2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
from typing import Any , List , Dict
import logging
2023-03-02 11:01:35 +08:00
import inflection
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
from math import floor
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
from core . config import CoreConfig
from titles . wacca . config import WaccaConfig
from titles . wacca . const import WaccaConstants
from titles . wacca . database import WaccaData
from titles . wacca . handlers import *
2023-03-04 05:31:42 +08:00
from core . const import AllnetCountryCode
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
class WaccaBase ( ) :
def __init__ ( self , cfg : CoreConfig , game_cfg : WaccaConfig ) - > None :
self . config = cfg # Config file
self . game_config = game_cfg # Game Config file
self . game = WaccaConstants . GAME_CODE # Game code
self . version = WaccaConstants . VER_WACCA # Game version
self . data = WaccaData ( cfg ) # Database
self . logger = logging . getLogger ( " wacca " )
self . srvtime = datetime . now ( )
self . season = 1
self . OPTIONS_DEFAULTS : Dict [ str , Any ] = {
2023-03-02 11:01:35 +08:00
" note_speed " : 5 ,
" field_mask " : 0 ,
" note_sound " : 105001 ,
" note_color " : 203001 ,
" bgm_volume " : 10 ,
" bg_video " : 0 ,
" mirror " : 0 ,
" judge_display_pos " : 0 ,
" judge_detail_display " : 0 ,
" measure_guidelines " : 1 ,
" guideline_mask " : 1 ,
" judge_line_timing_adjust " : 10 ,
" note_design " : 3 ,
" bonus_effect " : 1 ,
" chara_voice " : 1 ,
" score_display_method " : 0 ,
" give_up " : 0 ,
" guideline_spacing " : 1 ,
" center_display " : 1 ,
" ranking_display " : 1 ,
" stage_up_icon_display " : 1 ,
" rating_display " : 1 ,
" player_level_display " : 1 ,
" touch_effect " : 1 ,
" guide_sound_vol " : 3 ,
" touch_note_vol " : 8 ,
" hold_note_vol " : 8 ,
" slide_note_vol " : 8 ,
" snap_note_vol " : 8 ,
" chain_note_vol " : 8 ,
" bonus_note_vol " : 8 ,
" gate_skip " : 0 ,
" key_beam_display " : 1 ,
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2023-03-02 11:01:35 +08:00
" left_slide_note_color " : 4 ,
" right_slide_note_color " : 3 ,
" forward_slide_note_color " : 1 ,
" back_slide_note_color " : 2 ,
" master_vol " : 3 ,
" set_title_id " : 104001 ,
" set_icon_id " : 102001 ,
" set_nav_id " : 210001 ,
" set_plate_id " : 211001
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
self . allowed_stages = [ ]
2023-03-02 11:01:35 +08:00
prefecture_name = inflection . underscore ( game_cfg . server . prefecture_name ) . replace ( ' ' , ' _ ' ) . upper ( )
if prefecture_name not in [ region . name for region in WaccaConstants . Region ] :
self . logger . warning ( f " Invalid prefecture name { game_cfg . server . prefecture_name } in config file " )
2023-03-02 11:27:33 +08:00
self . region_id = WaccaConstants . Region . HOKKAIDO
2023-03-04 05:31:42 +08:00
2023-03-02 11:01:35 +08:00
else :
2023-03-02 11:27:33 +08:00
self . region_id = WaccaConstants . Region [ prefecture_name ]
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
def handle_housing_get_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
req = BaseRequest ( data )
housing_id = 1337
self . logger . info ( f " { req . chipId } -> { housing_id } " )
resp = HousingGetResponse ( housing_id )
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_advertise_GetRanking_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
req = AdvertiseGetRankingRequest ( data )
return AdvertiseGetRankingResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
def handle_housing_start_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
req = HousingStartRequestV1 ( data )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2023-03-04 05:26:07 +08:00
machine = self . data . arcade . get_machine ( req . chipId )
if machine is not None :
arcade = self . data . arcade . get_arcade ( machine [ " arcade " ] )
allnet_region_id = arcade [ " region_id " ]
2023-03-04 05:31:42 +08:00
if req . appVersion . country == AllnetCountryCode . JAPAN . value :
2023-03-04 05:26:07 +08:00
if allnet_region_id is not None :
region = WaccaConstants . allnet_region_id_to_wacca_region ( allnet_region_id )
if region is None :
region_id = self . region_id
2023-03-04 05:28:42 +08:00
else :
region_id = region
2023-03-04 05:26:07 +08:00
else :
region_id = self . region_id
elif req . appVersion . country in WaccaConstants . VALID_COUNTRIES :
2023-03-02 11:27:33 +08:00
region_id = WaccaConstants . Region [ req . appVersion . country ]
2023-03-04 05:26:07 +08:00
2023-03-02 11:27:33 +08:00
else :
2023-03-04 05:28:42 +08:00
region_id = WaccaConstants . Region . NONE
2023-03-02 11:27:33 +08:00
resp = HousingStartResponseV1 ( region_id )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
def handle_advertise_GetNews_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
resp = GetNewsResponseV1 ( )
return resp . make ( )
def handle_user_status_logout_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
req = UserStatusLogoutRequest ( data )
self . logger . info ( f " Log out user { req . userId } from { req . chipId } " )
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_status_get_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserStatusGetRequest ( data )
resp = UserStatusGetV1Response ( )
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( aime_id = req . aimeId )
if profile is None :
self . logger . info ( f " No user exists for aime id { req . aimeId } " )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
resp . profileStatus = ProfileStatus . ProfileRegister
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
self . logger . info ( f " User preview for { req . aimeId } from { req . chipId } " )
if profile [ " last_game_ver " ] is None :
2023-03-02 10:48:43 +08:00
resp . lastGameVersion = ShortVersion ( str ( req . appVersion ) )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
else :
2023-03-02 10:48:43 +08:00
resp . lastGameVersion = ShortVersion ( profile [ " last_game_ver " ] )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
resp . userStatus . userId = profile [ " id " ]
resp . userStatus . username = profile [ " username " ]
resp . userStatus . xp = profile [ " xp " ]
resp . userStatus . danLevel = profile [ " dan_level " ]
resp . userStatus . danType = profile [ " dan_type " ]
resp . userStatus . wp = profile [ " wp " ]
resp . userStatus . useCount = profile [ " login_count " ]
set_title_id = self . data . profile . get_options ( WaccaConstants . OPTIONS [ " set_title_id " ] , profile [ " user " ] )
if set_title_id is None :
set_title_id = self . OPTIONS_DEFAULTS [ " set_title_id " ]
resp . setTitleId = set_title_id
set_icon_id = self . data . profile . get_options ( WaccaConstants . OPTIONS [ " set_title_id " ] , profile [ " user " ] )
if set_icon_id is None :
set_icon_id = self . OPTIONS_DEFAULTS [ " set_icon_id " ]
resp . setIconId = set_icon_id
2023-03-02 10:48:43 +08:00
if req . appVersion > resp . lastGameVersion :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
resp . versionStatus = PlayVersionStatus . VersionUpgrade
2023-03-02 10:48:43 +08:00
elif req . appVersion < resp . lastGameVersion :
resp . versionStatus = PlayVersionStatus . VersionTooNew
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_status_login_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserStatusLoginRequest ( data )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
resp = UserStatusLoginResponseV1 ( )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
is_new_day = False
is_consec_day = False
is_consec_day = True
if req . userId == 0 :
self . logger . info ( f " Guest login on { req . chipId } " )
resp . lastLoginDate = 0
else :
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . userId )
if profile is None :
self . logger . warn ( f " Unknown user id { req . userId } attempted login from { req . chipId } " )
return resp . make ( )
self . logger . info ( f " User { req . userId } login on { req . chipId } " )
last_login_time = int ( profile [ " last_login_date " ] . timestamp ( ) )
resp . lastLoginDate = last_login_time
# If somebodies login timestamp < midnight of current day, then they are logging in for the first time today
if last_login_time < int ( datetime . now ( ) . replace ( hour = 0 , minute = 0 , second = 0 , microsecond = 0 ) . timestamp ( ) ) :
is_new_day = True
is_consec_day = True
# If somebodies login timestamp > midnight of current day + 1 day, then they broke their daily login streak
elif last_login_time > int ( ( datetime . now ( ) . replace ( hour = 0 , minute = 0 , second = 0 , microsecond = 0 ) + timedelta ( days = 1 ) ) . timestamp ( ) ) :
is_consec_day = False
# else, they are simply logging in again on the same day, and we don't need to do anything for that
self . data . profile . session_login ( req . userId , is_new_day , is_consec_day )
resp . firstLoginDaily = int ( is_new_day )
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_status_create_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserStatusCreateRequest ( data )
profileId = self . data . profile . create_profile ( req . aimeId , req . username , self . version )
if profileId is None : return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
# Insert starting items
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " title " ] , 104001 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " title " ] , 104002 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " title " ] , 104003 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " title " ] , 104005 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " icon " ] , 102001 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " icon " ] , 102002 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " note_color " ] , 103001 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " note_color " ] , 203001 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " note_sound " ] , 105001 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " note_sound " ] , 205005 ) # Added lily
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " navigator " ] , 210001 )
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " user_plate " ] , 211001 ) # Added lily
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " touch_effect " ] , 312000 ) # Added reverse
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " touch_effect " ] , 312001 ) # Added reverse
self . data . item . put_item ( req . aimeId , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " touch_effect " ] , 312002 ) # Added reverse
return UserStatusCreateResponseV2 ( profileId , req . username ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_status_getDetail_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserStatusGetDetailRequest ( data )
resp = UserStatusGetDetailResponseV1 ( )
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . userId )
if profile is None :
self . logger . warn ( f " Unknown profile { req . userId } " )
return resp . make ( )
self . logger . info ( f " Get detail for profile { req . userId } " )
user_id = profile [ " user " ]
profile_scores = self . data . score . get_best_scores ( user_id )
profile_items = self . data . item . get_items ( user_id )
profile_song_unlocks = self . data . item . get_song_unlocks ( user_id )
profile_options = self . data . profile . get_options ( user_id )
profile_trophies = self . data . item . get_trophies ( user_id )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
profile_tickets = self . data . item . get_tickets ( user_id )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
resp . songUpdateTime = int ( profile [ " last_login_date " ] . timestamp ( ) )
resp . songPlayStatus = [ profile [ " last_song_id " ] , 1 ]
resp . userStatus . userId = profile [ " id " ]
resp . userStatus . username = profile [ " username " ]
resp . userStatus . xp = profile [ " xp " ]
resp . userStatus . danLevel = profile [ " dan_level " ]
resp . userStatus . danType = profile [ " dan_type " ]
resp . userStatus . wp = profile [ " wp " ]
resp . userStatus . useCount = profile [ " login_count " ]
if self . game_config . mods . infinite_wp :
resp . userStatus . wp = 999999
if profile [ " friend_view_1 " ] is not None :
if profile [ " friend_view_2 " ] is not None :
if profile [ " friend_view_3 " ] is not None :
resp . seasonalPlayModeCounts . append ( PlayModeCounts ( self . season , 1 , profile [ " playcount_single " ] ) )
resp . seasonalPlayModeCounts . append ( PlayModeCounts ( self . season , 2 , profile [ " playcount_multi_vs " ] ) )
resp . seasonalPlayModeCounts . append ( PlayModeCounts ( self . season , 3 , profile [ " playcount_multi_coop " ] ) )
resp . seasonalPlayModeCounts . append ( PlayModeCounts ( self . season , 4 , profile [ " playcount_stageup " ] ) )
for opt in profile_options :
resp . options . append ( UserOption ( opt [ " opt_id " ] , opt [ " value " ] ) )
for unlock in profile_song_unlocks :
for x in range ( 1 , unlock [ " highest_difficulty " ] + 1 ) :
resp . userItems . songUnlocks . append ( SongUnlock ( unlock [ " song_id " ] , x , 0 , int ( unlock [ " acquire_date " ] . timestamp ( ) ) ) )
for song in profile_scores :
resp . seasonInfo . cumulativeScore + = song [ " score " ]
clear_cts = SongDetailClearCounts (
song [ " play_ct " ] ,
song [ " clear_ct " ] ,
song [ " missless_ct " ] ,
song [ " fullcombo_ct " ] ,
song [ " allmarv_ct " ] ,
grade_cts = SongDetailGradeCountsV1 (
song [ " grade_d_ct " ] , song [ " grade_c_ct " ] , song [ " grade_b_ct " ] , song [ " grade_a_ct " ] , song [ " grade_aa_ct " ] ,
song [ " grade_aaa_ct " ] , song [ " grade_s_ct " ] , song [ " grade_ss_ct " ] , song [ " grade_sss_ct " ] ,
song [ " grade_master_ct " ]
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
deets = BestScoreDetailV1 ( song [ " song_id " ] , song [ " chart_id " ] )
deets . clearCounts = clear_cts
deets . clearCountsSeason = clear_cts
deets . gradeCounts = grade_cts
deets . score = song [ " score " ]
deets . bestCombo = song [ " best_combo " ]
deets . lowestMissCtMaybe = song [ " lowest_miss_ct " ]
deets . rating = song [ " rating " ]
resp . scores . append ( deets )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
for trophy in profile_trophies :
resp . userItems . trophies . append ( TrophyItem ( trophy [ " trophy_id " ] , trophy [ " season " ] , trophy [ " progress " ] , trophy [ " badge_type " ] ) )
if self . game_config . mods . infinite_tickets :
for x in range ( 5 ) :
resp . userItems . tickets . append ( TicketItem ( x , 106002 , 0 ) )
else :
for ticket in profile_tickets :
if ticket [ " expire_date " ] is None :
expire = int ( ( self . srvtime + timedelta ( days = 30 ) ) . timestamp ( ) )
else :
expire = int ( ticket [ " expire_date " ] . timestamp ( ) )
resp . userItems . tickets . append ( TicketItem ( ticket [ " id " ] , ticket [ " ticket_id " ] , expire ) )
if profile_items :
for item in profile_items :
try :
if item [ " type " ] == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " icon " ] :
resp . userItems . icons . append ( IconItem ( item [ " item_id " ] , 1 , item [ " use_count " ] , int ( item [ " acquire_date " ] . timestamp ( ) ) ) )
else :
itm_send = GenericItemSend ( item [ " item_id " ] , 1 , int ( item [ " acquire_date " ] . timestamp ( ) ) )
if item [ " type " ] == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " title " ] :
resp . userItems . titles . append ( itm_send )
elif item [ " type " ] == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " note_color " ] :
resp . userItems . noteColors . append ( itm_send )
elif item [ " type " ] == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " note_sound " ] :
resp . userItems . noteSounds . append ( itm_send )
except :
self . logger . error ( f " { __name__ } Failed to load item { item [ ' item_id ' ] } for user { profile [ ' user ' ] } " )
resp . seasonInfo . level = profile [ " xp " ]
resp . seasonInfo . wpObtained = profile [ " wp_total " ]
resp . seasonInfo . wpSpent = profile [ " wp_spent " ]
resp . seasonInfo . titlesObtained = len ( resp . userItems . titles )
resp . seasonInfo . iconsObtained = len ( resp . userItems . icons )
resp . seasonInfo . noteColorsObtained = len ( resp . userItems . noteColors )
resp . seasonInfo . noteSoundsObtained = len ( resp . userItems . noteSounds )
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_trial_get_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserTrialGetRequest ( data )
resp = UserTrialGetResponse ( )
user_id = self . data . profile . profile_to_aime_user ( req . profileId )
if user_id is None :
self . logger . error ( f " handle_user_trial_get_request: No profile with id { req . profileId } " )
return resp . make ( )
self . logger . info ( f " Get trial info for user { req . profileId } " )
stages = self . data . score . get_stageup ( user_id , self . version )
if stages is None :
stages = [ ]
2023-03-02 12:03:29 +08:00
tmp : List [ StageInfo ] = [ ]
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
for d in self . allowed_stages :
stage_info = StageInfo ( d [ 0 ] , d [ 1 ] )
for score in stages :
if score [ " stage_id " ] == stage_info . danId :
stage_info . clearStatus = score [ " clear_status " ]
stage_info . numSongCleared = score [ " clear_song_ct " ]
stage_info . song1BestScore = score [ " song1_score " ]
stage_info . song2BestScore = score [ " song2_score " ]
stage_info . song3BestScore = score [ " song3_score " ]
2023-03-02 12:03:29 +08:00
tmp . append ( stage_info )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2023-03-02 12:24:36 +08:00
for x in range ( len ( tmp ) ) :
if tmp [ x ] . danLevel > = 10 and ( tmp [ x + 1 ] . clearStatus > = 1 or tmp [ x ] . clearStatus > = 1 ) :
2023-03-02 12:03:29 +08:00
resp . stageList . append ( tmp [ x ] )
2023-03-02 12:24:36 +08:00
elif tmp [ x ] . danLevel < 10 :
2023-03-02 12:03:29 +08:00
resp . stageList . append ( tmp [ x ] )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_trial_update_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserTrialUpdateRequest ( data )
total_score = 0
for score in req . songScores :
total_score + = score
while len ( req . songScores ) < 3 :
req . songScores . append ( 0 )
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . profileId )
user_id = profile [ " user " ]
old_stage = self . data . score . get_stageup_stage ( user_id , self . version , req . stageId )
if old_stage is None :
self . data . score . put_stageup ( user_id , self . version , req . stageId , req . clearType . value , req . numSongsCleared , req . songScores [ 0 ] , req . songScores [ 1 ] , req . songScores [ 2 ] )
else :
# We only care about total score for best of, even if one score happens to be lower (I think)
if total_score > ( old_stage [ " song1_score " ] + old_stage [ " song2_score " ] + old_stage [ " song3_score " ] ) :
best_score1 = req . songScores [ 0 ]
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
best_score2 = req . songScores [ 1 ]
best_score3 = req . songScores [ 2 ]
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
else :
best_score1 = old_stage [ " song1_score " ]
best_score2 = old_stage [ " song2_score " ]
best_score3 = old_stage [ " song3_score " ]
self . data . score . put_stageup ( user_id , self . version , req . stageId , req . clearType . value , req . numSongsCleared ,
best_score1 , best_score2 , best_score3 )
if req . stageLevel > 0 and req . stageLevel < = 14 and req . clearType . value > 0 : # For some reason, special stages send dan level 1001...
if req . stageLevel > profile [ " dan_level " ] or ( req . stageLevel == profile [ " dan_level " ] and req . clearType . value > profile [ " dan_type " ] ) :
self . data . profile . update_profile_dan ( req . profileId , req . stageLevel , req . clearType . value )
self . util_put_items ( req . profileId , user_id , req . itemsObtained )
# user/status/update isn't called after stageup so we have to do some things now
current_icon = self . data . profile . get_options ( user_id , WaccaConstants . OPTIONS [ " set_icon_id " ] )
current_nav = self . data . profile . get_options ( user_id , WaccaConstants . OPTIONS [ " set_nav_id " ] )
if current_icon is None :
current_icon = self . OPTIONS_DEFAULTS [ " set_icon_id " ]
else :
current_icon = current_icon [ " value " ]
if current_nav is None :
current_nav = self . OPTIONS_DEFAULTS [ " set_nav_id " ]
else :
current_nav = current_nav [ " value " ]
self . data . item . put_item ( user_id , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " icon " ] , current_icon )
self . data . item . put_item ( user_id , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " navigator " ] , current_nav )
self . data . profile . update_profile_playtype ( req . profileId , 4 , data [ " appVersion " ] [ : 7 ] )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_sugoroku_update_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
ver_split = data [ " appVersion " ] . split ( " . " )
resp = BaseResponse ( )
if int ( ver_split [ 0 ] ) < = 2 and int ( ver_split [ 1 ] ) < 53 :
req = UserSugarokuUpdateRequestV1 ( data )
mission_flg = 0
else :
req = UserSugarokuUpdateRequestV2 ( data )
mission_flg = req . mission_flag
user_id = self . data . profile . profile_to_aime_user ( req . profileId )
if user_id is None :
self . logger . info ( f " handle_user_sugoroku_update_request unknwon profile ID { req . profileId } " )
return resp . make ( )
self . util_put_items ( req . profileId , user_id , req . itemsObtainted )
self . data . profile . update_gate ( user_id , req . gateId , req . page , req . progress , req . loops , mission_flg , req . totalPts )
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_info_getMyroom_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
return UserInfogetMyroomResponseV1 ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_music_unlock_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserMusicUnlockRequest ( data )
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . profileId )
if profile is None : return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
user_id = profile [ " user " ]
current_wp = profile [ " wp " ]
tickets = self . data . item . get_tickets ( user_id )
new_tickets = [ ]
for ticket in tickets :
new_tickets . append ( [ ticket [ " id " ] , ticket [ " ticket_id " ] , 9999999999 ] )
for item in req . itemsUsed :
if item . itemType == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " wp " ] :
if current_wp > = item . quantity :
current_wp - = item . quantity
self . data . profile . spend_wp ( req . profileId , item . quantity )
else : return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
elif item . itemType == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " ticket " ] :
for x in range ( len ( new_tickets ) ) :
if new_tickets [ x ] [ 1 ] == item . itemId :
self . data . item . spend_ticket ( new_tickets [ x ] [ 0 ] )
new_tickets . pop ( x )
# wp, ticket info
if req . difficulty > WaccaConstants . Difficulty . HARD . value :
old_score = self . data . score . get_best_score ( user_id , req . songId , req . difficulty )
if not old_score :
self . data . score . put_best_score ( user_id , req . songId , req . difficulty , 0 , [ 0 ] * 5 , [ 0 ] * 13 , 0 , 0 )
self . data . item . unlock_song ( user_id , req . songId , req . difficulty if req . difficulty > WaccaConstants . Difficulty . HARD . value else WaccaConstants . Difficulty . HARD . value )
if self . game_config . mods . infinite_tickets :
new_tickets = [
[ 0 , 106002 , 0 ] ,
[ 1 , 106002 , 0 ] ,
[ 2 , 106002 , 0 ] ,
[ 3 , 106002 , 0 ] ,
[ 4 , 106002 , 0 ] ,
if self . game_config . mods . infinite_wp :
current_wp = 999999
return UserMusicUnlockResponse ( current_wp , new_tickets ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_info_getRanking_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
# total score, high score by song, cumulative socre, stage up score, other score, WP ranking
# This likely requies calculating standings at regular intervals and caching the results
return UserInfogetRankingResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_music_update_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
ver_split = data [ " appVersion " ] . split ( " . " )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
if int ( ver_split [ 0 ] ) > = 3 :
resp = UserMusicUpdateResponseV3 ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
req = UserMusicUpdateRequestV2 ( data )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
elif int ( ver_split [ 0 ] ) > = 2 :
resp = UserMusicUpdateResponseV2 ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
req = UserMusicUpdateRequestV2 ( data )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
else :
resp = UserMusicUpdateResponseV1 ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
req = UserMusicUpdateRequestV1 ( data )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
resp . songDetail . songId = req . songDetail . songId
resp . songDetail . difficulty = req . songDetail . difficulty
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
if req . profileId == 0 :
self . logger . info ( f " Guest score for song { req . songDetail . songId } difficulty { req . songDetail . difficulty } " )
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . profileId )
if profile is None :
self . logger . warn ( f " handle_user_music_update_request: No profile for game_id { req . profileId } " )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
user_id = profile [ " user " ]
self . util_put_items ( req . profileId , user_id , req . itemsObtained )
playlog_clear_status = req . songDetail . flagCleared + req . songDetail . flagMissless + req . songDetail . flagFullcombo + \
req . songDetail . flagAllMarvelous
self . data . score . put_playlog ( user_id , req . songDetail . songId , req . songDetail . difficulty , req . songDetail . score ,
playlog_clear_status , req . songDetail . grade . value , req . songDetail . maxCombo , req . songDetail . judgements . marvCt ,
req . songDetail . judgements . greatCt , req . songDetail . judgements . goodCt , req . songDetail . judgements . missCt ,
req . songDetail . fastCt , req . songDetail . slowCt , self . season )
old_score = self . data . score . get_best_score ( user_id , req . songDetail . songId , req . songDetail . difficulty )
if not old_score :
grades = [ 0 ] * 13
clears = [ 0 ] * 5
clears [ 0 ] = 1
clears [ 1 ] = 1 if req . songDetail . flagCleared else 0
clears [ 2 ] = 1 if req . songDetail . flagMissless else 0
clears [ 3 ] = 1 if req . songDetail . flagFullcombo else 0
clears [ 4 ] = 1 if req . songDetail . flagAllMarvelous else 0
grades [ req . songDetail . grade . value - 1 ] = 1
self . data . score . put_best_score ( user_id , req . songDetail . songId , req . songDetail . difficulty , req . songDetail . score ,
clears , grades , req . songDetail . maxCombo , req . songDetail . judgements . missCt )
resp . songDetail . score = req . songDetail . score
resp . songDetail . lowestMissCount = req . songDetail . judgements . missCt
else :
grades = [
old_score [ " grade_d_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_c_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_b_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_a_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_aa_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_aaa_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_s_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_ss_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_sss_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_master_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_sp_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_ssp_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " grade_sssp_ct " ] ,
clears = [
old_score [ " play_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " clear_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " missless_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " fullcombo_ct " ] ,
old_score [ " allmarv_ct " ] ,
clears [ 0 ] + = 1
clears [ 1 ] + = 1 if req . songDetail . flagCleared else 0
clears [ 2 ] + = 1 if req . songDetail . flagMissless else 0
clears [ 3 ] + = 1 if req . songDetail . flagFullcombo else 0
clears [ 4 ] + = 1 if req . songDetail . flagAllMarvelous else 0
grades [ req . songDetail . grade . value - 1 ] + = 1
best_score = max ( req . songDetail . score , old_score [ " score " ] )
best_max_combo = max ( req . songDetail . maxCombo , old_score [ " best_combo " ] )
lowest_miss_ct = min ( req . songDetail . judgements . missCt , old_score [ " lowest_miss_ct " ] )
best_rating = max ( self . util_calc_song_rating ( req . songDetail . score , req . songDetail . level ) , old_score [ " rating " ] )
self . data . score . put_best_score ( user_id , req . songDetail . songId , req . songDetail . difficulty , best_score , clears ,
grades , best_max_combo , lowest_miss_ct )
resp . songDetail . score = best_score
resp . songDetail . lowestMissCount = lowest_miss_ct
resp . songDetail . rating = best_rating
resp . songDetail . clearCounts = SongDetailClearCounts ( counts = clears )
resp . songDetail . clearCountsSeason = SongDetailClearCounts ( counts = clears )
if int ( ver_split [ 0 ] ) > = 3 :
resp . songDetail . grades = SongDetailGradeCountsV2 ( counts = grades )
else :
resp . songDetail . grades = SongDetailGradeCountsV1 ( counts = grades )
return resp . make ( )
#TODO: Coop and vs data
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_music_updateCoop_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
coop_info = data [ " params " ] [ 4 ]
return self . handle_user_music_update_request ( data )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_music_updateVersus_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
vs_info = data [ " params " ] [ 4 ]
return self . handle_user_music_update_request ( data )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_music_updateTrial_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return self . handle_user_music_update_request ( data )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_mission_update_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserMissionUpdateRequest ( data )
page_status = req . params [ 1 ] [ 1 ]
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . profileId )
if profile is None :
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
if len ( req . itemsObtained ) > 0 :
self . util_put_items ( req . profileId , profile [ " user " ] , req . itemsObtained )
self . data . profile . update_bingo ( profile [ " user " ] , req . bingoDetail . pageNumber , page_status )
self . data . profile . update_tutorial_flags ( req . profileId , req . params [ 3 ] )
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_goods_purchase_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserGoodsPurchaseRequest ( data )
resp = UserGoodsPurchaseResponse ( )
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . profileId )
if profile is None : return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
user_id = profile [ " user " ]
resp . currentWp = profile [ " wp " ]
if req . purchaseType == PurchaseType . PurchaseTypeWP :
resp . currentWp - = req . cost
self . data . profile . spend_wp ( req . profileId , req . cost )
elif req . purchaseType == PurchaseType . PurchaseTypeCredit :
self . logger . info ( f " User { req . profileId } Purchased item { req . itemObtained . itemType } id { req . itemObtained . itemId } for { req . cost } credits on machine { req . chipId } " )
self . util_put_items ( req . profileId , user_id , [ req . itemObtained ] )
if self . game_config . mods . infinite_tickets :
for x in range ( 5 ) :
resp . tickets . append ( TicketItem ( x , 106002 , 0 ) )
else :
tickets = self . data . item . get_tickets ( user_id )
for ticket in tickets :
resp . tickets . append ( TicketItem ( ticket [ " id " ] , ticket [ " ticket_id " ] , int ( ( self . srvtime + timedelta ( days = 30 ) ) . timestamp ( ) ) ) )
if self . game_config . mods . infinite_wp :
resp . currentWp = 999999
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_competition_status_login_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_competition_status_update_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_rating_update_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserRatingUpdateRequest ( data )
user_id = self . data . profile . profile_to_aime_user ( req . profileId )
if user_id is None :
self . logger . error ( f " handle_user_rating_update_request: No profild with ID { req . profileId } " )
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
for song in req . songs :
self . data . score . update_song_rating ( user_id , song . songId , song . difficulty , song . rating )
self . data . profile . update_user_rating ( req . profileId , req . totalRating )
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_status_update_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
req = UserStatusUpdateRequestV1 ( data )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
user_id = self . data . profile . profile_to_aime_user ( req . profileId )
if user_id is None :
self . logger . info ( f " handle_user_status_update_request: No profile with ID { req . profileId } " )
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
self . util_put_items ( req . profileId , user_id , req . itemsRecieved )
self . data . profile . update_profile_playtype ( req . profileId , req . playType . value , data [ " appVersion " ] [ : 7 ] )
current_icon = self . data . profile . get_options ( user_id , WaccaConstants . OPTIONS [ " set_icon_id " ] )
current_nav = self . data . profile . get_options ( user_id , WaccaConstants . OPTIONS [ " set_nav_id " ] )
if current_icon is None :
current_icon = self . OPTIONS_DEFAULTS [ " set_icon_id " ]
else :
current_icon = current_icon [ " value " ]
if current_nav is None :
current_nav = self . OPTIONS_DEFAULTS [ " set_nav_id " ]
else :
current_nav = current_nav [ " value " ]
self . data . item . put_item ( user_id , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " icon " ] , current_icon )
self . data . item . put_item ( user_id , WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " navigator " ] , current_nav )
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_info_update_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserInfoUpdateRequest ( data )
user_id = self . data . profile . profile_to_aime_user ( req . profileId )
for opt in req . optsUpdated :
2023-03-04 01:40:03 +08:00
self . data . profile . update_option ( user_id , opt . opt_id , opt . opt_val )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
for update in req . datesUpdated :
for fav in req . favoritesAdded :
self . data . profile . add_favorite_song ( user_id , fav )
for unfav in req . favoritesRemoved :
self . data . profile . remove_favorite_song ( user_id , unfav )
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_vip_get_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserVipGetRequest ( data )
resp = UserVipGetResponse ( )
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . profileId )
if profile is None :
self . logger . warn ( f " handle_user_vip_get_request no profile with ID { req . profileId } " )
return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
if " vip_expire_time " in profile and profile [ " vip_expire_time " ] is not None and profile [ " vip_expire_time " ] . timestamp ( ) > int ( self . srvtime . timestamp ( ) ) :
resp . vipDays = int ( ( profile [ " vip_expire_time " ] . timestamp ( ) - int ( self . srvtime . timestamp ( ) ) ) / 86400 )
resp . vipDays + = 30
resp . presents . append ( VipLoginBonus ( 1 , 0 , 16 , 211025 , 1 ) )
resp . presents . append ( VipLoginBonus ( 2 , 0 , 6 , 202086 , 1 ) )
resp . presents . append ( VipLoginBonus ( 3 , 0 , 11 , 205008 , 1 ) )
resp . presents . append ( VipLoginBonus ( 4 , 0 , 10 , 203009 , 1 ) )
resp . presents . append ( VipLoginBonus ( 5 , 0 , 16 , 211026 , 1 ) )
resp . presents . append ( VipLoginBonus ( 6 , 0 , 9 , 206001 , 1 ) )
return resp . make ( )
2023-02-23 11:22:03 +08:00
def handle_user_vip_start_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
req = UserVipStartRequest ( data )
profile = self . data . profile . get_profile ( req . profileId )
if profile is None : return BaseResponse ( ) . make ( )
# This should never happen because wacca stops you from buying VIP
# if you have more then 10 days remaining, but this IS wacca we're dealing with...
if " always_vip " in profile and profile [ " always_vip " ] or self . game_config . mods . always_vip :
return UserVipStartResponse ( int ( ( self . srvtime + timedelta ( days = req . days ) ) . timestamp ( ) ) ) . make ( )
2023-03-01 06:32:23 +08:00
vip_exp_time = ( self . srvtime + timedelta ( days = req . days ) )
self . data . profile . update_vip_time ( req . profileId , vip_exp_time )
return UserVipStartResponse ( int ( vip_exp_time . timestamp ( ) ) ) . make ( )
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
def util_put_items ( self , profile_id : int , user_id : int , items_obtained : List [ GenericItemRecv ] ) - > None :
if user_id is None or profile_id < = 0 :
return None
if items_obtained :
for item in items_obtained :
if item . itemType == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " xp " ] :
self . data . profile . add_xp ( profile_id , item . quantity )
elif item . itemType == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " wp " ] :
self . data . profile . add_wp ( profile_id , item . quantity )
elif item . itemType == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " music_difficulty_unlock " ] or item . itemType == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " music_unlock " ] :
if item . quantity > WaccaConstants . Difficulty . HARD . value :
old_score = self . data . score . get_best_score ( user_id , item . itemId , item . quantity )
if not old_score :
self . data . score . put_best_score ( user_id , item . itemId , item . quantity , 0 , [ 0 ] * 5 , [ 0 ] * 13 , 0 , 0 )
if item . quantity == 0 :
item . quantity = WaccaConstants . Difficulty . HARD . value
self . data . item . unlock_song ( user_id , item . itemId , item . quantity )
elif item . itemType == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " ticket " ] :
self . data . item . add_ticket ( user_id , item . itemId )
elif item . itemType == WaccaConstants . ITEM_TYPES [ " trophy " ] :
self . data . item . update_trophy ( user_id , item . itemId , self . season , item . quantity , 0 )
else :
self . data . item . put_item ( user_id , item . itemType , item . itemId )
def util_calc_song_rating ( self , score : int , difficulty : float ) - > int :
if score > = 990000 :
const = 4.00
elif score > = 980000 and score < 990000 :
const = 3.75
elif score > = 970000 and score < 980000 :
const = 3.50
elif score > = 960000 and score < 970000 :
const = 3.25
elif score > = 950000 and score < 960000 :
const = 3.00
elif score > = 940000 and score < 950000 :
const = 2.75
elif score > = 930000 and score < 940000 :
const = 2.50
elif score > = 920000 and score < 930000 :
const = 2.25
elif score > = 910000 and score < 920000 :
const = 2.00
elif score > = 900000 and score < 910000 :
const = 1.00
else : const = 0.00
return floor ( ( difficulty * const ) * 10 )