update v0.0.5

- 优化代码执行效率
- 重写 sleep 适配部分延迟大的情况
ERR0RPR0MPT 2024-04-13 00:26:26 +08:00
parent d7e8da7e40
commit 2b7ce04156
3 changed files with 95 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -12,11 +12,12 @@
5. 手机打开 USB 调试, 强烈建议同时使用 USB 网络共享连接电脑, 串流走 WLAN 可能不是很稳定
6. 电脑画面可使用 `IddSampleDriver`, `Sunshine``Moonlight` 等串流到 Android 设备, 这里不再赘述
7. 手机连接电脑, 先运行脚本 `python main.py`, 再运行游戏, 脚本控制台输出 `已连接到游戏` 即可
8. 进游戏调整延迟, 一般判定A/B都要调才能正常用, 我这边是 `A:-0.5/B:1.0`
8. 进游戏调整延迟, 一般判定A/B都要调才能正常用, 我这边是 `A:-1.0/B:0.5`
9. 打一把看看蹭不蹭星星/触控是否灵敏, 根据体验修改 `AREA_SCOPE` 变量即可(默认65)
10. 如果单点延迟低但滑动时延迟变高, 请将脚本中 `TOUCH_THREAD_SLEEP` 修改为 False
## 注意
2P 相关代码已经注释,想要加 2P 的去掉脚本注释即可.
想要加 2P 的重新复制一下脚本并添加串口 COM4 到 COM44 的转发就好
该脚本仅用于测试, 目前来说打12+及以下应该是问题不大, 12+以上水平不够没试过.

View File

@ -14,6 +14,10 @@ COM_BAUDRATE = 9600
# 检测区域的像素值范围
# touch_thread 是否启用sleep, 默认开启, 如果程序 CPU 占用较高则开启, 如果滑动时延迟极大请关闭
# 每次 sleep 的延迟, 单位: 微秒, 默认 100 微秒
exp_list = [
["A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", ],
@ -35,7 +39,6 @@ exp_image_dict = {
class SerialManager:
p1Serial = serial.Serial(COM_PORT, COM_BAUDRATE)
# p2Serial = serial.Serial("COM44", 9600)
settingPacket = bytearray([40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41])
startUp = False
recvData = ""
@ -59,23 +62,22 @@ class SerialManager:
def touch_thread(self):
while True:
# start_time = time.time()
# start_time = time.perf_counter()
if self.p1Serial.is_open:
# if self.p2Serial.is_open:
# self.read_data(self.p2Serial)
if not self.touchQueue.empty():
# print("touchQueue 不为空,开始执行")
s_temp = self.touchQueue.get()
# 延迟防止消耗 CPU 时间过长
# print(f"单次循环执行时间:{time.time() - start_time}秒")
# print("单次执行时间:", (time.perf_counter() - start_time) * 1e3, "毫秒")
def write_thread(self):
while True:
# 延迟匹配波特率
time.sleep(0.01) # 9600
time.sleep(0.0075) # 9600
# time.sleep(0.002) # 115200
if not self.startUp:
# print("当前没有启动")
@ -87,7 +89,6 @@ class SerialManager:
def destroy(self):
# self.p2Serial.close()
def read_data(self, ser):
if ser.in_waiting == 6:
@ -110,16 +111,23 @@ class SerialManager:
def send_touch(self, ser, data):
# def build_touch_package(self, sl):
# sum_list = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
# for i in range(len(sl)):
# for j in range(len(sl[i])):
# if sl[i][j] == 1:
# sum_list[i] += (2 ** j)
# s = "28 "
# for i in sum_list:
# s += hex(i)[2:].zfill(2).upper() + " "
# s += "29"
# # print(s)
# return bytes.fromhex(s)
def build_touch_package(self, sl):
sum_list = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for i in range(len(sl)):
for j in range(len(sl[i])):
if sl[i][j] == 1:
sum_list[i] += (2 ** j)
s = "28 "
for i in sum_list:
s += hex(i)[2:].zfill(2).upper() + " "
s += "29"
sum_list = [sum(2 ** j for j, val in enumerate(row) if val == 1) for row in sl]
hex_list = [hex(i)[2:].zfill(2).upper() for i in sum_list]
s = "28 " + " ".join(hex_list) + " 29"
# print(s)
return bytes.fromhex(s)
@ -139,42 +147,67 @@ class SerialManager:
self.touchQueue.put([self.build_touch_package(sl), touch_keys])
def microsecond_sleep(sleep_time):
end_time = time.perf_counter() + (sleep_time - 1.0) / 1e6 # 1.0是时间补偿需要根据自己PC的性能去实测
while time.perf_counter() < end_time:
# def get_colors_in_area(x, y):
# colors = set() # 使用集合来存储颜色值,以避免重复
# for dx in [-AREA_SCOPE, 0, AREA_SCOPE]:
# for dy in [-AREA_SCOPE, 0, AREA_SCOPE]:
# if 0 <= (x + dx) < exp_image_width and 0 <= (y + dy) < exp_image_height:
# colors.add(str(exp_image.getpixel((x + dx, y + dy))[0]))
# return list(colors)
def get_colors_in_area(x, y):
colors = set() # 使用集合来存储颜色值,以避免重复
for dx in [-AREA_SCOPE, 0, AREA_SCOPE]:
for dy in [-AREA_SCOPE, 0, AREA_SCOPE]:
if 0 <= (x + dx) < exp_image_width and 0 <= (y + dy) < exp_image_height:
colors.add(str(exp_image.getpixel((x + dx, y + dy))[0]))
colors = {str(exp_image.getpixel((x + dx, y + dy))[0]) for dx in [-AREA_SCOPE, 0, AREA_SCOPE] for dy in
[-AREA_SCOPE, 0, AREA_SCOPE] if 0 <= (x + dx) < exp_image_width and 0 <= (y + dy) < exp_image_height}
return list(colors)
def convert(touch_data):
copy_exp_list = copy.deepcopy(exp_list)
touch_keys = set()
touched = 0
for i in touch_data:
if not i["p"]:
touched += 1
x = i["x"]
y = i["y"]
for r_str in get_colors_in_area(x, y):
if not r_str in exp_image_dict:
# print("Touched:", touched)
touch_keys = {exp_image_dict[r_str] for i in touch_data if i["p"] for r_str in get_colors_in_area(i["x"], i["y"]) if
r_str in exp_image_dict}
# print("Touch Keys:", touch_keys)
# touched = sum(1 for i in touch_data if i["p"])
# print("Touched:", touched)
touch_keys_list = list(touch_keys)
for i in range(len(copy_exp_list)):
for j in range(len(copy_exp_list[i])):
if copy_exp_list[i][j] in touch_keys_list:
copy_exp_list[i][j] = 1
copy_exp_list[i][j] = 0
copy_exp_list = [[1 if item in touch_keys_list else 0 for item in sublist] for sublist in copy_exp_list]
# print(copy_exp_list)
serial_manager.change_touch(copy_exp_list, touch_keys_list)
# def convert(touch_data):
# copy_exp_list = copy.deepcopy(exp_list)
# touch_keys = set()
# touched = 0
# for i in touch_data:
# if not i["p"]:
# continue
# touched += 1
# x = i["x"]
# y = i["y"]
# for r_str in get_colors_in_area(x, y):
# if not r_str in exp_image_dict:
# continue
# touch_keys.add(exp_image_dict[r_str])
# # print("Touched:", touched)
# # print("Touch Keys:", touch_keys)
# touch_keys_list = list(touch_keys)
# for i in range(len(copy_exp_list)):
# for j in range(len(copy_exp_list[i])):
# if copy_exp_list[i][j] in touch_keys_list:
# copy_exp_list[i][j] = 1
# else:
# copy_exp_list[i][j] = 0
# # print(copy_exp_list)
# serial_manager.change_touch(copy_exp_list, touch_keys_list)
def getevent():
# 存储多点触控数据的列表
touch_data = [{"p": False, "x": 0, "y": 0} for _ in range(MAX_SLOT)]
@ -204,9 +237,9 @@ def getevent():
# print("Touch Data:", touch_data)
# 向 convert 函数发送数据
key_is_changed = False
# start_time = time.time()
# start_time = time.perf_counter()
# print(f"代码执行时间:{time.time() - start_time}秒")
# print("单次执行时间:", (time.perf_counter() - start_time) * 1e3, "毫秒")
elif event_type == 'ABS_MT_SLOT':
key_is_changed = True
touch_index = int(event_value, 16)
@ -216,9 +249,7 @@ def getevent():
key_is_changed = True
if event_value == "ffffffff":
touch_data[touch_index]['p'] = False
touch_sum -= 1
if touch_sum < 0:
touch_sum = 0
touch_sum = max(0, touch_sum - 1)
touch_data[touch_index]['p'] = True
touch_sum += 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import time
def microsecond_sleep(sleep_time):
end_time = time.perf_counter() + (sleep_time - 1.0) / 1e6 # 1.0是时间补偿需要根据自己PC的性能去实测
while time.perf_counter() < end_time:
start = time.perf_counter()
microsecond_sleep(10) # 等待10微秒
end = time.perf_counter()
print("等待时间:", (end-start) * 1e6, "微秒")