import logging import os import secrets import string import warnings from hashlib import sha256 from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler from typing import ClassVar, Optional import alembic.config import bcrypt import coloredlogs import pymysql.err from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import ( AsyncEngine, AsyncSession, create_async_engine, ) from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from core.config import CoreConfig from import ArcadeData, BaseData, CardData, UserData, metadata from core.utils import MISSING, Utils class Data: engine: ClassVar[AsyncEngine] = MISSING session: ClassVar["sessionmaker[AsyncSession]"] = MISSING user: ClassVar[UserData] = MISSING arcade: ClassVar[ArcadeData] = MISSING card: ClassVar[CardData] = MISSING base: ClassVar[BaseData] = MISSING def __init__(self, cfg: CoreConfig) -> None: self.config = cfg if self.config.database.sha2_password: passwd = sha256(self.config.database.password.encode()).digest() self.__url = f"{self.config.database.protocol}+aiomysql://{self.config.database.username}:{passwd.hex()}@{}:{self.config.database.port}/{}" else: self.__url = f"{self.config.database.protocol}+aiomysql://{self.config.database.username}:{self.config.database.password}@{}:{self.config.database.port}/{}" if Data.engine is MISSING: Data.engine = create_async_engine( self.__url, pool_recycle=3600, isolation_level="AUTOCOMMIT", connect_args={ "charset": "utf8mb4", "ssl": self.config.database.create_ssl_context_if_enabled(), }, ) self.__engine = Data.engine if Data.session is MISSING: Data.session = sessionmaker(Data.engine, expire_on_commit=False, class_=AsyncSession) if Data.user is MISSING: Data.user = UserData(self.config, self.session) if Data.arcade is MISSING: Data.arcade = ArcadeData(self.config, self.session) if Data.card is MISSING: Data.card = CardData(self.config, self.session) if Data.base is MISSING: Data.base = BaseData(self.config, self.session) self.logger = logging.getLogger("database") # Prevent the logger from adding handlers multiple times if not getattr(self.logger, "handler_set", None): log_fmt_str = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s | Database | %(message)s" log_fmt = logging.Formatter(log_fmt_str) fileHandler = TimedRotatingFileHandler( "{0}/{1}.log".format(self.config.server.log_dir, "db"), encoding="utf-8", when="d", backupCount=10, ) fileHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) consoleHandler = logging.StreamHandler() consoleHandler.setFormatter(log_fmt) self.logger.addHandler(fileHandler) self.logger.addHandler(consoleHandler) self.logger.setLevel(self.config.database.loglevel) coloredlogs.install( cfg.database.loglevel, logger=self.logger, fmt=log_fmt_str ) self.logger.handler_set = True # type: ignore def __alembic_cmd(self, command: str, *args: str) -> None: old_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir) base_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.curdir), 'core', 'data', 'alembic') alembicArgs = [ "-c", os.path.join(base_dir, "alembic.ini"), "-x", f"script_location={base_dir}", "-x", f"sqlalchemy.url={self.__url}", command, ] alembicArgs.extend(args) os.chdir(base_dir) alembic.config.main(argv=alembicArgs) os.chdir(old_dir) async def create_database(self):"Creating databases...") with warnings.catch_warnings(): # SQLAlchemy will generate a nice primary key constraint name, but in # MySQL/MariaDB the constraint name is always PRIMARY. Every time a # custom primary key name is generated, a warning is emitted from pymysql, # which we don't care about. Other warnings may be helpful though, don't # suppress everything. warnings.filterwarnings( action="ignore", message=r"Name '(.+)' ignored for PRIMARY key\.", category=pymysql.err.Warning, ) async with self.engine.begin() as conn: await conn.run_sync(metadata.create_all, checkfirst=True) for _, mod in Utils.get_all_titles().items(): if hasattr(mod, "database"): mod.database(self.config) await conn.run_sync(metadata.create_all, checkfirst=True) # Stamp the end revision as if alembic had created it, so it can take off after this. self.__alembic_cmd( "stamp", "head", ) def schema_upgrade(self, ver: Optional[str] = None): with warnings.catch_warnings(): # SQLAlchemy will generate a nice primary key constraint name, but in # MySQL/MariaDB the constraint name is always PRIMARY. Every time a # custom primary key name is generated, a warning is emitted from pymysql, # which we don't care about. Other warnings may be helpful though, don't # suppress everything. warnings.filterwarnings( action="ignore", message=r"Name '(.+)' ignored for PRIMARY key\.", category=pymysql.err.Warning, ) self.__alembic_cmd( "upgrade", "head" if not ver else ver, ) def schema_downgrade(self, ver: str): with warnings.catch_warnings(): # SQLAlchemy will generate a nice primary key constraint name, but in # MySQL/MariaDB the constraint name is always PRIMARY. Every time a # custom primary key name is generated, a warning is emitted from pymysql, # which we don't care about. Other warnings may be helpful though, don't # suppress everything. warnings.filterwarnings( action="ignore", message=r"Name '(.+)' ignored for PRIMARY key\.", category=pymysql.err.Warning, ) self.__alembic_cmd( "downgrade", ver, ) async def create_owner(self, email: Optional[str] = None, code: str = "00000000000000000000") -> None: pw = "".join( secrets.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(20) ) hash = bcrypt.hashpw(pw.encode(), bcrypt.gensalt()) user_id = await self.user.create_user(username="sysowner", email=email, password=hash.decode(), permission=255) if user_id is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to create owner with email {email}") return card_id = await self.card.create_card(user_id, code) if card_id is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to create card for owner with id {user_id}") return self.logger.warning( f"Successfully created owner with email {email}, access code {code}, and password {pw} Make sure to change this password and assign a real card ASAP!" ) async def migrate(self) -> None: exist = await self.base.execute("SELECT * FROM alembic_version") if exist is not None: self.logger.warning("No need to migrate as you have already migrated to alembic. If you are trying to upgrade the schema, use `upgrade` instead!") return"Upgrading to latest with legacy system") if not await self.legacy_upgrade(): self.logger.warning("No need to migrate as you have already deleted the old schema_versions system. If you are trying to upgrade the schema, use `upgrade` instead!") return"Done")"Stamp with initial revision") self.__alembic_cmd( "stamp", "835b862f9bf0", )"Upgrade") self.__alembic_cmd( "upgrade", "head", ) async def legacy_upgrade(self) -> bool: vers = await self.base.execute("SELECT * FROM schema_versions") if vers is None: self.logger.warning("Cannot legacy upgrade, schema_versions table unavailable!") return False db_vers = {} vers_list = vers.fetchall() for x in vers_list: db_vers[x['game']] = x['version'] core_now_ver = int(db_vers['CORE']) + 1 while os.path.exists(f"core/data/schema/versions/CORE_{core_now_ver}_upgrade.sql"): with open(f"core/data/schema/versions/CORE_{core_now_ver}_upgrade.sql", "r") as f: result = await self.base.execute( if result is None: self.logger.error(f"Invalid upgrade script CORE_{core_now_ver}_upgrade.sql") break result = await self.base.execute(f"UPDATE schema_versions SET version = {core_now_ver} WHERE game = 'CORE'") if result is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to update schema version for CORE to {core_now_ver}") break"Upgrade CORE to version {core_now_ver}") core_now_ver += 1 for _, mod in Utils.get_all_titles().items(): game_codes = getattr(mod, "game_codes", []) for game in game_codes: if game not in db_vers: self.logger.warning(f"{game} does not have an antry in schema_versions, skipping") continue now_ver = int(db_vers[game]) + 1 while os.path.exists(f"core/data/schema/versions/{game}_{now_ver}_upgrade.sql"): with open(f"core/data/schema/versions/{game}_{now_ver}_upgrade.sql", "r") as f: result = await self.base.execute( if result is None: self.logger.error(f"Invalid upgrade script {game}_{now_ver}_upgrade.sql") break result = await self.base.execute(f"UPDATE schema_versions SET version = {now_ver} WHERE game = '{game}'") if result is None: self.logger.error(f"Failed to update schema version for {game} to {now_ver}") break"Upgrade {game} to version {now_ver}") now_ver += 1 return True async def create_revision(self, message: str) -> None: if not message:"Message is required for create-revision") return self.__alembic_cmd( "revision", "-m", message, ) async def create_revision_auto(self, message: str) -> None: if not message:"Message is required for create-revision") return for _, mod in Utils.get_all_titles().items(): if hasattr(mod, "database"): mod.database(self.config) self.__alembic_cmd( "revision", "--autogenerate", "-m", message, )