2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
from typing import Any , List , Dict
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
import pytz
import json
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
from random import randint
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
from core . config import CoreConfig
2024-05-05 13:41:14 +08:00
from core . utils import Utils
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
from titles . mai2 . base import Mai2Base
from titles . mai2 . config import Mai2Config
from titles . mai2 . const import Mai2Constants
2023-03-10 00:38:58 +08:00
2023-05-01 10:19:31 +08:00
class Mai2DX ( Mai2Base ) :
2023-02-17 14:02:21 +08:00
def __init__ ( self , cfg : CoreConfig , game_cfg : Mai2Config ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( cfg , game_cfg )
2023-05-01 10:19:31 +08:00
self . version = Mai2Constants . VER_MAIMAI_DX
2023-12-03 11:30:55 +08:00
2024-05-05 13:41:14 +08:00
# DX earlier version need a efficient old server uri to work
# game will auto add MaimaiServlet endpoint behind return uri
# so do not add "MaimaiServlet"
if not self . core_config . server . is_using_proxy and Utils . get_title_port ( self . core_config ) != 80 :
self . old_server = f " http:// { self . core_config . server . hostname } : { Utils . get_title_port ( cfg ) } /SDEY/197/ "
else :
self . old_server = f " http:// { self . core_config . server . hostname } /SDEY/197/ "
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_game_setting_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) :
2024-04-08 03:11:35 +08:00
# if reboot start/end time is not defined use the default behavior of being a few hours ago
if self . core_config . title . reboot_start_time == " " or self . core_config . title . reboot_end_time == " " :
reboot_start = datetime . strftime (
datetime . utcnow ( ) + timedelta ( hours = 6 ) , self . date_time_format
reboot_end = datetime . strftime (
datetime . utcnow ( ) + timedelta ( hours = 7 ) , self . date_time_format
else :
# get current datetime in JST
current_jst = datetime . now ( pytz . timezone ( ' Asia/Tokyo ' ) ) . date ( )
# parse config start/end times into datetime
reboot_start_time = datetime . strptime ( self . core_config . title . reboot_start_time , " % H: % M " )
reboot_end_time = datetime . strptime ( self . core_config . title . reboot_end_time , " % H: % M " )
# offset datetimes with current date/time
reboot_start_time = reboot_start_time . replace ( year = current_jst . year , month = current_jst . month , day = current_jst . day , tzinfo = pytz . timezone ( ' Asia/Tokyo ' ) )
reboot_end_time = reboot_end_time . replace ( year = current_jst . year , month = current_jst . month , day = current_jst . day , tzinfo = pytz . timezone ( ' Asia/Tokyo ' ) )
# create strings for use in gameSetting
reboot_start = reboot_start_time . strftime ( self . date_time_format )
reboot_end = reboot_end_time . strftime ( self . date_time_format )
2023-05-11 21:52:18 +08:00
return {
" gameSetting " : {
" isMaintenance " : False ,
" requestInterval " : 1800 ,
2024-04-08 03:11:35 +08:00
" rebootStartTime " : reboot_start ,
" rebootEndTime " : reboot_end ,
2023-05-11 21:52:18 +08:00
" movieUploadLimit " : 100 ,
" movieStatus " : 1 ,
2024-05-05 13:41:14 +08:00
" movieServerUri " : " " ,
" deliverServerUri " : " " ,
" oldServerUri " : self . old_server ,
" usbDlServerUri " : " " ,
2023-05-11 21:52:18 +08:00
" rebootInterval " : 0 ,
} ,
" isAouAccession " : False ,
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_preview_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
p = await self . data . profile . get_profile_detail ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
o = await self . data . profile . get_profile_option ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if p is None or o is None :
return { } # Register
profile = p . _asdict ( )
option = o . _asdict ( )
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" userName " : profile [ " userName " ] ,
" isLogin " : False ,
" lastGameId " : profile [ " lastGameId " ] ,
" lastDataVersion " : profile [ " lastDataVersion " ] ,
" lastRomVersion " : profile [ " lastRomVersion " ] ,
" lastLoginDate " : profile [ " lastLoginDate " ] ,
" lastPlayDate " : profile [ " lastPlayDate " ] ,
" playerRating " : profile [ " playerRating " ] ,
" nameplateId " : 0 , # Unused
" iconId " : profile [ " iconId " ] ,
" trophyId " : 0 , # Unused
" partnerId " : profile [ " partnerId " ] ,
" frameId " : profile [ " frameId " ] ,
" dispRate " : option [
" dispRate "
] , # 0: all/begin, 1: disprate, 2: dispDan, 3: hide, 4: end
" totalAwake " : profile [ " totalAwake " ] ,
" isNetMember " : profile [ " isNetMember " ] ,
" dailyBonusDate " : profile [ " dailyBonusDate " ] ,
" headPhoneVolume " : option [ " headPhoneVolume " ] ,
" isInherit " : False , # Not sure what this is or does??
" banState " : profile [ " banState " ]
if profile [ " banState " ] is not None
else 0 , # New with uni+
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_upload_user_playlog_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id = data [ " userId " ]
playlog = data [ " userPlaylog " ]
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . score . put_playlog ( user_id , playlog )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
return { " returnCode " : 1 , " apiName " : " UploadUserPlaylogApi " }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_upsert_user_chargelog_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id = data [ " userId " ]
charge = data [ " userCharge " ]
# remove the ".0" from the date string, festival only?
charge [ " purchaseDate " ] = charge [ " purchaseDate " ] . replace ( " .0 " , " " )
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . item . put_charge (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id ,
charge [ " chargeId " ] ,
charge [ " stock " ] ,
datetime . strptime ( charge [ " purchaseDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) ,
datetime . strptime ( charge [ " validDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) ,
return { " returnCode " : 1 , " apiName " : " UpsertUserChargelogApi " }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_upsert_user_all_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id = data [ " userId " ]
upsert = data [ " upsertUserAll " ]
2023-12-11 06:36:29 +08:00
2024-04-25 01:00:01 +08:00
if int ( user_id ) & 0x1000000000001 == 0x1000000000001 :
place_id = int ( user_id ) & 0xFFFC00000000
self . logger . info ( " Guest play from place ID %d , ignoring. " , place_id )
2023-12-11 06:36:29 +08:00
return { " returnCode " : 1 , " apiName " : " UpsertUserAllApi " }
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if " userData " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userData " ] ) > 0 :
upsert [ " userData " ] [ 0 ] [ " isNetMember " ] = 1
upsert [ " userData " ] [ 0 ] . pop ( " accessCode " )
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . profile . put_profile_detail (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id , self . version , upsert [ " userData " ] [ 0 ]
if " userExtend " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userExtend " ] ) > 0 :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . profile . put_profile_extend (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id , self . version , upsert [ " userExtend " ] [ 0 ]
if " userGhost " in upsert :
for ghost in upsert [ " userGhost " ] :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . profile . put_profile_ghost ( user_id , self . version , ghost )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if " userOption " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userOption " ] ) > 0 :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . profile . put_profile_option (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id , self . version , upsert [ " userOption " ] [ 0 ]
if " userRatingList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userRatingList " ] ) > 0 :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . profile . put_profile_rating (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id , self . version , upsert [ " userRatingList " ] [ 0 ]
if " userActivityList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userActivityList " ] ) > 0 :
for k , v in upsert [ " userActivityList " ] [ 0 ] . items ( ) :
for act in v :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . profile . put_profile_activity ( user_id , act )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if " userChargeList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userChargeList " ] ) > 0 :
for charge in upsert [ " userChargeList " ] :
# remove the ".0" from the date string, festival only?
charge [ " purchaseDate " ] = charge [ " purchaseDate " ] . replace ( " .0 " , " " )
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . item . put_charge (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id ,
charge [ " chargeId " ] ,
charge [ " stock " ] ,
datetime . strptime (
charge [ " purchaseDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
) ,
datetime . strptime (
charge [ " validDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
) ,
if " userCharacterList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userCharacterList " ] ) > 0 :
for char in upsert [ " userCharacterList " ] :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . item . put_character (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id ,
char [ " characterId " ] ,
char [ " level " ] ,
char [ " awakening " ] ,
char [ " useCount " ] ,
if " userItemList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userItemList " ] ) > 0 :
for item in upsert [ " userItemList " ] :
2024-06-29 11:55:23 +08:00
if item [ " itemKind " ] == 4 :
item_id = item [ " itemId " ] % 1000000
item_kind = item [ " itemId " ] / / 1000000
else :
item_id = item [ " itemId " ]
item_kind = item [ " itemKind " ]
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . item . put_item (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id ,
2024-06-29 11:55:23 +08:00
item_kind ,
item_id ,
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
item [ " stock " ] ,
item [ " isValid " ] ,
if " userLoginBonusList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userLoginBonusList " ] ) > 0 :
for login_bonus in upsert [ " userLoginBonusList " ] :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . item . put_login_bonus (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id ,
login_bonus [ " bonusId " ] ,
login_bonus [ " point " ] ,
login_bonus [ " isCurrent " ] ,
login_bonus [ " isComplete " ] ,
if " userMapList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userMapList " ] ) > 0 :
for map in upsert [ " userMapList " ] :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . item . put_map (
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
user_id ,
map [ " mapId " ] ,
map [ " distance " ] ,
map [ " isLock " ] ,
map [ " isClear " ] ,
map [ " isComplete " ] ,
if " userMusicDetailList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userMusicDetailList " ] ) > 0 :
for music in upsert [ " userMusicDetailList " ] :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . score . put_best_score ( user_id , music )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if " userCourseList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userCourseList " ] ) > 0 :
for course in upsert [ " userCourseList " ] :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . score . put_course ( user_id , course )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if " userFavoriteList " in upsert and len ( upsert [ " userFavoriteList " ] ) > 0 :
for fav in upsert [ " userFavoriteList " ] :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . item . put_favorite ( user_id , fav [ " kind " ] , fav [ " itemIdList " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if (
" userFriendSeasonRankingList " in upsert
and len ( upsert [ " userFriendSeasonRankingList " ] ) > 0
) :
for fsr in upsert [ " userFriendSeasonRankingList " ] :
fsr [ " recordDate " ] = (
datetime . strptime (
fsr [ " recordDate " ] , f " { Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT } .0 "
) ,
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
await self . data . item . put_friend_season_ranking ( user_id , fsr )
2024-03-21 04:42:38 +08:00
if " user2pPlaylog " in upsert :
await self . data . score . put_playlog_2p ( user_id , upsert [ " user2pPlaylog " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
return { " returnCode " : 1 , " apiName " : " UpsertUserAllApi " }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_data_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
profile = await self . data . profile . get_profile_detail ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if profile is None :
profile_dict = profile . _asdict ( )
profile_dict . pop ( " id " )
profile_dict . pop ( " user " )
profile_dict . pop ( " version " )
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " userData " : profile_dict }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_extend_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
extend = await self . data . profile . get_profile_extend ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if extend is None :
extend_dict = extend . _asdict ( )
extend_dict . pop ( " id " )
extend_dict . pop ( " user " )
extend_dict . pop ( " version " )
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " userExtend " : extend_dict }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_option_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
options = await self . data . profile . get_profile_option ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if options is None :
options_dict = options . _asdict ( )
options_dict . pop ( " id " )
options_dict . pop ( " user " )
options_dict . pop ( " version " )
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " userOption " : options_dict }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_card_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
user_cards = await self . data . item . get_cards ( data [ " userId " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if user_cards is None :
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " nextIndex " : 0 , " userCardList " : [ ] }
max_ct = data [ " maxCount " ]
next_idx = data [ " nextIndex " ]
start_idx = next_idx
end_idx = max_ct + start_idx
if len ( user_cards [ start_idx : ] ) > max_ct :
next_idx + = max_ct
else :
next_idx = 0
card_list = [ ]
for card in user_cards :
tmp = card . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
tmp [ " startDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " startDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
tmp [ " endDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " endDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
card_list . append ( tmp )
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : next_idx ,
" userCardList " : card_list [ start_idx : end_idx ] ,
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_item_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-06-29 11:55:23 +08:00
kind = data [ " nextIndex " ] / / 10000000000
next_idx = data [ " nextIndex " ] % 10000000000
2023-07-05 22:47:43 +08:00
items : List [ Dict [ str , Any ] ] = [ ]
2024-06-29 03:48:27 +08:00
if kind == 4 : # presents
user_pres_list = await self . data . item . get_presents_by_version_user ( self . version , data [ " userId " ] )
if user_pres_list :
2024-06-29 11:29:31 +08:00
self . logger . debug ( f " Found { len ( user_pres_list ) } possible presents " )
2024-06-29 03:48:27 +08:00
for present in user_pres_list :
if ( present [ ' startDate ' ] and present [ ' startDate ' ] . timestamp ( ) > datetime . now ( ) . timestamp ( ) ) :
self . logger . debug ( f " Present { present [ ' id ' ] } distribution hasn ' t started yet (begins { present [ ' startDate ' ] } ) " )
continue # present period hasn't started yet, move onto the next one
if ( present [ ' endDate ' ] and present [ ' endDate ' ] . timestamp ( ) < datetime . now ( ) . timestamp ( ) ) :
self . logger . warn ( f " Present { present [ ' id ' ] } ended on { present [ ' endDate ' ] } and should be removed " )
continue # present period ended, move onto the next one
test = await self . data . item . get_item ( data [ " userId " ] , present [ ' itemKind ' ] , present [ ' itemId ' ] )
if not test : # Don't send presents for items the user already has
2024-06-29 11:29:31 +08:00
pres_id = present [ ' itemKind ' ] * 1000000
pres_id + = present [ ' itemId ' ]
items . append ( { " itemId " : pres_id , " itemKind " : 4 , " stock " : present [ ' stock ' ] , " isValid " : True } )
2024-06-29 03:48:27 +08:00
self . logger . info ( f " Give user { data [ ' userId ' ] } { present [ ' stock ' ] } x item { present [ ' itemId ' ] } (kind { present [ ' itemKind ' ] } ) as present " )
else :
user_item_list = await self . data . item . get_items ( data [ " userId " ] , kind )
for i in range ( next_idx , len ( user_item_list ) ) :
tmp = user_item_list [ i ] . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
items . append ( tmp )
if len ( items ) > = int ( data [ " maxCount " ] ) :
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
xout = kind * 10000000000 + next_idx + len ( items )
if len ( items ) < int ( data [ " maxCount " ] ) :
next_idx = 0
else :
next_idx = xout
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : next_idx ,
" itemKind " : kind ,
" userItemList " : items ,
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_character_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
characters = await self . data . item . get_characters ( data [ " userId " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
chara_list = [ ]
for chara in characters :
tmp = chara . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
chara_list . append ( tmp )
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " userCharacterList " : chara_list }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_favorite_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
favorites = await self . data . item . get_favorites ( data [ " userId " ] , data [ " itemKind " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if favorites is None :
userFavs = [ ]
for fav in favorites :
userFavs . append (
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" itemKind " : fav [ " itemKind " ] ,
" itemIdList " : fav [ " itemIdList " ] ,
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " userFavoriteData " : userFavs }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_ghost_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
ghost = await self . data . profile . get_profile_ghost ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if ghost is None :
ghost_dict = ghost . _asdict ( )
ghost_dict . pop ( " user " )
ghost_dict . pop ( " id " )
ghost_dict . pop ( " version_int " )
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " userGhost " : ghost_dict }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_rating_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
rating = await self . data . profile . get_profile_rating ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if rating is None :
rating_dict = rating . _asdict ( )
rating_dict . pop ( " user " )
rating_dict . pop ( " id " )
rating_dict . pop ( " version " )
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " userRating " : rating_dict }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_activity_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
kind 1 is playlist , kind 2 is music list
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
playlist = await self . data . profile . get_profile_activity ( data [ " userId " ] , 1 )
musiclist = await self . data . profile . get_profile_activity ( data [ " userId " ] , 2 )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if playlist is None or musiclist is None :
plst = [ ]
mlst = [ ]
for play in playlist :
tmp = play . _asdict ( )
tmp [ " id " ] = tmp [ " activityId " ]
tmp . pop ( " activityId " )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
plst . append ( tmp )
for music in musiclist :
tmp = music . _asdict ( )
tmp [ " id " ] = tmp [ " activityId " ]
tmp . pop ( " activityId " )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
mlst . append ( tmp )
return { " userActivity " : { " playList " : plst , " musicList " : mlst } }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_course_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
user_courses = await self . data . score . get_courses ( data [ " userId " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if user_courses is None :
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " nextIndex " : 0 , " userCourseList " : [ ] }
course_list = [ ]
for course in user_courses :
tmp = course . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
course_list . append ( tmp )
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " nextIndex " : 0 , " userCourseList " : course_list }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_portrait_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
# No support for custom pfps
return { " length " : 0 , " userPortraitList " : [ ] }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_friend_season_ranking_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
friend_season_ranking = await self . data . item . get_friend_season_ranking ( data [ " userId " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if friend_season_ranking is None :
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : 0 ,
" userFriendSeasonRankingList " : [ ] ,
friend_season_ranking_list = [ ]
next_idx = int ( data [ " nextIndex " ] )
max_ct = int ( data [ " maxCount " ] )
for x in range ( next_idx , len ( friend_season_ranking ) ) :
tmp = friend_season_ranking [ x ] . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
tmp [ " recordDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " recordDate " ] , f " { Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT } .0 "
friend_season_ranking_list . append ( tmp )
if len ( friend_season_ranking_list ) > = max_ct :
if len ( friend_season_ranking ) > = next_idx + max_ct :
next_idx + = max_ct
else :
next_idx = 0
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : next_idx ,
" userFriendSeasonRankingList " : friend_season_ranking_list ,
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_map_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
maps = await self . data . item . get_maps ( data [ " userId " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if maps is None :
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : 0 ,
" userMapList " : [ ] ,
map_list = [ ]
next_idx = int ( data [ " nextIndex " ] )
max_ct = int ( data [ " maxCount " ] )
for x in range ( next_idx , len ( maps ) ) :
tmp = maps [ x ] . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
map_list . append ( tmp )
if len ( map_list ) > = max_ct :
if len ( maps ) > = next_idx + max_ct :
next_idx + = max_ct
else :
next_idx = 0
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : next_idx ,
" userMapList " : map_list ,
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_login_bonus_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
login_bonuses = await self . data . item . get_login_bonuses ( data [ " userId " ] )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
if login_bonuses is None :
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : 0 ,
" userLoginBonusList " : [ ] ,
login_bonus_list = [ ]
next_idx = int ( data [ " nextIndex " ] )
max_ct = int ( data [ " maxCount " ] )
for x in range ( next_idx , len ( login_bonuses ) ) :
tmp = login_bonuses [ x ] . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
login_bonus_list . append ( tmp )
if len ( login_bonus_list ) > = max_ct :
if len ( login_bonuses ) > = next_idx + max_ct :
next_idx + = max_ct
else :
next_idx = 0
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : next_idx ,
" userLoginBonusList " : login_bonus_list ,
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_region_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-10-16 01:04:15 +08:00
class UserRegionList :
regionId : int
playCount : int
created : str
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " length " : 0 , " userRegionList " : [ ] }
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_rival_data_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-06-09 10:02:31 +08:00
user_id = data . get ( " userId " , 0 )
rival_id = data . get ( " rivalId " , 0 )
2023-10-16 01:04:15 +08:00
2024-06-09 10:02:31 +08:00
if not user_id or not rival_id : return { }
2024-06-09 10:29:49 +08:00
rival_pf = await self . data . profile . get_profile_detail ( rival_id , self . version )
2024-06-09 10:02:31 +08:00
if not rival_pf : return { }
return {
" userId " : user_id ,
" userRivalData " : {
" rivalId " : rival_id ,
" rivalName " : rival_pf [ ' userName ' ]
2023-10-16 01:04:15 +08:00
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_rival_music_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2024-06-09 10:02:31 +08:00
user_id = data . get ( " userId " , 0 )
rival_id = data . get ( " rivalId " , 0 )
next_index = data . get ( " nextIndex " , 0 )
max_ct = 100
upper_lim = next_index + max_ct
rival_music_list : Dict [ int , List ] = { }
2023-10-16 01:04:15 +08:00
2024-06-09 10:02:31 +08:00
songs = await self . data . score . get_best_scores ( rival_id )
if songs is None :
self . logger . debug ( " handle_get_user_rival_music_api_request: get_best_scores returned None! " )
return {
" userId " : user_id ,
" rivalId " : rival_id ,
" nextIndex " : 0 ,
" userRivalMusicList " : [ ] # musicId userRivalMusicDetailList -> level achievement deluxscoreMax
num_user_songs = len ( songs )
for x in range ( next_index , upper_lim ) :
2024-06-09 10:19:59 +08:00
if x > = num_user_songs :
2024-06-09 10:02:31 +08:00
tmp = songs [ x ] . _asdict ( )
if tmp [ ' musicId ' ] in rival_music_list :
rival_music_list [ tmp [ ' musicId ' ] ] . append ( [ { " level " : tmp [ ' level ' ] , ' achievement ' : tmp [ ' achievement ' ] , ' deluxscoreMax ' : tmp [ ' deluxscoreMax ' ] } ] )
else :
if len ( rival_music_list ) > = max_ct :
rival_music_list [ tmp [ ' musicId ' ] ] = [ { " level " : tmp [ ' level ' ] , ' achievement ' : tmp [ ' achievement ' ] , ' deluxscoreMax ' : tmp [ ' deluxscoreMax ' ] } ]
next_index = 0 if len ( rival_music_list ) < max_ct or num_user_songs == upper_lim else upper_lim
self . logger . info ( f " Send rival { rival_id } songs { next_index } - { upper_lim } ( { len ( rival_music_list ) } ) out of { num_user_songs } for user { user_id } (next idx { next_index } ) " )
return {
" userId " : user_id ,
" rivalId " : rival_id ,
" nextIndex " : next_index ,
" userRivalMusicList " : [ { " musicId " : x , " userRivalMusicDetailList " : y } for x , y in rival_music_list . items ( ) ]
async def handle_get_user_new_item_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
# TODO: Added in 1.41, implement this?
user_id = data [ " userId " ]
version = data . get ( " version " , 1041000 )
user_playlog_list = data . get ( " userPlaylogList " , [ ] )
return {
" userId " : user_id ,
" itemKind " : - 1 ,
" itemId " : - 1 ,
2023-10-16 01:04:15 +08:00
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_get_user_music_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
2023-07-24 12:49:08 +08:00
user_id = data . get ( " userId " , 0 )
next_index = data . get ( " nextIndex " , 0 )
max_ct = data . get ( " maxCount " , 50 )
upper_lim = next_index + max_ct
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
music_detail_list = [ ]
2023-07-24 12:49:08 +08:00
if user_id < = 0 :
2023-08-08 22:17:56 +08:00
self . logger . warning ( " handle_get_user_music_api_request: Could not find userid in data, or userId is 0 " )
2023-07-24 12:49:08 +08:00
return { }
2024-01-10 03:42:17 +08:00
songs = await self . data . score . get_best_scores ( user_id )
2023-07-24 12:49:08 +08:00
if songs is None :
self . logger . debug ( " handle_get_user_music_api_request: get_best_scores returned None! " )
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : 0 ,
" userMusicList " : [ ] ,
num_user_songs = len ( songs )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
2023-07-24 12:49:08 +08:00
for x in range ( next_index , upper_lim ) :
if num_user_songs < = x :
tmp = songs [ x ] . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
music_detail_list . append ( tmp )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
2023-07-24 12:49:08 +08:00
next_index = 0 if len ( music_detail_list ) < max_ct or num_user_songs == upper_lim else upper_lim
self . logger . info ( f " Send songs { next_index } - { upper_lim } ( { len ( music_detail_list ) } ) out of { num_user_songs } for user { user_id } (next idx { next_index } ) " )
2023-05-07 07:04:10 +08:00
return {
" userId " : data [ " userId " ] ,
" nextIndex " : next_index ,
" userMusicList " : [ { " userMusicDetailList " : music_detail_list } ] ,
2023-07-17 04:06:34 +08:00
2024-01-09 16:07:04 +08:00
async def handle_user_login_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
ret = await super ( ) . handle_user_login_api_request ( data )
2023-07-17 04:06:34 +08:00
if ret is None or not ret :
return ret
ret [ ' loginId ' ] = ret . get ( ' loginCount ' , 0 )
return ret
2024-06-09 10:02:31 +08:00
# CardMaker support added in Universe
async def handle_cm_get_user_preview_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
p = await self . data . profile . get_profile_detail ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
if p is None :
return { }
return {
" userName " : p [ " userName " ] ,
" rating " : p [ " playerRating " ] ,
# hardcode lastDataVersion for CardMaker
" lastDataVersion " : " 1.20.00 " , # Future versiohs should replace this with the correct version
# checks if the user is still logged in
" isLogin " : False ,
" isExistSellingCard " : True ,
async def handle_cm_get_user_data_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
# user already exists, because the preview checks that already
p = await self . data . profile . get_profile_detail ( data [ " userId " ] , self . version )
cards = await self . data . card . get_user_cards ( data [ " userId " ] )
if cards is None or len ( cards ) == 0 :
# This should never happen
self . logger . error (
f " handle_get_user_data_api_request: Internal error - No cards found for user id { data [ ' userId ' ] } "
return { }
# get the dict representation of the row so we can modify values
user_data = p . _asdict ( )
# remove the values the game doesn't want
user_data . pop ( " id " )
user_data . pop ( " user " )
user_data . pop ( " version " )
return { " userId " : data [ " userId " ] , " userData " : user_data }
async def handle_cm_login_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
return { " returnCode " : 1 }
async def handle_cm_logout_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
return { " returnCode " : 1 }
async def handle_cm_get_selling_card_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
selling_cards = await self . data . static . get_enabled_cards ( self . version )
if selling_cards is None :
return { " length " : 0 , " sellingCardList " : [ ] }
selling_card_list = [ ]
for card in selling_cards :
tmp = card . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
tmp . pop ( " version " )
tmp . pop ( " cardName " )
tmp . pop ( " enabled " )
tmp [ " startDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " startDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
tmp [ " endDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " endDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
tmp [ " noticeStartDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " noticeStartDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
tmp [ " noticeEndDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " noticeEndDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
selling_card_list . append ( tmp )
return { " length " : len ( selling_card_list ) , " sellingCardList " : selling_card_list }
async def handle_cm_get_user_card_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
user_cards = await self . data . item . get_cards ( data [ " userId " ] )
if user_cards is None :
return { " returnCode " : 1 , " length " : 0 , " nextIndex " : 0 , " userCardList " : [ ] }
max_ct = data [ " maxCount " ]
next_idx = data [ " nextIndex " ]
start_idx = next_idx
end_idx = max_ct + start_idx
if len ( user_cards [ start_idx : ] ) > max_ct :
next_idx + = max_ct
else :
next_idx = 0
card_list = [ ]
for card in user_cards :
tmp = card . _asdict ( )
tmp . pop ( " id " )
tmp . pop ( " user " )
tmp [ " startDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " startDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
tmp [ " endDate " ] = datetime . strftime (
tmp [ " endDate " ] , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT
card_list . append ( tmp )
return {
" returnCode " : 1 ,
" length " : len ( card_list [ start_idx : end_idx ] ) ,
" nextIndex " : next_idx ,
" userCardList " : card_list [ start_idx : end_idx ] ,
async def handle_cm_get_user_item_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
await self . handle_get_user_item_api_request ( data )
async def handle_cm_get_user_character_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
characters = await self . data . item . get_characters ( data [ " userId " ] )
chara_list = [ ]
for chara in characters :
chara_list . append (
" characterId " : chara [ " characterId " ] ,
# no clue why those values are even needed
" point " : 0 ,
" count " : 0 ,
" level " : chara [ " level " ] ,
" nextAwake " : 0 ,
" nextAwakePercent " : 0 ,
" favorite " : False ,
" awakening " : chara [ " awakening " ] ,
" useCount " : chara [ " useCount " ] ,
return {
" returnCode " : 1 ,
" length " : len ( chara_list ) ,
" userCharacterList " : chara_list ,
async def handle_cm_get_user_card_print_error_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
return { " length " : 0 , " userPrintDetailList " : [ ] }
async def handle_cm_upsert_user_print_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
user_id = data [ " userId " ]
upsert = data [ " userPrintDetail " ]
# set a random card serial number
serial_id = " " . join ( [ str ( randint ( 0 , 9 ) ) for _ in range ( 20 ) ] )
# calculate start and end date of the card
start_date = datetime . utcnow ( )
end_date = datetime . utcnow ( ) + timedelta ( days = 15 )
user_card = upsert [ " userCard " ]
await self . data . item . put_card (
user_id ,
user_card [ " cardId " ] ,
user_card [ " cardTypeId " ] ,
user_card [ " charaId " ] ,
user_card [ " mapId " ] ,
# add the correct start date and also the end date in 15 days
start_date ,
end_date ,
# get the profile extend to save the new bought card
extend = await self . data . profile . get_profile_extend ( user_id , self . version )
if extend :
extend = extend . _asdict ( )
# parse the selectedCardList
# 6 = Freedom Pass, 4 = Gold Pass (cardTypeId)
selected_cards : List = extend [ " selectedCardList " ]
# if no pass is already added, add the corresponding pass
if not user_card [ " cardTypeId " ] in selected_cards :
selected_cards . insert ( 0 , user_card [ " cardTypeId " ] )
extend [ " selectedCardList " ] = selected_cards
await self . data . profile . put_profile_extend ( user_id , self . version , extend )
# properly format userPrintDetail for the database
upsert . pop ( " userCard " )
upsert . pop ( " serialId " )
upsert [ " printDate " ] = datetime . strptime ( upsert [ " printDate " ] , " % Y- % m- %d " )
await self . data . item . put_user_print_detail ( user_id , serial_id , upsert )
return {
" returnCode " : 1 ,
" orderId " : 0 ,
" serialId " : serial_id ,
" startDate " : datetime . strftime ( start_date , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) ,
" endDate " : datetime . strftime ( end_date , Mai2Constants . DATE_TIME_FORMAT ) ,
async def handle_cm_upsert_user_printlog_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
return {
" returnCode " : 1 ,
" orderId " : 0 ,
" serialId " : data [ " userPrintlog " ] [ " serialId " ] ,
async def handle_cm_upsert_buy_card_api_request ( self , data : Dict ) - > Dict :
return { " returnCode " : 1 }