2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, UniqueConstraint, PrimaryKeyConstraint, and_
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, TIMESTAMP, Boolean, JSON, Float
from sqlalchemy.schema import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.sql import func, select
from sqlalchemy.engine import Row
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import insert
from core.data.schema import BaseData, metadata
2023-12-05 00:34:58 +08:00
from core.data.schema.arcade import machine
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
events = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("version", Integer),
Column("eventId", Integer),
Column("type", Integer),
Column("name", String(255)),
2023-07-12 17:25:46 +08:00
Column("startDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default=func.now()),
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
Column("endDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default=func.now()),
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
Column("enabled", Boolean, server_default="1"),
UniqueConstraint("version", "eventId", "type", name="ongeki_static_events_uk"),
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
music = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("version", Integer),
Column("songId", Integer),
Column("chartId", Integer),
Column("title", String(255)),
Column("artist", String(255)),
Column("genre", String(255)),
Column("level", Float),
UniqueConstraint("version", "songId", "chartId", name="ongeki_static_music_uk"),
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
gachas = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("version", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("gachaId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("gachaName", String(255), nullable=False),
Column("type", Integer, nullable=False, server_default="0"),
Column("kind", Integer, nullable=False, server_default="0"),
Column("isCeiling", Boolean, server_default="0"),
Column("maxSelectPoint", Integer, server_default="0"),
Column("ceilingCnt", Integer, server_default="10"),
Column("changeRateCnt1", Integer, server_default="0"),
Column("changeRateCnt2", Integer, server_default="0"),
Column("startDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2018-01-01 00:00:00.0"),
Column("endDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2038-01-01 00:00:00.0"),
Column("noticeStartDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2018-01-01 00:00:00.0"),
Column("noticeEndDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2038-01-01 00:00:00.0"),
Column("convertEndDate", TIMESTAMP, server_default="2038-01-01 00:00:00.0"),
UniqueConstraint("version", "gachaId", "gachaName", name="ongeki_static_gachas_uk"),
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
gacha_cards = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("gachaId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("cardId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("rarity", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("weight", Integer, server_default="1"),
Column("isPickup", Boolean, server_default="0"),
Column("isSelect", Boolean, server_default="0"),
UniqueConstraint("gachaId", "cardId", name="ongeki_static_gacha_cards_uk"),
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
cards = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("version", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("cardId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("name", String(255), nullable=False),
Column("charaId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("nickName", String(255)),
Column("school", String(255), nullable=False),
Column("attribute", String(5), nullable=False),
Column("gakunen", String(255), nullable=False),
Column("rarity", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("levelParam", String(255), nullable=False),
Column("skillId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("choKaikaSkillId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("cardNumber", String(255)),
UniqueConstraint("version", "cardId", name="ongeki_static_cards_uk"),
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
music_ranking = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
2023-11-07 11:38:04 +08:00
Column("version", Integer, nullable=False),
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
Column("musicId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("point", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("userName", String(255)),
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
UniqueConstraint("version", "musicId", name="ongeki_static_music_ranking_uk"),
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
rewards = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("version", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("rewardId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("rewardname", String(255), nullable=False),
Column("itemKind", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("itemId", Integer, nullable=False),
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
UniqueConstraint("version", "rewardId", name="ongeki_static_rewards_uk"),
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
present = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("version", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("presentId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("presentName", String(255), nullable=False),
Column("rewardId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("stock", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("message", String(255)),
Column("startDate", String(25), nullable=False),
Column("endDate", String(25), nullable=False),
2023-11-13 10:26:09 +08:00
UniqueConstraint("version", "presentId", name="ongeki_static_present_list_uk"),
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2023-11-07 11:38:04 +08:00
tech_music = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("version", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("eventId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("musicId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("level", Integer, nullable=False),
UniqueConstraint("version", "musicId", name="ongeki_static_tech_music_uk"),
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
client_testmode = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("regionId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("placeId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("clientId", String(11), nullable=False),
Column("updateDate", TIMESTAMP, nullable=False),
Column("isDelivery", Boolean, nullable=False),
Column("groupId", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("groupRole", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("continueMode", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("selectMusicTime", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("advertiseVolume", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("eventMode", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("eventMusicNum", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("patternGp", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("limitGp", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("maxLeverMovable", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("minLeverMovable", Integer, nullable=False),
UniqueConstraint("clientId", name="ongeki_static_client_testmode_uk"),
2023-11-13 10:26:09 +08:00
game_point = Table(
Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
Column("type", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("cost", Integer, nullable=False),
Column("startDate", String(25), nullable=False, server_default="2000-01-01 05:00:00.0"),
Column("endDate", String(25), nullable=False, server_default="2099-01-01 05:00:00.0"),
UniqueConstraint("type", name="ongeki_static_game_point_uk"),
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
class OngekiStaticData(BaseData):
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_card(self, version: int, card_id: int, **card_data) -> Optional[int]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = insert(cards).values(version=version, cardId=card_id, **card_data)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**card_data)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(conflict)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
2023-08-08 22:17:56 +08:00
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert card! card_id {card_id}")
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
return None
return result.lastrowid
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_card(self, version: int, card_id: int) -> Optional[Dict]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = cards.select(and_(cards.c.version <= version, cards.c.cardId == card_id))
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_card_by_card_number(self, version: int, card_number: str) -> Optional[Dict]:
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if not card_number.startswith("[O.N.G.E.K.I.]"):
card_number = f"[O.N.G.E.K.I.]{card_number}"
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = cards.select(
and_(cards.c.version <= version, cards.c.cardNumber == card_number)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_card_by_name(self, version: int, name: str) -> Optional[Dict]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = cards.select(and_(cards.c.version <= version, cards.c.name == name))
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_cards(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
sql = cards.select(cards.c.version <= version)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_cards_by_rarity(self, version: int, rarity: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = cards.select(and_(cards.c.version <= version, cards.c.rarity == rarity))
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_gacha(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
version: int,
gacha_id: int,
gacha_name: int,
gacha_kind: int,
) -> Optional[int]:
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
sql = insert(gachas).values(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(conflict)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
2023-08-08 22:17:56 +08:00
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert gacha! gacha_id {gacha_id}")
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
return None
return result.lastrowid
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_gacha(self, version: int, gacha_id: int) -> Optional[Dict]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = gachas.select(
and_(gachas.c.version <= version, gachas.c.gachaId == gacha_id)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_gachas(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = gachas.select(gachas.c.version == version).order_by(
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_gacha_card(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
self, gacha_id: int, card_id: int, **gacha_card
) -> Optional[int]:
sql = insert(gacha_cards).values(gachaId=gacha_id, cardId=card_id, **gacha_card)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
gachaId=gacha_id, cardId=card_id, **gacha_card
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(conflict)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
2023-08-08 22:17:56 +08:00
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert gacha card! gacha_id {gacha_id}")
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
return None
return result.lastrowid
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_gacha_cards(self, gacha_id: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = gacha_cards.select(gacha_cards.c.gachaId == gacha_id)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-04 06:46:29 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_event(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
self, version: int, event_id: int, event_type: int, event_name: str
) -> Optional[int]:
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
sql = insert(events).values(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
endDate=f"2038-01-01 00:00:00",
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(conflict)
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
if result is None:
2023-08-08 22:17:56 +08:00
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert event! event_id {event_id}")
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return None
return result.lastrowid
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_event(self, version: int, event_id: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = select(events).where(
and_(events.c.version == version, events.c.eventId == event_id)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return result.fetchall()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_events(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
sql = select(events).where(events.c.version == version)
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return result.fetchall()
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_enabled_events(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
sql = select(events).where(
and_(events.c.version == version, events.c.enabled == True)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return result.fetchall()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_chart(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
version: int,
song_id: int,
chart_id: int,
title: str,
artist: str,
genre: str,
level: float,
) -> Optional[int]:
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
sql = insert(music).values(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(conflict)
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
if result is None:
2023-08-08 22:17:56 +08:00
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
f"Failed to insert chart! song_id: {song_id}, chart_id: {chart_id}"
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return None
return result.lastrowid
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_chart(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
self, version: int, song_id: int, chart_id: int = None
) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_music(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_music_chart(
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
self, version: int, song_id: int, chart_id: int
) -> Optional[List[Row]]:
sql = select(music).where(
music.c.version == version,
music.c.songId == song_id,
music.c.chartId == chart_id,
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
return result.fetchone()
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_ranking_list(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-11-07 11:38:04 +08:00
sql = select(music_ranking.c.musicId.label('id'), music_ranking.c.point, music_ranking.c.userName).where(music_ranking.c.version == version)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_reward(self, version: int, rewardId: int, rewardname: str, itemKind: int, itemId: int) -> Optional[int]:
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
sql = insert(rewards).values(
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(conflict)
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert reward! reward_id: {rewardId}")
return None
return result.lastrowid
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_reward_list(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
sql = select(rewards).where(rewards.c.version == version)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to load reward list")
return None
return result.fetchall()
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_present_list(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
sql = select(present).where(present.c.version == version)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-11-07 09:14:15 +08:00
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to load present list")
return None
return result.fetchall()
2023-11-07 11:38:04 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_tech_music(self, version: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-11-07 11:38:04 +08:00
sql = select(tech_music).where(tech_music.c.version == version)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-11-07 11:38:04 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_client_testmode_data(self, region_id: int, client_testmode_data: Dict) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
sql = insert(client_testmode).values(regionId=region_id, **client_testmode_data)
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(regionId=region_id, **client_testmode_data)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(conflict)
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
if result is None:
2023-12-05 00:34:58 +08:00
self.logger.warning(f"region_id: {region_id} Failed to update ClientTestMode data"),
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
return None
return result.lastrowid
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_client_setting_data(self, machine_id: int, client_setting_data: Dict) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-12-05 00:40:20 +08:00
sql = machine.update(machine.c.id == machine_id).values(data=client_setting_data)
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
if result is None:
2023-12-05 00:40:20 +08:00
self.logger.warning(f"machine_id: {machine_id} Failed to update ClientSetting data"),
2023-11-09 09:40:57 +08:00
return None
return result.lastrowid
2023-11-13 10:26:09 +08:00
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def put_static_game_point_defaults(self) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-11-13 10:26:09 +08:00
game_point_defaults = [{"type": 0, "cost": 100},{"type": 1, "cost": 230},{"type": 2, "cost": 370},{"type": 3, "cost": 120},{"type": 4, "cost": 240},{"type": 5, "cost": 360}]
sql = insert(game_point).values(game_point_defaults)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-11-13 10:26:09 +08:00
if result is None:
self.logger.warning(f"Failed to insert default GP table!")
return None
return result.lastrowid
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
async def get_static_game_point(self) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
2023-11-13 10:26:09 +08:00
sql = select(game_point.c.type, game_point.c.cost, game_point.c.startDate, game_point.c.endDate)
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
result = await self.execute(sql)
2023-11-13 10:26:09 +08:00
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()