Merge pull request 'Added Team and Rival support to Chunithm' (#24) from EmmyHeart/artemis:develop into develop
@ -88,6 +88,36 @@ After a failed Online Battle the room will be deleted. The host is used for the
- Timer countdown should be handled globally and not by one user
- Game can freeze or can crash if someone (especially the host) leaves the matchmaking
### Rivals
You can configure up to 4 rivals in Chunithm on a per-user basis. There is no UI to do this currently, so in the database, you can do this:
INSERT INTO aime.chuni_item_favorite (user, version, favId, favKind) VALUES (<user1>, <version>, <user2>, 2);
INSERT INTO aime.chuni_item_favorite (user, version, favId, favKind) VALUES (<user2>, <version>, <user1>, 2);
Note that the version **must match**, otherwise song lookup may not work.
### Teams
You can also configure teams for users to be on. There is no UI to do this currently, so in the database, you can do this:
INSERT INTO aime.chuni_profile_team (teamName) VALUES (<teamName>);
Team names can be regular ASCII, and they will be displayed ingame.
On smaller installations, you may also wish to enable scaled team rankings. By default, Chunithm determines team ranking within the first 100 teams. This can be configured in the YAML:
rank_scale: True # Scales the in-game ranking based on the number of teams within the database, rather than the default scale of ~100 that the game normally uses.
### Favorite songs
You can set the songs that will be in a user's Favorite Songs category using the following SQL entries:
INSERT INTO aime.chuni_item_favorite (user, version, favId, favKind) VALUES (<user>, <version>, <songId>, 1);
The songId is based on the actual ID within your version of Chunithm.
## crossbeats REV.
@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ server:
loglevel: "info"
name: ARTEMiS
name: ARTEMiS # If this is set, all players that are not on a team will use this one by default.
rank_scale: True # Scales the in-game ranking based on the number of teams within the database, rather than the default scale of ~100 that the game normally uses.
use_login_bonus: True
@ -361,11 +361,98 @@ class ChuniBase:
"userDuelList": duel_list,
def handle_get_user_rival_data_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
p =["rivalId"])
if p is None:
return {}
userRivalData = {
"rivalId": p.user,
"rivalName": p.userName
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
"userRivalData": userRivalData
def handle_get_user_rival_music_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
m =["rivalId"], data["nextIndex"], data["maxCount"])
if m is None:
return {}
user_rival_music_list = []
for music in m:
actual_music_id =["musicId"])
if actual_music_id is None:
music_id = music["musicId"]
music_id = actual_music_id["songId"]
level = music["level"]
score = music["score"]
rank = music["rank"]
# Find the existing entry for the current musicId in the user_rival_music_list
music_entry = next((entry for entry in user_rival_music_list if entry["musicId"] == music_id), None)
if music_entry is None:
# If the entry doesn't exist, create a new entry
music_entry = {
"musicId": music_id,
"length": 0,
"userRivalMusicDetailList": []
# Check if the current score is higher than the previous highest score for the level
level_entry = next(
for entry in music_entry["userRivalMusicDetailList"]
if entry["level"] == level
if level_entry is None or score > level_entry["scoreMax"]:
# If the level entry doesn't exist or the score is higher, update or add the entry
level_entry = {
"level": level,
"scoreMax": score,
"scoreRank": rank
if level_entry not in music_entry["userRivalMusicDetailList"]:
music_entry["length"] = len(music_entry["userRivalMusicDetailList"])
result = {
"userId": data["userId"],
"rivalId": data["rivalId"],
"nextIndex": -1,
"userRivalMusicList": user_rival_music_list
return result
def handle_get_user_rival_music_api_requestded(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
m =["rivalId"], data["nextIndex"], data["maxCount"])
if m is None:
return {}
userRivalMusicList = []
for music in m:
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
"rivalId": data["rivalId"],
"nextIndex": -1
def handle_get_user_favorite_item_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
user_fav_item_list = []
# still needs to be implemented on WebUI
# 1: Music, 3: Character
# 1: Music, 2: User, 3: Character
fav_list =
data["userId"], self.version, fav_kind=int(data["kind"])
@ -600,25 +687,43 @@ class ChuniBase:
def handle_get_user_team_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
# TODO: use the database "chuni_profile_team" with a GUI
# Default values
team_id = 65535
team_name =
if team_name == "":
team_rank = 0
# Get user profile
profile =["userId"], self.version)
if profile and profile["teamId"]:
# Get team by id
team =["teamId"])
if team:
team_id = team["id"]
team_name = team["teamName"]
# Determine whether to use scaled ranks, or original system
team_rank =["id"])
team_rank =["id"])
# Don't return anything if no team name has been defined for defaults and there is no team set for the player
if not profile["teamId"] and team_name == "":
return {"userId": data["userId"], "teamId": 0}
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
"teamId": 1,
"teamRank": 1,
"teamId": team_id,
"teamRank": team_rank,
"teamName": team_name,
"userTeamPoint": {
"userId": data["userId"],
"teamId": 1,
"teamId": team_id,
"orderId": 1,
"teamPoint": 1,
"aggrDate": data["playDate"],
def handle_get_team_course_setting_api_request(self, data: Dict) -> Dict:
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
@ -709,9 +814,25 @@ class ChuniBase:
|||, playlog)
if "userTeamPoint" in upsert:
# TODO: team stuff
team_points = upsert["userTeamPoint"]
for tp in team_points:
if tp["teamId"] != '65535':
# Fetch the current team data
current_team =["teamId"])
# Calculate the new teamPoint
new_team_point = int(tp["teamPoint"]) + current_team["teamPoint"]
# Prepare the data to update
team_data = {
"teamPoint": new_team_point
# Update the team data
||||["teamId"], team_data)
pass # Probably a better way to catch if the team is not set yet (new profiles), but let's just pass
if "userMapAreaList" in upsert:
for map_area in upsert["userMapAreaList"]:
||||, map_area)
@ -757,4 +878,4 @@ class ChuniBase:
return {
"userId": data["userId"],
"userNetBattleData": {"recentNBSelectMusicList": []},
@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ class ChuniTeamConfig:
return CoreConfig.get_config_field(
self.__config, "chuni", "team", "name", default=""
def rank_scale(self) -> str:
return CoreConfig.get_config_field(
self.__config, "chuni", "team", "rank_scale", default="False"
class ChuniModsConfig:
@ -637,3 +637,103 @@ class ChuniProfileData(BaseData):
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
def get_team_by_id(self, team_id: int) -> Optional[Row]:
sql = select(team).where( == team_id)
result = self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
def get_team_rank_actual(self, team_id: int) -> int:
# Normal ranking system, likely the one used in the real servers
# Query all teams sorted by 'teamPoint'
result = self.execute(
# Get the rank of the team with the given team_id
rank = None
for i, row in enumerate(result, start=1):
if == team_id:
rank = i
# Return the rank if found, or a default rank otherwise
return rank if rank is not None else 0
def get_team_rank(self, team_id: int) -> int:
# Scaled ranking system, designed for smaller instances.
# Query all teams sorted by 'teamPoint'
result = self.execute(
# Count total number of teams
total_teams = self.execute(select(func.count()).select_from(team)).scalar()
# Get the rank of the team with the given team_id
rank = None
for i, row in enumerate(result, start=1):
if == team_id:
rank = i
# If the team is not found, return default rank
if rank is None:
return 0
# Define rank tiers
tiers = {
1: range(1, int(total_teams * 0.1) + 1), # Rainbow
2: range(int(total_teams * 0.1) + 1, int(total_teams * 0.4) + 1), # Gold
3: range(int(total_teams * 0.4) + 1, int(total_teams * 0.7) + 1), # Silver
4: range(int(total_teams * 0.7) + 1, total_teams + 1), # Grey
# Assign rank based on tier
for tier_rank, tier_range in tiers.items():
if rank in tier_range:
return tier_rank
# Return default rank if not found in any tier
return 0
def update_team(self, team_id: int, team_data: Dict) -> bool:
team_data["id"] = team_id
sql = insert(team).values(**team_data)
conflict = sql.on_duplicate_key_update(**team_data)
result = self.execute(conflict)
if result is None:
f"update_team: Failed to update team! team id: {team_id}"
return False
return True
def get_rival(self, rival_id: int) -> Optional[Row]:
sql = select(profile).where(profile.c.user == rival_id)
result = self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
def get_overview(self) -> Dict:
# Fetch and add up all the playcounts
playcount_sql = self.execute(select(profile.c.playCount))
if playcount_sql is None:
f"get_overview: Couldn't pull playcounts"
return 0
total_play_count = 0;
for row in playcount_sql:
total_play_count += row[0]
return {
"total_play_count": total_play_count
@ -200,3 +200,10 @@ class ChuniScoreData(BaseData):
if result is None:
return None
return result.lastrowid
def get_rival_music(self, rival_id: int, index: int, max_count: int) -> Optional[List[Dict]]:
sql = select(playlog).where(playlog.c.user == rival_id).limit(max_count).offset(index)
result = self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchall()
@ -453,6 +453,15 @@ class ChuniStaticData(BaseData):
return None
return result.fetchone()
def get_song(self, music_id: int) -> Optional[Row]:
sql = == music_id)
result = self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
def put_avatar(
version: int,
@ -587,4 +596,4 @@ class ChuniStaticData(BaseData):
result = self.execute(sql)
if result is None:
return None
return result.fetchone()
return result.fetchone()
Reference in New Issue