# ARTEMiS A network service emulator for games running SEGA'S ALL.NET service, and similar. # Supported games Games listed below have been tested and confirmed working. Only game versions older then the version currently active in arcades, or games versions that have not recieved a major update in over one year, are supported. + Card Maker + 1.30 + 1.35 + CHUNITHM INTL + SUPERSTAR + SUPERSTAR PLUS + NEW + NEW PLUS + SUN + SUN PLUS + CHUNITHM JP + AIR + AIR PLUS + AMAZON + AMAZON PLUS + CRYSTAL + CRYSTAL PLUS + PARADISE + PARADISE LOST + NEW + NEW PLUS + SUN + SUN PLUS + LUMINOUS + LUMINOUS PLUS + crossbeats REV. + Crossbeats REV. + Crossbeats REV. SUNRiSE S1 + Crossbeats REV. SUNRiSE S2 + omnimix + Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Arcade + Future Tone Arcade - All versions + Initial D THE ARCADE + Season 2 + maimai DX + Splash + Splash Plus + UNiVERSE + UNiVERSE PLUS + FESTiVAL + FESTiVAL PLUS + BUDDiES + BUDDiES PLUS + O.N.G.E.K.I. + SUMMER + SUMMER PLUS + R.E.D. + R.E.D. PLUS + bright + bright MEMORY + POKKÉN TOURNAMENT + Final Online + Sword Art Online Arcade + Final (Single player only) + WACCA + Lily R + Reverse ## Requirements - python 3 (tested working with 3.9 and 3.10, other versions YMMV) - pip - memcached (for non-windows platforms) - mysql/mariadb server ## Setup guides Follow the platform-specific guides for [windows](docs/INSTALL_WINDOWS.md), [linux (Debian 12 or Rasperry Pi OS recomended, but anything works)](docs/INSTALL_LINUX.md) or [docker](docs/INSTALL_DOCKER.md) to setup and run the server. ## Game specific information Read [Games specific info](docs/game_specific_info.md) for all supported games, importer settings, configuration option and database upgrades. ## Production guide See the [production guide](docs/prod.md) for running a production server. ## Text User Interface Invoke `tui.py` (with optional `-c ` parameter) for an interactive TUI to perform management actions (add, edit or delete users, cards, arcades and machines) without needing to spin up the frontend. Requires installing asciimatics via `pip install asciimatics`