_ _ _ _ _ ___| (_) __| | ___ _ __ ___| |__ (_)_ __ ___ / __| | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__/ __| '_ \| | '_ ` _ \ \__ \ | | (_| | __/ | \__ \ | | | | | | | | | |___/_|_|\__,_|\___|_| |___/_| |_|_|_| |_| |_| v0.2.8 =============================================== https://github.com/4yn/slidershim # Changelog - v0.2.8 - Add slider only layout (no buttons) for Project Diva gamepad output - Add options button to Project Diva gamepad output - v0.2.7 - Add HORI Project Diva gamepad output and lighting mode - v0.2.6 - Add Yubideck controller support - Add option to change Brokenithm sever port - v0.2.5 - Add 6k and 4k keyboard output options - Add settings for reactive LED colors - v0.2.4 - Restore support for older tablet devices for brokenithm by compiling brokenithm JS with older babel preset - Fix keys staying pressed even after brokenithm controller is closed - New Brokestalgia 28k web touch controller option - v0.2.3 - Fix first and last buttons not working with brokenithm - Add option to disable air strings for controllers - Add option to slow down lighting updates - v0.2.2 - Retcon serial slider name - Fix crash on some systems due to time math - Add link to repo - v0.2.1 - Reactive + Rainbow mode - Fixed byte order for serial slider lights - v0.2.0 - Added support for serial slider protocol - Added 16 key keyboard layout - v0.1.4 - Initial public release