from PIL import Image import subprocess import copy import time import threading import queue import serial max_slot = 12 exp_image ="./image_monitor.png") exp_image_width, exp_image_height = exp_image.size exp_list = [ ["A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", ], ["A6", "A7", "A8", "B1", "B2", ], ["B3", "B4", "B5", "B6", "B7", ], ["B8", "C1", "C2", "D1", "D2", ], ["D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", ], ["D8", "E1", "E2", "E3", "E4", ], ["E5", "E6", "E7", "E8", ], ] exp_image_dict = { "61": "A1", "65": "A2", "71": "A3", "75": "A4", "81": "A5", "85": "A6", "91": "A7", "95": "A8", "101": "B1", "105": "B2", "111": "B3", "115": "B4", "121": "B5", "125": "B6", "130": "B7", "135": "B8", "140": "C1", "145": "C2", "150": "D1", "155": "D2", "160": "D3", "165": "D4", "170": "D5", "175": "D6", "180": "D7", "185": "D8", "190": "E1", "195": "E2", "200": "E3", "205": "E4", "210": "E5", "215": "E6", "220": "E7", "225": "E8", } class SerialManager: p1Serial = serial.Serial("COM33", 9600) # p2Serial = serial.Serial("COM44", 9600) settingPacket = bytearray([40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41]) startUp = False recvData = "" def __init__(self): self.touchQueue = queue.Queue() self.touchThread = threading.Thread(target=self.touch_thread) self.writeThread = threading.Thread(target=self.write_thread) self.now_touch_data = b'' self.now_touch_keys = [] self.ping_touch_thread() def start(self): print("开始监听 COM33 串口...") self.touchThread.start() self.writeThread.start() def ping_touch_thread(self): self.touchQueue.put([True, self.build_touch_package(exp_list), []]) def touch_thread(self): while True: # start_time = time.time() if self.p1Serial.is_open: self.read_data(self.p1Serial) # if self.p2Serial.is_open: # self.read_data(self.p2Serial) if not self.touchQueue.empty(): # print("touchQueue 不为空,开始执行") s_temp = self.touchQueue.get() self.update_touch(s_temp) # 延迟防止 CPU 时间过长 time.sleep(0.0001) # print(f"单次循环执行时间:{time.time() - start_time}秒") def write_thread(self): while True: # 延迟匹配波特率 time.sleep(0.0075) if not self.startUp: # print("当前没有启动") continue # print(self.now_touch_data) self.send_touch(self.p1Serial, self.now_touch_data) def destroy(self): self.touchThread.join() self.p1Serial.close() # self.p2Serial.close() def read_data(self, ser): if ser.in_waiting == 6: self.recvData = # print(self.recvData) self.touch_setup(ser, self.recvData) def touch_setup(self, ser, data): byte_data = ord(data[3]) if byte_data in [76, 69]: self.startUp = False elif byte_data in [114, 107]: for i in range(1, 5): self.settingPacket[i] = ord(data[i]) ser.write(self.settingPacket) elif byte_data == 65: self.startUp = True def send_touch(self, ser, data): ser.write(data) def build_touch_package(self, sl): sum_list = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(len(sl)): for j in range(len(sl[i])): if sl[i][j] == 1: sum_list[i] += (2 ** j) s = "28 " for i in sum_list: s += hex(i)[2:].zfill(2).upper() + " " s += "29" # print(s) return bytes.fromhex(s) def update_touch(self, s_temp): # if not self.startUp: # print("当前没有启动") # return if s_temp[0]: self.now_touch_data = s_temp[1] self.now_touch_keys = s_temp[2] print("Touch Keys:", s_temp[2]) # else: # self.send_touch(self.p2Serial, s_temp[1]) def change_touch(self, is_p1, sl, touch_keys): self.touchQueue.put([is_p1, self.build_touch_package(sl), touch_keys]) def convert(touch_data): copy_exp_list = copy.deepcopy(exp_list) touch_keys = [] for i in touch_data: if not i["p"]: continue x = i["x"] y = i["y"] if 0 <= x < exp_image_width and 0 <= y < exp_image_height: rgb = exp_image.getpixel((x, y)) r_str = str(rgb[0]) if not r_str in exp_image_dict: continue touch_keys.append(exp_image_dict[r_str]) else: print("Coordinates ({}, {}) are out of image bounds.".format(x, y)) # print("Touch Keys:", touch_keys) for i in range(len(copy_exp_list)): for j in range(len(copy_exp_list[i])): if copy_exp_list[i][j] in touch_keys: copy_exp_list[i][j] = 1 else: copy_exp_list[i][j] = 0 # print(copy_exp_list) serial_manager.change_touch(True, copy_exp_list, touch_keys) def getevent(): # 存储多点触控数据的列表 touch_data = [{"p": False, "x": 0, "y": 0} for _ in range(max_slot)] # 记录当前按下的触控点数目 touch_sum = 0 # 记录当前选择的 SLOT 作为索引 touch_index = 0 # 执行 adb shell getevent 命令并捕获输出 process = subprocess.Popen(['adb', 'shell', 'getevent', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # key_is_changed = False # 读取实时输出 for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''): try: event = line.decode('utf-8').strip() _, _, event_type, event_value = event.split() if event_type == 'ABS_MT_POSITION_X': # key_is_changed = True touch_data[touch_index]["x"] = int(event_value, 16) elif event_type == 'ABS_MT_POSITION_Y': # key_is_changed = True touch_data[touch_index]["y"] = int(event_value, 16) elif event_type == 'SYN_REPORT': # if not key_is_changed: # continue # print("Touch Data:", touch_data) # 向 convert 函数发送数据 # key_is_changed = False start_time = time.time() convert(touch_data) # print(f"代码执行时间:{time.time() - start_time}秒") elif event_type == 'ABS_MT_SLOT': # key_is_changed = True touch_index = int(event_value, 16) if touch_index >= touch_sum: touch_sum = touch_index + 1 elif event_type == 'ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID': # key_is_changed = True if event_value == "ffffffff": touch_data[touch_index]['p'] = False touch_sum -= 1 if touch_sum < 0: touch_sum = 0 else: touch_data[touch_index]['p'] = True touch_sum += 1 else: continue except Exception: event_error_output = line.decode('utf-8') if "name" in event_error_output: continue print(event_error_output) if __name__ == "__main__": serial_manager = SerialManager() serial_manager.start() getevent()