[+] Helpful message for unsupported games

Azalea 2024-12-25 16:31:01 -05:00
parent ce80f65e9f
commit 37946c5aba
3 changed files with 44 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export const EN_REF_USER = {
'UserHome.B50': 'B50',
'UserHome.AddRival': "Add to Rival",
'UserHome.RemoveRival': "Remove from Rival",
'UserHome.InvalidGame': "Game ${game} is not supported on the web UI yet. We only support maimai, chunithm, wacca, and ongeki for now.",
export const EN_REF_Welcome = {

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ const zhUser: typeof EN_REF_USER = {
'UserHome.B50': "B50",
'UserHome.AddRival': "添加劲敌",
'UserHome.RemoveRival': "移除劲敌",
'UserHome.InvalidGame': "游戏 ${game} 还不支持网页端查看。我们目前只支持舞萌、中二、Wacca 和音击。",
const zhWelcome: typeof EN_REF_Welcome = {

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@ -50,49 +50,54 @@
let allMusics: AllMusic
let showDetailRank = false
let isLoading = false
USER.isLoggedIn() && USER.me().then(u => me = u)
function init() {
USER.isLoggedIn() && USER.me().then(u => me = u)
CARD.userGames(username).then(games => {
if (!games[game]) {
// Find a valid game
const valid = Object.entries(games).filter(([g, valid]) => valid)
if (!valid || !valid[0]) return error = t("UserHome.NoValidGame")
window.location.href = `/u/${username}/${valid[0][0]}`
CARD.userGames(username).then(games => {
if (!games[game]) {
// Find a valid game
const valid = Object.entries(games).filter(([g, valid]) => valid)
if (!valid || !valid[0]) return error = t("UserHome.NoValidGame")
window.location.href = `/u/${username}/${valid[0][0]}`
GAME.userSummary(username, game),
GAME.trend(username, game),
]).then(([user, trend, music]) => {
GAME.userSummary(username, game),
GAME.trend(username, game),
]).then(([user, trend, music]) => {
// If game is wacca, divide all ratings by 10
if (game === 'wacca') {
user.rating /= 10
trend.forEach(it => it.rating /= 10)
user.recent.forEach(it => {
it.beforeRating /= 10
it.afterRating /= 10
// If game is wacca, divide all ratings by 10
if (game === 'wacca') {
user.rating /= 10
trend.forEach(it => it.rating /= 10)
user.recent.forEach(it => {
it.beforeRating /= 10
it.afterRating /= 10
const minDate = moment().subtract(TREND_DAYS, 'days').format("YYYY-MM-DD")
d = {user,
trend: trend.filter(it => it.date >= minDate && it.plays != 0),
recent: user.recent.map(it => {return {...music[it.musicId], ...it}}),
validGames: Object.entries(GAME_TITLE).filter(g => games[g[0] as GameName])
allMusics = music
renderCal(calElement, trend.map(it => {return {date: it.date, value: it.plays}})).then(() => {
// Scroll to the rightmost
calElement.scrollLeft = calElement.scrollWidth - calElement.clientWidth
}).catch((e) => error = e.message);
}).catch((e) => { error = e.message; console.error(e) } );
const minDate = moment().subtract(TREND_DAYS, 'days').format("YYYY-MM-DD")
d = {user,
trend: trend.filter(it => it.date >= minDate && it.plays != 0),
recent: user.recent.map(it => {return {...music[it.musicId], ...it}}),
validGames: Object.entries(GAME_TITLE).filter(g => games[g[0] as GameName])
allMusics = music
renderCal(calElement, trend.map(it => {return {date: it.date, value: it.plays}})).then(() => {
// Scroll to the rightmost
calElement.scrollLeft = calElement.scrollWidth - calElement.clientWidth
}).catch((e) => error = e.message);
}).catch((e) => { error = e.message; console.error(e) } );
if (Object.keys(GAME_TITLE).includes(game)) init()
else error = t("UserHome.InvalidGame", {game})
const setRival = (isAdd: boolean) => {
isLoading = true