168 lines
4.9 KiB
168 lines
4.9 KiB
class touchblock
uint8_t mprid;
uint8_t portid;
int8_t thresOffset;
const uint8_t MPR_PADNUMS[] = {12, 12, 12, 12};
const uint8_t THRESHOLD = 30;
touchblock touchmap[34] = {
// Group A
{3, 4, -3}, // 1
{3, 0, -3}, // 2
{2, 4, -3}, // 3
{2, 0, -3}, // 4
{1, 5, -3}, // 5
{1, 0, -3}, // 6
{0, 4, -3}, // 7
{0, 0, -3}, // 8
// Group B
{3, 5, 0}, // 1
{3, 1, 0}, // 2
{2, 5, 0}, // 3
{2, 1, 0}, // 4
{1, 6, 0}, // 5
{1, 1, 0}, // 6
{0, 5, 0}, // 7
{0, 1, 0}, // 8
// Group C
{2, 8, 0}, // 1
{1, 2, 0}, // 2
// Group D
{3, 6, 0}, // 1
{3, 2, 0}, // 2
{2, 6, 0}, // 3
{2, 2, 0}, // 4
{1, 7, 0}, // 5
{1, 3, 0}, // 6
{0, 6, 0}, // 7
{0, 2, 0}, // 8
// Group E
{3, 7, 0}, // 1
{3, 3, 0}, // 2
{2, 7, 0}, // 3
{2, 3, 0}, // 4
{1, 8, 0}, // 5
{1, 4, 0}, // 6
{0, 7, 0}, // 7
{0, 3, 0}, // 8
// the release threashold will be set to THRESHOLD - RELEASE_THRESHOLD_OFFSET
// AN3944 recommended values are:
// MHDR = 1
// NHDR = 1
// NCLR = 0
// FDLR = 0
// MHDF = 1
// NHDF = 1
// NCLF = 255
// FDLF = 2
// dk values are:
// MHDR = 1
// NHDR = 16
// NCLR = 4
// FDLR = 0
// MHDF = 4
// NHDF = 1
// NCLF = 16
// FDLF = 4
// rising NHD is larger than falling NHD because rising is the release direction
// the rising changes are more likely to be environmental changes
// rising NCL being smaller than falling NCL is because of the same reason
// the user can experiment with different values to find the best one
// but those values should be good for most cases
const uint8_t MHDR = 1;
const uint8_t NHDR = 1;
const uint8_t NCLR = 2;
const uint8_t FDLR = 2;
const uint8_t MHDF = 1;
const uint8_t NHDF = 1;
const uint8_t NCLF = 32;
const uint8_t FDLF = 2;
// Don't worry about those
const uint8_t NHDT = 0;
const uint8_t NCLT = 0;
const uint8_t FDLT = 0;
// range: 0 - 3
// 0: 6 samples
// 1: 10 samples
// 2: 18 samples
// 3: 34 samples
// aka. first filter averaging samples
// the highest and lowest are tossed
// so theoretically, the less samples, the system is less prone to noise
// the user shouldn't change this value in any case
const uint8_t FIRST_FILTER_ITERATIONS = 0;
// range: 0 - 7
// actual value is 2^(CDT-1) us
// will be overriden by autoconfig, unless SCTS is set to 1
const uint8_t CHARGE_DISCHARGE_TIME = 1;
// range: 0 - 3
// 0: 4 samples
// 1: 6 samples
// 2: 10 samples
// 3: 18 samples
// aka. second filter averaging samples
// this value and the next value determines the response time and second stage filtering
// changing any of them is basically the same
// setting those two values higher will result in a smoother signal but slower response time
// if the user notices the signal is too noisy, they can try to increase this value
// range: 0 - 7
// 2^ESI ms of first stage samples are taken into account
// all the first stage samples in the period is averaged
// regarding how to set this value, please refer to the comment above
// range: 0 - 7
// when DR + 1 samples are lower than the threshold, the electrode is released
// this smoothes out the signal and prevents false release
// however, a debounce value that's too high might cause releases that are too short to be missed
// if the user notices too many false releases, try to increase this value. but don't set it too high
const uint8_t RELEASE_DEBOUNCE = 0;
// range: 0 - 7
// when DT + 1 samples are higher than the threshold, the electrode is touched
// this smoothes out the signal and prevents false touch
// however, a debounce value that's too high might cause touches that are too short to be missed
// if the user notices too many false touches, try to increase this value. but don't set it too high
const uint8_t TOUCH_DEBOUNCE = 1;
// ! the touch response time is debounce * SFI * ESI ms
// ! so in the main code we set read interval to SFI * ESI ms
// please refer to AN3889 page 9 for more information
// the user should not change those values
const uint8_t AUTO_CONFIG_RETRY = 0;
const uint8_t AUTO_CONFIG_BVA = 0b10;
const uint8_t AUTO_CONFIG_ARE = 1;
const uint8_t AUTO_CONFIG_ACE = 1;
// @datasheet page 15 and 18
// setting this to 1 disables CDT search
// which means it will use a fixed CDT and only search for CDC
// this results in a known first stage sample amount
// however, through testing, setting this to 1 will greatly degrade signal quality
// the user should not change this value
const uint8_t SCTS = 0;
// those values are suitable for 3.3V
// for other voltage systems, please refer to AN3889 page 7 through 8
const uint8_t USL = 202;
const uint8_t TL = 182;
const uint8_t LSL = 131;
// please refer to page 16 of the datasheet for more information
// this value should be the same as AUTO_CONFIG_BVA
const uint8_t CALIBRATION_LOCK = 0b10;