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using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using AquaMai.Config.Attributes;
using AquaMai.Config.Interfaces;
using Tomlet.Models;
namespace AquaMai.Config;
public class ConfigSerializer(IConfigSerializer.Options Options) : IConfigSerializer
private const string BANNER_ZH =
AquaMai TOML
- #
- 便使 VSCode 使 #使 ##
- [OptionalCategory.Section]
- Disabled = true/
- =
使 MaiChartManager AquaMai
private const string BANNER_EN =
This is the TOML configuration file of AquaMai.
- Lines starting with a hash # are comments. Commented content will not take effect.
- For easily editing with editors (e.g. VSCode), commented configuration content uses a single hash #, while comment text uses two hashes ##.
- Lines with square brackets like [OptionalCategory.Section] are sections.
- Uncomment a section that is commented out by default (i.e. disabled by default) to enable it.
- To disable a section that is enabled by default, add a "Disable = true" entry under the section. Removing/commenting it will not work.
- Lines like "Key = Value" is a configuration entry.
- Configuration entries apply to the nearest section above them. Do not enable a configuration entry when its section is commented out (will be added to the previous section, which is invalid).
- Configuration entries take effect when the corresponding section is enabled, regardless of whether they are uncommented.
- Commented configuration entries retain their default values (shown in the comment), which may change with version updates.
- The format and text comments of this file are fixed. The configuration file will be rewritten at startup, and unrecognizable content will be deleted.
private readonly IConfigSerializer.Options Options = Options;
public string Serialize(IConfig config)
StringBuilder sb = new();
if (Options.IncludeBanner)
var banner = Options.Lang == "zh" ? BANNER_ZH : BANNER_EN;
if (banner != null)
AppendComment(sb, banner.TrimEnd());
// Version
AppendEntry(sb, null, "Version", "2.0");
foreach (var section in ((Config)config).reflectionManager.SectionValues)
var sectionState = config.GetSectionState(section);
// If the state is default, print the example only. If the example is hidden, skip it.
if (sectionState.IsDefault && section.Attribute.ExampleHidden)
AppendComment(sb, section.Attribute.Comment);
if (// If the section is hidden and hidden by default, print it as commented.
sectionState.IsDefault && !sectionState.Enabled &&
// If the section is marked as always enabled, print it normally.
else // If the section is overridden, or is enabled by any means, print it normally.
if (!section.Attribute.AlwaysEnabled)
// If the section is disabled explicitly, print the "Disabled" meta entry.
if (!sectionState.IsDefault && !sectionState.Enabled)
AppendEntry(sb, null, "Disabled", value: true);
// If the section is enabled by default, print the "Disabled" meta entry as commented.
else if (sectionState.IsDefault && section.Attribute.DefaultOn)
AppendEntry(sb, null, "Disabled", value: false, commented: true);
// Otherwise, don't print the "Disabled" meta entry.
// Print entries.
foreach (var entry in section.entries)
var entryState = config.GetEntryState(entry);
AppendComment(sb, entry.Attribute.Comment);
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if (((ConfigEntryAttribute)entry.Attribute).SpecialConfigEntry == SpecialConfigEntry.Locale && Options.OverrideLocaleValue)
AppendEntry(sb, section.Path, entry.Name, Options.Lang);
AppendEntry(sb, section.Path, entry.Name, entryState.Value, entryState.IsDefault);
return sb.ToString();
private static string SerializeTomlValue(string diagnosticPath, object value)
var type = value.GetType();
if (value is bool b)
return b ? "true" : "false";
else if (value is string str)
return new TomlString(str).SerializedValue;
else if (type.IsEnum)
return new TomlString(value.ToString()).SerializedValue;
else if (Utility.IsIntegerType(type))
return value.ToString();
else if (Utility.IsFloatType(type))
return new TomlDouble(Convert.ToDouble(value)).SerializedValue;
var currentMethod = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
throw new NotImplementedException($"Unsupported config entry type: {type.FullName} ({diagnosticPath}). Please implement in {currentMethod.DeclaringType.FullName}.{currentMethod.Name}");
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private void AppendComment(StringBuilder sb, IConfigComment comment)
if (comment != null)
AppendComment(sb, comment.GetLocalized(Options.Lang));
private static void AppendComment(StringBuilder sb, string comment)
comment = comment.Trim();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
foreach (var line in comment.Split('\n'))
sb.AppendLine($"## {line}");
private static void AppendEntry(StringBuilder sb, string diagnosticsSection, string key, object value, bool commented = false)
if (commented)
var diagnosticsPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(diagnosticsSection)
? key
: $"{diagnosticsSection}.{key}";
sb.AppendLine($"{key} = {SerializeTomlValue(diagnosticsPath, value)}");