adb: fix log_ex

Kevin Trocolli 2023-08-20 19:55:26 -04:00
parent 8ea82ffe1a
commit 71489c1272
2 changed files with 43 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
from construct import Struct, Int32sl, Padding, Int8sl
from typing import Union
from construct import Struct, Padding, Int8sl
from typing import Final, List
from .base import *
NUM_LOGS: Final[int] = 20
NUM_LEN_LOG_EX: Final[int] = 48
class AmLogEx:
def __init__(self, data: bytes) -> None:
self.aime_id, status, self.user_id, self.credit_ct, self.bet_ct, self.won_ct, self.local_time, \
self.tseq, self.place_id = struct.unpack("<IIQiii4xQiI", data)
self.status = LogStatus(status)
class ADBStatusLogRequest(ADBBaseRequest):
def __init__(self, data: bytes) -> None:
@ -18,6 +26,31 @@ class ADBLogRequest(ADBBaseRequest):
class ADBLogExRequest(ADBBaseRequest):
def __init__(self, data: bytes) -> None:
self.aime_id, status, self.user_id, self.credit_ct, self.bet_ct, self.won_ct, self.local_time, \
self.tseq, self.place_id, self.num_logs = struct.unpack_from("<IIQiii4xQiII", data, 0x20)
self.status = LogStatus(status)
self.logs: List[AmLogEx] = []
for x in range(NUM_LOGS):
self.logs.append(AmLogEx(data[0x20 + (NUM_LEN_LOG_EX * x): 0x50 + (NUM_LEN_LOG_EX * x)]))
self.num_logs = struct.unpack_from("<I", data, 0x03E0)[0]
class ADBLogExResponse(ADBBaseResponse):
def __init__(self, game_id: str = "SXXX", store_id: int = 1, keychip_id: str = "A69E01A8888", protocol_ver: int = 12423, code: int = 20, length: int = 64, status: int = 1) -> None:
super().__init__(code, length, status, game_id, store_id, keychip_id, protocol_ver)
def from_req(cls, req: ADBHeader) -> "ADBLogExResponse":
c = cls(req.game_id, req.store_id, req.keychip_id, req.protocol_ver)
return c
def make(self) -> bytes:
resp_struct = Struct(
"log_result" / Int8sl[NUM_LOGS],
body =
log_result = [1] * NUM_LOGS
self.head.length = HEADER_SIZE + len(body)
return self.head.make() + body

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@ -277,7 +277,11 @@ class AimedbProtocol(Protocol):
def handle_log_ex(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> bytes:
req = ADBLogExRequest(data)"User {req.aime_id} logged {} event, credit_ct: {req.credit_ct} bet_ct: {req.bet_ct} won_ct: {req.won_ct}")
strs = []"Recieved {req.num_logs} or {len(req.logs)} logs")
for x in range(req.num_logs):
self.logger.debug(f"User {req.logs[x].aime_id} logged {req.logs[x]} event, credit_ct: {req.logs[x].credit_ct} bet_ct: {req.logs[x].bet_ct} won_ct: {req.logs[x].won_ct}")
return ADBBaseResponse(resp_code, 0x20, 1, req.head.game_id, req.head.store_id, req.head.keychip_id, req.head.protocol_ver)
def handle_goodbye(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> None: