import logging, coloredlogs from Crypto.Cipher import AES from typing import Dict, Tuple, Callable, Union, Optional import asyncio from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler from core.config import CoreConfig from core.utils import create_sega_auth_key from import Data from .adb_handlers import * class AimedbServlette(): request_list: Dict[int, Tuple[Callable[[bytes, int], Union[ADBBaseResponse, bytes]], int, str]] = {} def __init__(self, core_cfg: CoreConfig) -> None: self.config = core_cfg = Data(core_cfg) self.logger = logging.getLogger("aimedb") if not hasattr(self.logger, "initted"): log_fmt_str = "[%(asctime)s] Aimedb | %(levelname)s | %(message)s" log_fmt = logging.Formatter(log_fmt_str) fileHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( "{0}/{1}.log".format(self.config.server.log_dir, "aimedb"), when="d", backupCount=10, ) fileHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) self.logger.addHandler(fileHandler) self.logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) self.logger.setLevel(self.config.aimedb.loglevel) coloredlogs.install( level=core_cfg.aimedb.loglevel, logger=self.logger, fmt=log_fmt_str ) self.logger.initted = True if not core_cfg.aimedb.key: self.logger.error("!!!KEY NOT SET!!!") exit(1) self.register_handler(0x01, 0x03, self.handle_felica_lookup, 'felica_lookup') self.register_handler(0x02, 0x03, self.handle_felica_register, 'felica_register') self.register_handler(0x04, 0x06, self.handle_lookup, 'lookup') self.register_handler(0x05, 0x06, self.handle_register, 'register') self.register_handler(0x07, 0x08, self.handle_status_log, 'status_log') self.register_handler(0x09, 0x0A, self.handle_log, 'aime_log') self.register_handler(0x0B, 0x0C, self.handle_campaign, 'campaign') self.register_handler(0x0D, 0x0E, self.handle_campaign_clear, 'campaign_clear') self.register_handler(0x0F, 0x10, self.handle_lookup_ex, 'lookup_ex') self.register_handler(0x11, 0x12, self.handle_felica_lookup_ex, 'felica_lookup_ex') self.register_handler(0x13, 0x14, self.handle_log_ex, 'aime_log_ex') self.register_handler(0x64, 0x65, self.handle_hello, 'hello') def register_handler(self, cmd: int, resp:int, handler: Callable[[bytes, int], Union[ADBBaseResponse, bytes]], name: str) -> None: self.request_list[cmd] = (handler, resp, name) def start(self) -> None:"Start on port {self.config.aimedb.port}") addr = self.config.aimedb.listen_address if self.config.aimedb.listen_address else self.config.server.listen_address asyncio.create_task(asyncio.start_server(self.dataReceived, addr, self.config.aimedb.port)) async def dataReceived(self, reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter): self.logger.debug(f"Connection made from {writer.get_extra_info('peername')[0]}") while True: try: data: bytes = await if len(data) == 0: self.logger.debug("Connection closed") return await self.process_data(data, reader, writer) await writer.drain() except ConnectionResetError as e: self.logger.debug("Connection reset, disconnecting") return async def process_data(self, data: bytes, reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter) -> Optional[bytes]: addr = writer.get_extra_info('peername')[0] cipher =, AES.MODE_ECB) try: decrypted = cipher.decrypt(data) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to decrypt {data.hex()} because {e}") return self.logger.debug(f"{addr} wrote {decrypted.hex()}") try: head = ADBHeader.from_data(decrypted) except ADBHeaderException as e: self.logger.error(f"Error parsing ADB header: {e}") try: encrypted = cipher.encrypt(ADBBaseResponse().make()) writer.write(encrypted) await writer.drain() return except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to encrypt default response because {e}") return if head.keychip_id == "ABCD1234567" or head.store_id == 0xfff0: self.logger.warning(f"Request from uninitialized AMLib: {vars(head)}") if head.cmd == 0x66:"Goodbye") writer.close() return handler, resp_code, name = self.request_list.get(head.cmd, (self.handle_default, None, 'default')) if resp_code is None: self.logger.warning(f"No handler for cmd {hex(head.cmd)}") elif resp_code > 0:"{name} from {head.keychip_id} ({head.game_id}) @ {addr}") resp = await handler(decrypted, resp_code) if type(resp) == ADBBaseResponse or issubclass(type(resp), ADBBaseResponse): resp_bytes = resp.make() elif type(resp) == bytes: resp_bytes = resp elif resp is None: # Nothing to send, probably a goodbye self.logger.warning(f"None return by handler for {name}") return else: self.logger.error(f"Unsupported type returned by ADB handler for {name}: {type(resp)}") raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type returned by ADB handler for {name}: {type(resp)}") try: encrypted = cipher.encrypt(resp_bytes) self.logger.debug(f"Response {resp_bytes.hex()}") writer.write(encrypted) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Failed to encrypt {resp_bytes.hex()} because {e}") async def handle_default(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int, length: int = 0x20) -> ADBBaseResponse: req = ADBHeader.from_data(data) return ADBBaseResponse(resp_code, length, 1, req.game_id, req.store_id, req.keychip_id, req.protocol_ver) async def handle_hello(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> ADBBaseResponse: return await self.handle_default(data, resp_code) async def handle_campaign(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> ADBBaseResponse: h = ADBHeader.from_data(data) if h.protocol_ver >= 0x3030: req = h resp = ADBCampaignResponse.from_req(req) else: req = ADBOldCampaignRequest(data)"Legacy campaign request for campaign {req.campaign_id} (protocol version {hex(h.protocol_ver)})") resp = ADBOldCampaignResponse.from_req(req.head) # We don't currently support campaigns return resp async def handle_lookup(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> ADBBaseResponse: req = ADBLookupRequest(data) if req.access_code == "00000000000000000000": self.logger.warning(f"All-zero access code from {req.head.keychip_id}") ret = ADBLookupResponse.from_req(req.head, -1) ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS return ret user_id = await is_banned = await is_locked = await ret = ADBLookupResponse.from_req(req.head, user_id) if is_banned and is_locked: ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS_USER elif is_banned: ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS elif is_locked: ret.head.status = ADBStatus.LOCK_USER f"access_code {req.access_code} -> user_id {ret.user_id}" ) if user_id and user_id > 0: await if (req.access_code.startswith("010") or req.access_code.startswith("3")) and req.serial_number != 0x04030201: # Default segatools sn await, req.serial_number)"Attempt to set chip id to {req.serial_number:08X} for access code {req.access_code}") return ret async def handle_lookup_ex(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> ADBBaseResponse: req = ADBLookupRequest(data) if req.access_code == "00000000000000000000": self.logger.warning(f"All-zero access code from {req.head.keychip_id}") ret = ADBLookupExResponse.from_req(req.head, -1) ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS return ret user_id = await is_banned = await is_locked = await ret = ADBLookupExResponse.from_req(req.head, user_id) if is_banned and is_locked: ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS_USER elif is_banned: ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS elif is_locked: ret.head.status = ADBStatus.LOCK_USER f"access_code {req.access_code} -> user_id {ret.user_id}" ) if user_id and user_id > 0 and self.config.aimedb.id_secret: auth_key = create_sega_auth_key(user_id, req.head.game_id, req.head.store_id, req.head.keychip_id, self.config.aimedb.id_secret, self.config.aimedb.id_lifetime_seconds) if auth_key is not None: auth_key_extra_len = 256 - len(auth_key) auth_key_full = auth_key.encode() + (b"\0" * auth_key_extra_len) self.logger.debug(f"Generated auth token {auth_key}") ret.auth_key = auth_key_full if user_id and user_id > 0: await return ret async def handle_felica_lookup(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> bytes: """ On official, the IDm is used as a key to look up the stored access code in a large database. We do not have access to that database so we have to make due with what we got. Interestingly, namco games are able to read S_PAD0 and send the server the correct access code, but aimedb doesn't. Until somebody either enters the correct code manually, or scans on a game that reads it correctly from the card, this will have to do. It's the same conversion used on the big boy networks. """ req = ADBFelicaLookupRequest(data) idm = req.idm.zfill(16) if idm == "0000000000000000": self.logger.warning(f"All-zero IDm from {req.head.keychip_id}") ret = ADBFelicaLookupResponse.from_req(req.head, "00000000000000000000") ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS return ret card = await if not card: ac = test = await if test: await, idm) else: ac = card['access_code'] f"idm {idm} pmm {req.pmm.zfill(16)} -> access_code {ac}" ) return ADBFelicaLookupResponse.from_req(req.head, ac) async def handle_felica_register(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> bytes: """ Used to register felica moble access codes. Will never be used on our network because we don't implement felica_lookup properly. """ req = ADBFelicaLookupRequest(data) idm = req.idm.zfill(16) if idm == "0000000000000000": self.logger.warning(f"All-zero IDm from {req.head.keychip_id}") ret = ADBFelicaLookupResponse.from_req(req.head, "00000000000000000000") ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS return ret ac = if self.config.server.allow_user_registration: user_id = await if user_id is None: self.logger.error("Failed to register user!") user_id = -1 else: card_id = await, ac) if card_id is None: self.logger.error("Failed to register card!") user_id = -1 f"Register access code {ac} (IDm: {req.idm} PMm: {req.pmm}) -> user_id {user_id}" ) else: f"Registration blocked!: access code {ac} (IDm: {req.idm} PMm: {req.pmm})" ) if user_id > 0: await return ADBFelicaLookupResponse.from_req(req.head, ac) async def handle_felica_lookup_ex(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> bytes: req = ADBFelicaLookupExRequest(data) user_id = None idm = req.idm.zfill(16) if idm == "0000000000000000": self.logger.warning(f"All-zero IDm from {req.head.keychip_id}") ret = ADBFelicaLookupExResponse.from_req(req.head, -1, "00000000000000000000") ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS return ret card = await if not card: access_code = card = await if card: user_id = card['user'] await, idm) else: user_id = card['user'] access_code = card['access_code'] if user_id is None: user_id = -1 f"idm {idm} dfc {req.dfc} -> access_code {access_code} user_id {user_id}" ) resp = ADBFelicaLookupExResponse.from_req(req.head, user_id, access_code) if user_id > 0: if card['is_banned'] and card['is_locked']: resp.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS_USER elif card['is_banned']: resp.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS elif card['is_locked']: resp.head.status = ADBStatus.LOCK_USER if user_id and user_id > 0 and self.config.aimedb.id_secret: auth_key = create_sega_auth_key(user_id, req.head.game_id, req.head.store_id, req.head.keychip_id, self.config.aimedb.id_secret, self.config.aimedb.id_lifetime_seconds) if auth_key is not None: auth_key_extra_len = 256 - len(auth_key) auth_key_full = auth_key.encode() + (b"\0" * auth_key_extra_len) self.logger.debug(f"Generated auth token {auth_key}") resp.auth_key = auth_key_full if user_id and user_id > 0: await return resp async def handle_campaign_clear(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> ADBBaseResponse: req = ADBCampaignClearRequest(data) resp = ADBCampaignClearResponse.from_req(req.head) # We don't support campaign stuff return resp async def handle_register(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> bytes: req = ADBLookupRequest(data) user_id = -1 if req.access_code == "00000000000000000000": self.logger.warning(f"All-zero access code from {req.head.keychip_id}") ret = ADBLookupResponse.from_req(req.head, -1) ret.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS return ret if self.config.server.allow_user_registration: user_id = await if user_id is None: self.logger.error("Failed to register user!") user_id = -1 else: card_id = await, req.access_code) if card_id is None: self.logger.error("Failed to register card!") user_id = -1 f"Register access code {req.access_code} -> user_id {user_id}" ) else: f"Registration blocked!: access code {req.access_code}" ) if user_id > 0: if (req.access_code.startswith("010") or req.access_code.startswith("3")) and req.serial_number != 0x04030201: # Default segatools sn: await, req.serial_number)"Attempt to set chip id to {req.serial_number} for access code {req.access_code}") elif req.access_code.startswith("0008"): idm = await, idm)"Attempt to set IDm to {idm} for access code {req.access_code}") resp = ADBLookupResponse.from_req(req.head, user_id) if resp.user_id <= 0: resp.head.status = ADBStatus.BAN_SYS # Closest we can get to a "You cannot register" else: await return resp # TODO: Save these in some capacity, as deemed relevant async def handle_status_log(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> bytes: req = ADBStatusLogRequest(data)"User {req.aime_id} logged {} event") return ADBBaseResponse(resp_code, 0x20, 1, req.head.game_id, req.head.store_id, req.head.keychip_id, req.head.protocol_ver) async def handle_log(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> bytes: req = ADBLogRequest(data)"User {req.aime_id} logged {} event, credit_ct: {req.credit_ct} bet_ct: {req.bet_ct} won_ct: {req.won_ct}") return ADBBaseResponse(resp_code, 0x20, 1, req.head.game_id, req.head.store_id, req.head.keychip_id, req.head.protocol_ver) async def handle_log_ex(self, data: bytes, resp_code: int) -> bytes: req = ADBLogExRequest(data) strs = []"Recieved {req.num_logs} or {len(req.logs)} logs") for x in range(req.num_logs): self.logger.debug(f"User {req.logs[x].aime_id} logged {req.logs[x]} event, credit_ct: {req.logs[x].credit_ct} bet_ct: {req.logs[x].bet_ct} won_ct: {req.logs[x].won_ct}") return ADBLogExResponse.from_req(req.head)