # store_id is a (zero) padded string
" store_name_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . store_name ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the store_name
" store_name " / PaddedString ( this . store_name_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # store_name is a (zero) padded string
" serial_no_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . serial_no ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the serial_no
" serial_no " / PaddedString ( this . serial_no_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # serial_no is a (zero) padded string
" access_code_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . access_code ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the access_code
" access_code " / PaddedString ( this . access_code_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # access_code is a (zero) padded string
" chip_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . chip_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the chip_id
" chip_id " / PaddedString ( this . chip_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # chip_id is a (zero) padded string
" free_ticket_distribution_target_flag " / Int8ub , # free_ticket_distribution_target_flag is a byte
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
access_code = req_data . access_code
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
user_id = self . core_data . card . get_user_id_from_card ( access_code )
profile_data = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
resp = SaoCommonLoginResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , profile_data )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c404 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoCheckComebackEventRequest ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c000 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoTicketResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c500 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
profile_data = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
resp = SaoGetUserBasicDataResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , profile_data )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c600 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
hero_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_logs ( user_id )
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
resp = SaoGetHeroLogUserDataListResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , hero_data )
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c602 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-05-31 06:03:52 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
2023-05-31 06:03:52 +08:00
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
equipment_data = self . game_data . item . get_user_equipments ( user_id )
resp = SaoGetEquipmentUserDataListResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , equipment_data )
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c604 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-06-02 01:19:48 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
2023-06-02 01:19:48 +08:00
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
item_data = self . game_data . item . get_user_items ( user_id )
resp = SaoGetItemUserDataListResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , item_data )
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c606 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
supportIdsData = self . game_data . static . get_support_log_ids ( 0 , True )
resp = SaoGetSupportLogUserDataListResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , supportIdsData )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c800 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
titleIdsData = self . game_data . static . get_title_ids ( 0 , True )
resp = SaoGetTitleUserDataListResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , titleIdsData )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c608 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
profile_data = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
resp = SaoGetEpisodeAppendDataListResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , profile_data )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c804 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
hero_party = self . game_data . item . get_hero_party ( user_id , 0 )
hero1_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( user_id , hero_party [ 3 ] )
hero2_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( user_id , hero_party [ 4 ] )
hero3_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( user_id , hero_party [ 5 ] )
resp = SaoGetPartyDataListResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , hero1_data , hero2_data , hero3_data )
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c902 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes : # for whatever reason, having all entries empty or filled changes nothing
resp = SaoGetQuestScenePrevScanProfileCardResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c124 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoGetResourcePathInfoResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c900 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
#quest/get_quest_scene_user_data_list // QuestScene.csv
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
quest_data = self . game_data . item . get_quest_logs ( user_id )
resp = SaoGetQuestSceneUserDataListResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , quest_data )
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c400 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoCheckYuiMedalGetConditionResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c402 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoGetYuiMedalBonusUserDataResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c40a ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
resp = SaoCheckProfileCardUsedRewardResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
2023-06-02 01:19:48 +08:00
def handle_c814 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 20 ) ,
" ticket_id " / Bytes ( 1 ) , # needs to be parsed as an int
Padding ( 1 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
" origin_user_hero_log_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . origin_user_hero_log_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the origin_user_hero_log_id
" origin_user_hero_log_id " / PaddedString ( this . origin_user_hero_log_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # origin_user_hero_log_id is a (zero) padded string
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" material_common_reward_user_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . material_common_reward_user_data_list ) ) , # material_common_reward_user_data_list is a byte,
" material_common_reward_user_data_list " / Array ( this . material_common_reward_user_data_list_length , Struct (
" common_reward_type " / Int16ub , # team_no is a byte
" user_common_reward_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_common_reward_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_common_reward_id
" user_common_reward_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_common_reward_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_common_reward_id is a (zero) padded string
) ) ,
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
synthesize_hero_log_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( req_data . user_id , req_data . origin_user_hero_log_id )
for i in range ( 0 , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list_length ) :
itemList = self . game_data . static . get_item_id ( req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
heroList = self . game_data . static . get_hero_id ( req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
equipmentList = self . game_data . static . get_equipment_id ( req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
if itemList :
hero_exp = 2000 + int ( synthesize_hero_log_data [ " log_exp " ] )
self . game_data . item . remove_item ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
if equipmentList :
equipment_data = self . game_data . item . get_user_equipment ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
hero_exp = int ( equipment_data [ " enhancement_exp " ] ) + int ( synthesize_hero_log_data [ " log_exp " ] )
self . game_data . item . remove_equipment ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
if heroList :
hero_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
hero_exp = int ( hero_data [ " log_exp " ] ) + int ( synthesize_hero_log_data [ " log_exp " ] )
self . game_data . item . remove_hero_log ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log (
user_id ,
int ( req_data . origin_user_hero_log_id ) ,
synthesize_hero_log_data [ " log_level " ] ,
hero_exp ,
synthesize_hero_log_data [ " main_weapon " ] ,
synthesize_hero_log_data [ " sub_equipment " ] ,
synthesize_hero_log_data [ " skill_slot1_skill_id " ] ,
synthesize_hero_log_data [ " skill_slot2_skill_id " ] ,
synthesize_hero_log_data [ " skill_slot3_skill_id " ] ,
synthesize_hero_log_data [ " skill_slot4_skill_id " ] ,
synthesize_hero_log_data [ " skill_slot5_skill_id " ]
profile = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( req_data . user_id )
new_col = int ( profile [ " own_col " ] ) - 100
# Update profile
self . game_data . profile . put_profile (
req_data . user_id ,
profile [ " user_type " ] ,
profile [ " nick_name " ] ,
profile [ " rank_num " ] ,
profile [ " rank_exp " ] ,
new_col ,
profile [ " own_vp " ] ,
profile [ " own_yui_medal " ] ,
profile [ " setting_title_id " ]
# Load the item again to push to the response handler
synthesize_hero_log_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( req_data . user_id , req_data . origin_user_hero_log_id )
resp = SaoSynthesizeEnhancementHeroLogResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , synthesize_hero_log_data )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_c816 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-06-01 09:58:30 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 20 ) ,
" ticket_id " / Bytes ( 1 ) , # needs to be parsed as an int
Padding ( 1 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
" origin_user_equipment_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . origin_user_equipment_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the origin_user_equipment_id
" origin_user_equipment_id " / PaddedString ( this . origin_user_equipment_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # origin_user_equipment_id is a (zero) padded string
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" material_common_reward_user_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . material_common_reward_user_data_list ) ) , # material_common_reward_user_data_list is a byte,
" material_common_reward_user_data_list " / Array ( this . material_common_reward_user_data_list_length , Struct (
" common_reward_type " / Int16ub , # team_no is a byte
" user_common_reward_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_common_reward_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_common_reward_id
" user_common_reward_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_common_reward_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_common_reward_id is a (zero) padded string
) ) ,
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
synthesize_equipment_data = self . game_data . item . get_user_equipment ( req_data . user_id , req_data . origin_user_equipment_id )
for i in range ( 0 , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list_length ) :
itemList = self . game_data . static . get_item_id ( req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
heroList = self . game_data . static . get_hero_id ( req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
equipmentList = self . game_data . static . get_equipment_id ( req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
if itemList :
equipment_exp = 2000 + int ( synthesize_equipment_data [ " enhancement_exp " ] )
2023-06-02 01:19:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . remove_item ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
2023-06-01 09:58:30 +08:00
if equipmentList :
equipment_data = self . game_data . item . get_user_equipment ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
equipment_exp = int ( equipment_data [ " enhancement_exp " ] ) + int ( synthesize_equipment_data [ " enhancement_exp " ] )
self . game_data . item . remove_equipment ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
if heroList :
hero_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
equipment_exp = int ( hero_data [ " log_exp " ] ) + int ( synthesize_equipment_data [ " enhancement_exp " ] )
self . game_data . item . remove_hero_log ( req_data . user_id , req_data . material_common_reward_user_data_list [ i ] . user_common_reward_id )
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( req_data . user_id , int ( req_data . origin_user_equipment_id ) , synthesize_equipment_data [ " enhancement_value " ] , equipment_exp , 0 , 0 , 0 )
profile = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( req_data . user_id )
new_col = int ( profile [ " own_col " ] ) - 100
# Update profile
self . game_data . profile . put_profile (
req_data . user_id ,
profile [ " user_type " ] ,
profile [ " nick_name " ] ,
profile [ " rank_num " ] ,
profile [ " rank_exp " ] ,
new_col ,
profile [ " own_vp " ] ,
profile [ " own_yui_medal " ] ,
profile [ " setting_title_id " ]
# Load the item again to push to the response handler
synthesize_equipment_data = self . game_data . item . get_user_equipment ( req_data . user_id , req_data . origin_user_equipment_id )
resp = SaoSynthesizeEnhancementEquipmentResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , synthesize_equipment_data )
return resp . make ( )
2023-05-29 23:10:32 +08:00
def handle_c806 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 20 ) ,
" ticket_id " / Bytes ( 1 ) , # needs to be parsed as an int
Padding ( 1 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
" act_type " / Int8ub , # play_mode is a byte
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" party_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . party_data_list ) ) , # party_data_list is a byte,
" party_data_list " / Array ( this . party_data_list_length , Struct (
" user_party_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_party_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_party_id
" user_party_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_party_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_party_id is a (zero) padded string
" team_no " / Int8ub , # team_no is a byte
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" party_team_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . party_team_data_list ) ) , # party_team_data_list is a byte
" party_team_data_list " / Array ( this . party_team_data_list_length , Struct (
" user_party_team_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_party_team_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_party_team_id
" user_party_team_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_party_team_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_party_team_id is a (zero) padded string
" arrangement_num " / Int8ub , # arrangement_num is a byte
" user_hero_log_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_hero_log_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_hero_log_id
" user_hero_log_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_hero_log_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_hero_log_id is a (zero) padded string
" main_weapon_user_equipment_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . main_weapon_user_equipment_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the main_weapon_user_equipment_id
" main_weapon_user_equipment_id " / PaddedString ( this . main_weapon_user_equipment_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # main_weapon_user_equipment_id is a (zero) padded string
" sub_equipment_user_equipment_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . sub_equipment_user_equipment_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the sub_equipment_user_equipment_id
" sub_equipment_user_equipment_id " / PaddedString ( this . sub_equipment_user_equipment_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # sub_equipment_user_equipment_id is a (zero) padded string
" skill_slot1_skill_id " / Int32ub , # skill_slot1_skill_id is a int,
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
" skill_slot2_skill_id " / Int32ub , # skill_slot1_skill_id is a int,
" skill_slot3_skill_id " / Int32ub , # skill_slot1_skill_id is a int,
" skill_slot4_skill_id " / Int32ub , # skill_slot1_skill_id is a int,
" skill_slot5_skill_id " / Int32ub , # skill_slot1_skill_id is a int,
2023-05-29 23:10:32 +08:00
) ) ,
) ) ,
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
user_id = req_data . user_id
2023-05-29 23:10:32 +08:00
2023-05-30 04:51:41 +08:00
for party_team in req_data . party_data_list [ 0 ] . party_team_data_list :
hero_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( user_id , party_team [ " user_hero_log_id " ] )
hero_level = 1
hero_exp = 0
if hero_data :
hero_level = hero_data [ " log_level " ]
hero_exp = hero_data [ " log_exp " ]
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log (
user_id ,
party_team [ " user_hero_log_id " ] ,
hero_level ,
hero_exp ,
party_team [ " main_weapon_user_equipment_id " ] ,
party_team [ " sub_equipment_user_equipment_id " ] ,
party_team [ " skill_slot1_skill_id " ] ,
party_team [ " skill_slot2_skill_id " ] ,
party_team [ " skill_slot3_skill_id " ] ,
party_team [ " skill_slot4_skill_id " ] ,
party_team [ " skill_slot5_skill_id " ]
2023-05-29 23:10:32 +08:00
resp = SaoNoopResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
def handle_c904 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-05-29 23:10:32 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 20 ) ,
" ticket_id " / Bytes ( 1 ) , # needs to be parsed as an int
Padding ( 1 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
" episode_id " / Int32ub , # episode_id is a int,
" play_mode " / Int8ub , # play_mode is a byte
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" play_start_request_data_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . play_start_request_data ) ) , # play_start_request_data_length is a byte,
" play_start_request_data " / Array ( this . play_start_request_data_length , Struct (
" user_party_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_party_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_party_id
" user_party_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_party_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_party_id is a (zero) padded string
" appoint_leader_resource_card_code_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . appoint_leader_resource_card_code ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the total_damage
" appoint_leader_resource_card_code " / PaddedString ( this . appoint_leader_resource_card_code_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # total_damage is a (zero) padded string
" use_profile_card_code_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . use_profile_card_code ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the total_damage
" use_profile_card_code " / PaddedString ( this . use_profile_card_code_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # use_profile_card_code is a (zero) padded string
" quest_drop_boost_apply_flag " / Int8ub , # quest_drop_boost_apply_flag is a byte
) ) ,
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
profile_data = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
self . game_data . item . create_session (
user_id ,
int ( req_data . play_start_request_data [ 0 ] . user_party_id ) ,
req_data . episode_id ,
req_data . play_mode ,
req_data . play_start_request_data [ 0 ] . quest_drop_boost_apply_flag
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
resp = SaoEpisodePlayStartResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , profile_data )
return resp . make ( )
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
def handle_c908 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes : # Level calculation missing for the profile and heroes
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
2023-05-29 23:10:32 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 20 ) ,
" ticket_id " / Bytes ( 1 ) , # needs to be parsed as an int
Padding ( 1 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
Padding ( 2 ) ,
" episode_id " / Int16ub , # episode_id is a short,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" play_end_request_data " / Int8ub , # play_end_request_data is a byte
Padding ( 1 ) ,
" play_result_flag " / Int8ub , # play_result_flag is a byte
Padding ( 2 ) ,
" base_get_data_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . base_get_data ) ) , # base_get_data_length is a byte,
" base_get_data " / Array ( this . base_get_data_length , Struct (
" get_hero_log_exp " / Int32ub , # get_hero_log_exp is an int
" get_col " / Int32ub , # get_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_player_trace_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_player_trace_data_list ) ) , # get_player_trace_data_list_length is a byte
" get_player_trace_data_list " / Array ( this . get_player_trace_data_list_length , Struct (
" user_quest_scene_player_trace_id " / Int32ub , # user_quest_scene_player_trace_id is an int
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_rare_drop_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_rare_drop_data_list ) ) , # get_rare_drop_data_list_length is a byte
" get_rare_drop_data_list " / Array ( this . get_rare_drop_data_list_length , Struct (
" quest_rare_drop_id " / Int32ub , # quest_rare_drop_id is an int
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_special_rare_drop_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_special_rare_drop_data_list ) ) , # get_special_rare_drop_data_list_length is a byte
" get_special_rare_drop_data_list " / Array ( this . get_special_rare_drop_data_list_length , Struct (
" quest_special_rare_drop_id " / Int32ub , # quest_special_rare_drop_id is an int
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list ) ) , # get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list_length is a byte
" get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list " / Array ( this . get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list_length , Struct (
" unanalyzed_log_grade_id " / Int32ub , # unanalyzed_log_grade_id is an int,
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_event_item_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_event_item_data_list ) ) , # get_event_item_data_list_length is a byte,
" get_event_item_data_list " / Array ( this . get_event_item_data_list_length , Struct (
" event_item_id " / Int32ub , # event_item_id is an int
" get_num " / Int16ub , # get_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" discovery_enemy_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . discovery_enemy_data_list ) ) , # discovery_enemy_data_list_length is a byte
" discovery_enemy_data_list " / Array ( this . discovery_enemy_data_list_length , Struct (
" enemy_kind_id " / Int32ub , # enemy_kind_id is an int
" destroy_num " / Int16ub , # destroy_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" destroy_boss_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . destroy_boss_data_list ) ) , # destroy_boss_data_list_length is a byte
" destroy_boss_data_list " / Array ( this . destroy_boss_data_list_length , Struct (
" boss_type " / Int8ub , # boss_type is a byte
" enemy_kind_id " / Int32ub , # enemy_kind_id is an int
" destroy_num " / Int16ub , # destroy_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" mission_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . mission_data_list ) ) , # mission_data_list_length is a byte
" mission_data_list " / Array ( this . mission_data_list_length , Struct (
" mission_id " / Int32ub , # enemy_kind_id is an int
" clear_flag " / Int8ub , # boss_type is a byte
" mission_difficulty_id " / Int16ub , # destroy_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" score_data_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . score_data ) ) , # score_data_length is a byte
" score_data " / Array ( this . score_data_length , Struct (
" clear_time " / Int32ub , # clear_time is an int
" combo_num " / Int32ub , # boss_type is a int
" total_damage_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . total_damage ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the total_damage
" total_damage " / PaddedString ( this . total_damage_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # total_damage is a (zero) padded string
" concurrent_destroying_num " / Int16ub , # concurrent_destroying_num is a short
" reaching_skill_level " / Int16ub , # reaching_skill_level is a short
" ko_chara_num " / Int8ub , # ko_chara_num is a byte
" acceleration_invocation_num " / Int16ub , # acceleration_invocation_num is a short
" boss_destroying_num " / Int16ub , # boss_destroying_num is a short
" synchro_skill_used_flag " / Int8ub , # synchro_skill_used_flag is a byte
" used_friend_skill_id " / Int32ub , # used_friend_skill_id is an int
" friend_skill_used_flag " / Int8ub , # friend_skill_used_flag is a byte
" continue_cnt " / Int16ub , # continue_cnt is a short
" total_loss_num " / Int16ub , # total_loss_num is a short
) ) ,
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
# Add stage progression to database
user_id = req_data . user_id
episode_id = req_data . episode_id
quest_clear_flag = bool ( req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . boss_destroying_num )
clear_time = req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . clear_time
combo_num = req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . combo_num
total_damage = req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . total_damage
concurrent_destroying_num = req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . concurrent_destroying_num
if quest_clear_flag is True :
# Save stage progression - to be revised to avoid saving worse score
self . game_data . item . put_player_quest ( user_id , episode_id , quest_clear_flag , clear_time , combo_num , total_damage , concurrent_destroying_num )
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
# Update the profile
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
profile = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
exp = int ( profile [ " rank_exp " ] ) + 100 #always 100 extra exp for some reason
col = int ( profile [ " own_col " ] ) + int ( req_data . base_get_data [ 0 ] . get_col )
2023-05-30 08:57:02 +08:00
# Calculate level based off experience and the CSV list
with open ( r ' titles/sao/data/PlayerRank.csv ' ) as csv_file :
csv_reader = csv . reader ( csv_file , delimiter = ' , ' )
line_count = 0
data = [ ]
rowf = False
for row in csv_reader :
if rowf == False :
rowf = True
else :
data . append ( row )
for i in range ( 0 , len ( data ) ) :
if exp > = int ( data [ i ] [ 1 ] ) and exp < int ( data [ i + 1 ] [ 1 ] ) :
player_level = int ( data [ i ] [ 0 ] )
# Update profile
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
updated_profile = self . game_data . profile . put_profile (
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
user_id ,
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
profile [ " user_type " ] ,
profile [ " nick_name " ] ,
2023-05-30 08:57:02 +08:00
player_level ,
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
exp ,
col ,
profile [ " own_vp " ] ,
profile [ " own_yui_medal " ] ,
profile [ " setting_title_id " ]
# Update heroes from the used party
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
play_session = self . game_data . item . get_session ( user_id )
session_party = self . game_data . item . get_hero_party ( user_id , play_session [ " user_party_team_id " ] )
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
hero_list = [ ]
hero_list . append ( session_party [ " user_hero_log_id_1 " ] )
hero_list . append ( session_party [ " user_hero_log_id_2 " ] )
hero_list . append ( session_party [ " user_hero_log_id_3 " ] )
for i in range ( 0 , len ( hero_list ) ) :
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
hero_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( user_id , hero_list [ i ] )
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
log_exp = int ( hero_data [ " log_exp " ] ) + int ( req_data . base_get_data [ 0 ] . get_hero_log_exp )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log (
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
user_id ,
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
hero_data [ " user_hero_log_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " log_level " ] ,
log_exp ,
hero_data [ " main_weapon " ] ,
hero_data [ " sub_equipment " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot1_skill_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot2_skill_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot3_skill_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot4_skill_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot5_skill_id " ]
2023-06-03 23:42:50 +08:00
# Grab the rare loot from the table, match it with the right item and then push to the player profile
for r in range ( 0 , req_data . get_rare_drop_data_list_length ) :
rewardList = self . game_data . static . get_rare_drop_id ( int ( req_data . get_rare_drop_data_list [ r ] . quest_rare_drop_id ) )
commonRewardId = rewardList [ " commonRewardId " ]
heroList = self . game_data . static . get_hero_id ( commonRewardId )
equipmentList = self . game_data . static . get_equipment_id ( commonRewardId )
itemList = self . game_data . static . get_item_id ( commonRewardId )
if heroList :
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , commonRewardId , 1 , 0 , 101000016 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-03 23:42:50 +08:00
if equipmentList :
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , commonRewardId , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-03 23:42:50 +08:00
if itemList :
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_item ( user_id , commonRewardId )
2023-05-31 02:29:50 +08:00
# Generate random hero(es) based off the response
for a in range ( 0 , req_data . get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list_length ) :
with open ( ' titles/sao/data/RewardTable.csv ' , ' r ' ) as f :
keys_unanalyzed = next ( f ) . strip ( ) . split ( ' , ' )
data_unanalyzed = list ( DictReader ( f , fieldnames = keys_unanalyzed ) )
randomized_unanalyzed_id = choice ( data_unanalyzed )
while int ( randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' UnanalyzedLogGradeId ' ] ) != req_data . get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list [ a ] . unanalyzed_log_grade_id :
randomized_unanalyzed_id = choice ( data_unanalyzed )
heroList = self . game_data . static . get_hero_id ( randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] )
2023-05-31 06:03:52 +08:00
equipmentList = self . game_data . static . get_equipment_id ( randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] )
2023-06-02 01:19:48 +08:00
itemList = self . game_data . static . get_item_id ( randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] )
2023-05-31 02:29:50 +08:00
if heroList :
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] , 1 , 0 , 101000016 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 0 , 0 )
2023-05-31 06:03:52 +08:00
if equipmentList :
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-02 01:19:48 +08:00
if itemList :
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_item ( user_id , randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] )
2023-05-31 02:29:50 +08:00
# Send response
2023-05-30 07:21:26 +08:00
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
resp = SaoEpisodePlayEndResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
def handle_c914 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
2023-06-25 00:29:28 +08:00
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 16 ) ,
" ticket_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . ticket_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the ticket_id
" ticket_id " / PaddedString ( this . ticket_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # ticket_id is a (zero) padded string
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
" trial_tower_id " / Int32ub , # trial_tower_id is an int
" play_mode " / Int8ub , # play_mode is a byte
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
user_id = req_data . user_id
floor_id = req_data . trial_tower_id
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
profile_data = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
resp = SaoEpisodePlayStartResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 , profile_data )
return resp . make ( )
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
def handle_c918 ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes :
req = bytes . fromhex ( request ) [ 24 : ]
req_struct = Struct (
Padding ( 20 ) ,
" ticket_id " / Bytes ( 1 ) , # needs to be parsed as an int
Padding ( 1 ) ,
" user_id_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . user_id ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the user_id
" user_id " / PaddedString ( this . user_id_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # user_id is a (zero) padded string
Padding ( 2 ) ,
" trial_tower_id " / Int16ub , # trial_tower_id is a short,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" play_end_request_data " / Int8ub , # play_end_request_data is a byte
Padding ( 1 ) ,
" play_result_flag " / Int8ub , # play_result_flag is a byte
Padding ( 2 ) ,
" base_get_data_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . base_get_data ) ) , # base_get_data_length is a byte,
" base_get_data " / Array ( this . base_get_data_length , Struct (
" get_hero_log_exp " / Int32ub , # get_hero_log_exp is an int
" get_col " / Int32ub , # get_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_player_trace_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_player_trace_data_list ) ) , # get_player_trace_data_list_length is a byte
" get_player_trace_data_list " / Array ( this . get_player_trace_data_list_length , Struct (
" user_quest_scene_player_trace_id " / Int32ub , # user_quest_scene_player_trace_id is an int
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_rare_drop_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_rare_drop_data_list ) ) , # get_rare_drop_data_list_length is a byte
" get_rare_drop_data_list " / Array ( this . get_rare_drop_data_list_length , Struct (
" quest_rare_drop_id " / Int32ub , # quest_rare_drop_id is an int
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_special_rare_drop_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_special_rare_drop_data_list ) ) , # get_special_rare_drop_data_list_length is a byte
" get_special_rare_drop_data_list " / Array ( this . get_special_rare_drop_data_list_length , Struct (
" quest_special_rare_drop_id " / Int32ub , # quest_special_rare_drop_id is an int
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list ) ) , # get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list_length is a byte
" get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list " / Array ( this . get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list_length , Struct (
" unanalyzed_log_grade_id " / Int32ub , # unanalyzed_log_grade_id is an int,
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" get_event_item_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . get_event_item_data_list ) ) , # get_event_item_data_list_length is a byte,
" get_event_item_data_list " / Array ( this . get_event_item_data_list_length , Struct (
" event_item_id " / Int32ub , # event_item_id is an int
" get_num " / Int16ub , # get_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" discovery_enemy_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . discovery_enemy_data_list ) ) , # discovery_enemy_data_list_length is a byte
" discovery_enemy_data_list " / Array ( this . discovery_enemy_data_list_length , Struct (
" enemy_kind_id " / Int32ub , # enemy_kind_id is an int
" destroy_num " / Int16ub , # destroy_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" destroy_boss_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . destroy_boss_data_list ) ) , # destroy_boss_data_list_length is a byte
" destroy_boss_data_list " / Array ( this . destroy_boss_data_list_length , Struct (
" boss_type " / Int8ub , # boss_type is a byte
" enemy_kind_id " / Int32ub , # enemy_kind_id is an int
" destroy_num " / Int16ub , # destroy_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" mission_data_list_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . mission_data_list ) ) , # mission_data_list_length is a byte
" mission_data_list " / Array ( this . mission_data_list_length , Struct (
" mission_id " / Int32ub , # enemy_kind_id is an int
" clear_flag " / Int8ub , # boss_type is a byte
" mission_difficulty_id " / Int16ub , # destroy_num is a short
) ) ,
Padding ( 3 ) ,
" score_data_length " / Rebuild ( Int8ub , len_ ( this . score_data ) ) , # score_data_length is a byte
" score_data " / Array ( this . score_data_length , Struct (
" clear_time " / Int32ub , # clear_time is an int
" combo_num " / Int32ub , # boss_type is a int
" total_damage_size " / Rebuild ( Int32ub , len_ ( this . total_damage ) * 2 ) , # calculates the length of the total_damage
" total_damage " / PaddedString ( this . total_damage_size , " utf_16_le " ) , # total_damage is a (zero) padded string
" concurrent_destroying_num " / Int16ub , # concurrent_destroying_num is a short
" reaching_skill_level " / Int16ub , # reaching_skill_level is a short
" ko_chara_num " / Int8ub , # ko_chara_num is a byte
" acceleration_invocation_num " / Int16ub , # acceleration_invocation_num is a short
" boss_destroying_num " / Int16ub , # boss_destroying_num is a short
" synchro_skill_used_flag " / Int8ub , # synchro_skill_used_flag is a byte
" used_friend_skill_id " / Int32ub , # used_friend_skill_id is an int
" friend_skill_used_flag " / Int8ub , # friend_skill_used_flag is a byte
" continue_cnt " / Int16ub , # continue_cnt is a short
" total_loss_num " / Int16ub , # total_loss_num is a short
) ) ,
req_data = req_struct . parse ( req )
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
# Add tower progression to database
user_id = req_data . user_id
trial_tower_id = req_data . trial_tower_id
2023-06-25 08:31:14 +08:00
next_tower_id = 0
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
quest_clear_flag = bool ( req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . boss_destroying_num )
clear_time = req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . clear_time
combo_num = req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . combo_num
total_damage = req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . total_damage
concurrent_destroying_num = req_data . score_data [ 0 ] . concurrent_destroying_num
if quest_clear_flag is True :
# Save tower progression - to be revised to avoid saving worse score
if trial_tower_id == 10 :
trial_tower_id = 10001
2023-06-25 08:31:14 +08:00
next_tower_id = 3011
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
elif trial_tower_id == 20 :
trial_tower_id = 10002
2023-06-25 08:31:14 +08:00
next_tower_id = 3021
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
elif trial_tower_id == 30 :
trial_tower_id = 10003
2023-06-25 08:31:14 +08:00
next_tower_id = 3031
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
elif trial_tower_id == 40 :
trial_tower_id = 10004
2023-06-25 08:31:14 +08:00
next_tower_id = 3041
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
elif trial_tower_id == 50 :
trial_tower_id = 10005
2023-06-25 08:31:14 +08:00
next_tower_id = 3051
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
else :
trial_tower_id = trial_tower_id + 3000
2023-06-25 08:31:14 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_player_quest ( user_id , trial_tower_id , quest_clear_flag , clear_time , combo_num , total_damage , concurrent_destroying_num )
self . game_data . item . put_player_quest ( user_id , next_tower_id , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
# Update the profile
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
profile = self . game_data . profile . get_profile ( user_id )
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
exp = int ( profile [ " rank_exp " ] ) + 100 #always 100 extra exp for some reason
col = int ( profile [ " own_col " ] ) + int ( req_data . base_get_data [ 0 ] . get_col )
# Calculate level based off experience and the CSV list
with open ( r ' titles/sao/data/PlayerRank.csv ' ) as csv_file :
csv_reader = csv . reader ( csv_file , delimiter = ' , ' )
line_count = 0
data = [ ]
rowf = False
for row in csv_reader :
if rowf == False :
rowf = True
else :
data . append ( row )
for i in range ( 0 , len ( data ) ) :
if exp > = int ( data [ i ] [ 1 ] ) and exp < int ( data [ i + 1 ] [ 1 ] ) :
player_level = int ( data [ i ] [ 0 ] )
updated_profile = self . game_data . profile . put_profile (
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
user_id ,
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
profile [ " user_type " ] ,
profile [ " nick_name " ] ,
player_level ,
exp ,
col ,
profile [ " own_vp " ] ,
profile [ " own_yui_medal " ] ,
profile [ " setting_title_id " ]
# Update heroes from the used party
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
play_session = self . game_data . item . get_session ( user_id )
session_party = self . game_data . item . get_hero_party ( user_id , play_session [ " user_party_team_id " ] )
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
hero_list = [ ]
hero_list . append ( session_party [ " user_hero_log_id_1 " ] )
hero_list . append ( session_party [ " user_hero_log_id_2 " ] )
hero_list . append ( session_party [ " user_hero_log_id_3 " ] )
for i in range ( 0 , len ( hero_list ) ) :
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
hero_data = self . game_data . item . get_hero_log ( user_id , hero_list [ i ] )
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
log_exp = int ( hero_data [ " log_exp " ] ) + int ( req_data . base_get_data [ 0 ] . get_hero_log_exp )
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log (
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
user_id ,
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
hero_data [ " user_hero_log_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " log_level " ] ,
log_exp ,
hero_data [ " main_weapon " ] ,
hero_data [ " sub_equipment " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot1_skill_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot2_skill_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot3_skill_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot4_skill_id " ] ,
hero_data [ " skill_slot5_skill_id " ]
2023-06-03 23:42:50 +08:00
# Grab the rare loot from the table, match it with the right item and then push to the player profile
for r in range ( 0 , req_data . get_rare_drop_data_list_length ) :
rewardList = self . game_data . static . get_rare_drop_id ( int ( req_data . get_rare_drop_data_list [ r ] . quest_rare_drop_id ) )
commonRewardId = rewardList [ " commonRewardId " ]
heroList = self . game_data . static . get_hero_id ( commonRewardId )
equipmentList = self . game_data . static . get_equipment_id ( commonRewardId )
itemList = self . game_data . static . get_item_id ( commonRewardId )
if heroList :
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , commonRewardId , 1 , 0 , 101000016 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-03 23:42:50 +08:00
if equipmentList :
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , commonRewardId , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-03 23:42:50 +08:00
if itemList :
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_item ( user_id , commonRewardId )
2023-06-03 23:42:50 +08:00
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
# Generate random hero(es) based off the response
for a in range ( 0 , req_data . get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list_length ) :
with open ( ' titles/sao/data/RewardTable.csv ' , ' r ' ) as f :
keys_unanalyzed = next ( f ) . strip ( ) . split ( ' , ' )
data_unanalyzed = list ( DictReader ( f , fieldnames = keys_unanalyzed ) )
randomized_unanalyzed_id = choice ( data_unanalyzed )
while int ( randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' UnanalyzedLogGradeId ' ] ) != req_data . get_unanalyzed_log_tmp_reward_data_list [ a ] . unanalyzed_log_grade_id :
randomized_unanalyzed_id = choice ( data_unanalyzed )
heroList = self . game_data . static . get_hero_id ( randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] )
equipmentList = self . game_data . static . get_equipment_id ( randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] )
itemList = self . game_data . static . get_item_id ( randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] )
if heroList :
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_hero_log ( user_id , randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] , 1 , 0 , 101000016 , 0 , 30086 , 1001 , 1002 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
if equipmentList :
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_equipment_data ( user_id , randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] , 1 , 200 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
if itemList :
2023-06-25 08:09:37 +08:00
self . game_data . item . put_item ( user_id , randomized_unanalyzed_id [ ' CommonRewardId ' ] )
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
# Send response
resp = SaoTrialTowerPlayEndResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
return resp . make ( )
2023-05-27 01:45:20 +08:00
def handle_c90a ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes : #should be tweaked for proper item unlock
resp = SaoEpisodePlayEndUnanalyzedLogFixedResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
2023-05-31 06:03:52 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
2023-06-03 01:53:49 +08:00
def handle_c91a ( self , request : Any ) - > bytes : # handler is identical to the episode
resp = SaoEpisodePlayEndUnanalyzedLogFixedResponse ( int . from_bytes ( bytes . fromhex ( request [ : 4 ] ) , " big " ) + 1 )
2023-06-25 06:48:48 +08:00
return resp . make ( )