mucha: add shop info

Hay1tsme 2024-01-22 15:32:43 -05:00
parent 66c9548dd2
commit 9a021d4005
1 changed files with 95 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from typing import Dict, Any, Optional
import logging, coloredlogs
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
from starlette.requests import Request
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse
from datetime import datetime
from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish
import pytz
@ -9,9 +10,11 @@ import pytz
from .config import CoreConfig
from .utils import Utils
from .title import TitleServlet
from .data import Data
from .const import *
class MuchaServlet:
mucha_registry: Dict[str, str] = {}
mucha_registry: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {}
def __init__(self, cfg: CoreConfig, cfg_dir: str) -> None:
self.config = cfg
self.config_dir = cfg_dir
@ -35,94 +38,150 @@ class MuchaServlet:
coloredlogs.install(level=cfg.mucha.loglevel, logger=self.logger, fmt=log_fmt_str) = Data(cfg)
for _, mod in TitleServlet.title_registry.items():
if hasattr(mod, "get_mucha_info"):
enabled, game_cds, netid_prefixes = mod.get_mucha_info(
self.config, self.config_dir
if enabled:
for x in range(len(game_cds)):
self.mucha_registry[game_cds[x]] = netid_prefixes[x]
enabled, game_cds, netids = mod.get_mucha_info(self.config, self.config_dir)
if enabled:
for x in range(len(game_cds)):
self.mucha_registry[game_cds[x]] = { "netid_prefix": netids[x] }"Serving {len(self.mucha_registry)} games")
async def handle_boardauth(self, request: Request) -> bytes:
req_raw = await request.body()
req_dict = self.mucha_preprocess(req_raw)
bod = await request.body()
req_dict = self.mucha_preprocess(bod)
client_ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request)
if req_dict is None:
f"Error processing mucha boardauth request {req_raw}"
f"Error processing mucha request {bod}"
return b""
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")
req = MuchaAuthRequest(req_dict)"Boardauth request from {client_ip} for {req.gameVer}")
self.logger.debug(f"Mucha request {vars(req)}")
if not req.gameCd or not req.gameVer or not req.sendDate or not req.countryCd or not req.serialNum:
self.logger.warn(f"Missing required fields - {vars(req)}")
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")
if req.gameCd not in self.mucha_registry:
self.logger.warning(f"Unknown gameCd {req.gameCd}")
return b"RESULTS=000"
minfo = self.mucha_registry.get(req.gameCd, {})
if not minfo:
self.logger.warning(f"Unknown gameCd {req.gameCd} from {client_ip}")
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")
# TODO: Decrypt S/N
b_key = b""
for x in range(8):
b_key += req.sendDate[(x - 1) & 7].encode()
b_iv = b_key # what the fuck namco
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_ECB)
sn_decrypt = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(req.serialNum))
self.logger.debug(f"Decrypt SN to {sn_decrypt.hex()}")
cipher =, Blowfish.MODE_CBC, b_iv)
sn_decrypt = cipher.decrypt(bytes.fromhex(req.serialNum))[:12].decode()
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error(f"Decrypt SN {req.serialNum} failed! - {e}")
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")"Boardauth request from {sn_decrypt} ({client_ip}) for {req.gameVer}")
resp = MuchaAuthResponse(
f"{self.config.server.hostname}{':' + str(self.config.server.port) if self.config.server.is_develop else ''}"
f"{self.config.server.hostname}{':' + str(self.config.server.port) if not self.config.server.is_using_proxy else ''}"
#netid = minfo.get('netid_prefix', "ABxN") + sn_decrypt[5:]
netid = minfo.get('netid_prefix', "ABxN") + "3190001"
cab = await
if cab:
arcade = await['id'])
if not arcade:
self.logger.error(f"Failed to get arcade with id {cab['id']}")
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")
resp.AREA_0 = arcade["region_id"] or
resp.AREA_0_EN = arcade["region_id"] or
resp.AREA_FULL_0 = arcade["region_id"] or
resp.AREA_FULL_0_EN = arcade["region_id"] or
resp.AREA_1 = arcade["country"] or cab['country'] or AllnetCountryCode.JAPAN.value
resp.AREA_1_EN = arcade["country"] or cab['country'] or AllnetCountryCode.JAPAN.value
resp.AREA_FULL_1 = arcade["country"] or cab['country'] or AllnetCountryCode.JAPAN.value
resp.AREA_FULL_1_EN = arcade["country"] or cab['country'] or AllnetCountryCode.JAPAN.value
resp.AREA_2 = arcade["city"] if arcade["city"] else ""
resp.AREA_2_EN = arcade["city"] if arcade["city"] else ""
resp.AREA_FULL_2 = arcade["city"] if arcade["city"] else ""
resp.AREA_FULL_2_EN = arcade["city"] if arcade["city"] else ""
resp.AREA_3 = ""
resp.AREA_3_EN = ""
resp.AREA_FULL_3 = ""
resp.AREA_FULL_3_EN = ""
resp.PREFECTURE_ID = arcade['region_id']
resp.COUNTRY_CD = arcade['country'] or cab['country'] or AllnetCountryCode.JAPAN.value
resp.PLACE_ID = req.placeId if req.placeId else f"{arcade['country'] or cab['country'] or AllnetCountryCode.JAPAN.value}{arcade['id']:04X}"
resp.SHOP_NAME = arcade['name']
resp.SHOP_NAME_EN = arcade['name']
resp.SHOP_NICKNAME = arcade['nickname']
resp.SHOP_NICKNAME_EN = arcade['nickname']
elif self.config.server.allow_unregistered_serials:"Allow unknown serial {netid} ({sn_decrypt}) to auth")
self.logger.warn(f'Auth failed for NetID {netid}')
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")
self.logger.debug(f"Mucha response {vars(resp)}")
return self.mucha_postprocess(vars(resp))
return PlainTextResponse(self.mucha_postprocess(vars(resp)))
async def handle_updatecheck(self, request: Request) -> bytes:
req_raw = await request.body()
req_dict = self.mucha_preprocess(req_raw)
bod = await request.body()
req_dict = self.mucha_preprocess(bod)
client_ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request)
if req_dict is None:
f"Error processing mucha updatecheck request {req_raw}"
f"Error processing mucha request {bod}"
return b""
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")
req = MuchaUpdateRequest(req_dict)"Updatecheck request from {client_ip} for {req.gameVer}")"Updatecheck request from {req.serialNum} ({client_ip}) for {req.gameVer}")
self.logger.debug(f"Mucha request {vars(req)}")
if req.gameCd not in self.mucha_registry:
self.logger.warning(f"Unknown gameCd {req.gameCd}")
return b"RESULTS=000"
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")
resp = MuchaUpdateResponse(req.gameVer, f"{self.config.server.hostname}{':' + str(self.config.server.port) if self.config.server.is_develop else ''}")
resp = MuchaUpdateResponse(req.gameVer, f"{self.config.server.hostname}{':' + str(self.config.server.port) if not self.config.server.is_using_proxy else ''}")
self.logger.debug(f"Mucha response {vars(resp)}")
return self.mucha_postprocess(vars(resp))
return PlainTextResponse(self.mucha_postprocess(vars(resp)))
async def handle_dlstate(self, request: Request) -> bytes:
req_raw = await request.body()
req_dict = self.mucha_preprocess(req_raw)
bod = await request.body()
req_dict = self.mucha_preprocess(bod)
client_ip = Utils.get_ip_addr(request)
if req_dict is None:
f"Error processing mucha dlstate request {req_raw}"
f"Error processing mucha request {bod}"
return b""
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=000")
req = MuchaDownloadStateRequest(req_dict)"DownloadState request from {client_ip} for {req.gameCd} -> {req.updateVer}")"DownloadState request from {req.serialNum} ({client_ip}) for {req.gameCd} -> {req.updateVer}")
self.logger.debug(f"request {vars(req)}")
return b"RESULTS=001"
return PlainTextResponse("RESULTS=001")
def mucha_preprocess(self, data: bytes) -> Optional[Dict]: