mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
[O] Futari serailization
@ -20,38 +20,54 @@ const val SO_TIMEOUT = 10000
private object Command {
// Control plane
const val CTL_START = 1
const val CTL_BIND = 2
const val CTL_HEARTBEAT = 3
const val CTL_TCP_CONNECT = 4 // Accept a new multiplexed TCP stream
const val CTL_TCP_ACCEPT = 5
const val CTL_TCP_ACCEPT_ACK = 6
const val CTL_TCP_CLOSE = 7
const val CTL_START = 1u
const val CTL_BIND = 2u
const val CTL_HEARTBEAT = 3u
const val CTL_TCP_CONNECT = 4u // Accept a new multiplexed TCP stream
const val CTL_TCP_ACCEPT = 5u
const val CTL_TCP_ACCEPT_ACK = 6u
const val CTL_TCP_CLOSE = 7u
// Data plane
const val DATA_SEND = 21
const val DATA_BROADCAST = 22
const val DATA_SEND = 21u
const val DATA_BROADCAST = 22u
private object Proto {
const val TCP = 6
const val UDP = 17
const val TCP = 6u
const val UDP = 17u
data class Message(
val cmd: Int,
val proto: Int? = null, // Protocol, TCP or UDP
val sid: Int? = null, // Stream ID, only applicable in TCP streams, 0 in UDP
data class Msg(
var cmd: UInt,
var proto: UInt? = null,
var sid: UInt? = null,
var src: UInt? = null,
var sPort: UInt? = null,
var dst: UInt? = null,
var dPort: UInt? = null,
var data: String? = null
) {
override fun toString() = ls(
1, cmd, proto, sid, src, sPort, dst, dPort,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, // reserved for future use
).joinToString(",") { it?.str ?: "" }.trimEnd(',')
// Src and dst should be simulated ipv4 addresses and 0-65535 ports
val src: UInt? = null,
val sPort: Int? = null,
val dst: UInt? = null,
val dPort: Int? = null,
companion object {
val fields = arr(Msg::proto, Msg::sid, Msg::src, Msg::sPort, Msg::dst, Msg::dPort)
val data: Any? = null
fun ctlMsg(cmd: Int, data: Any? = null) = Message(cmd, data = data)
fun fromString(str: String): Msg {
val sp = str.split(',')
return Msg(0u).apply {
cmd = sp[1].toUInt()
fields.forEachIndexed { i, f -> f.set(this, sp.getOrNull(i + 2)?.some?.toUIntOrNull()) }
data = sp.drop(16).joinToString(",")
fun ctlMsg(cmd: UInt, data: String? = null) = Msg(cmd, data = data)
data class ActiveClient(
val clientKey: String,
@ -59,8 +75,8 @@ data class ActiveClient(
val reader: BufferedReader,
val writer: BufferedWriter,
// <Stream ID, Destination client stub IP>
val tcpStreams: MutableMap<Int, UInt> = mutableMapOf(),
val pendingStreams: MutableSet<Int> = mutableSetOf(),
val tcpStreams: MutableMap<UInt, UInt> = mutableMapOf(),
val pendingStreams: MutableSet<UInt> = mutableSetOf(),
) {
val log = logger()
val stubIp = keychipToStubIp(clientKey)
@ -68,16 +84,16 @@ data class ActiveClient(
var lastHeartbeat = millis()
fun send(msg: Message) {
fun send(msg: Msg) {
writeMutex.withLock {
fun ActiveClient.handle(msg: Message) {
fun ActiveClient.handle(msg: Msg) {
// Find target by dst IP address or TCP stream ID
val target = (msg.dst ?: msg.sid?.let { tcpStreams[it] } )?.let { clients[it] }
@ -95,19 +111,16 @@ fun ActiveClient.handle(msg: Message) {
return log.warn("Stream ID not found: ${msg.sid}")
target.send(msg.copy(src = stubIp, dst = target.stubIp))
// 1020844165
// 2245580860
Command.CTL_TCP_CONNECT -> {
target ?: return log.warn("Connect: Target not found: ${msg.dst}")
msg.sid ?: return log.warn("Connect: Stream ID not found")
val sid = msg.sid ?: return log.warn("Connect: Stream ID not found")
if (msg.sid in tcpStreams || msg.sid in pendingStreams)
return log.warn("Stream ID already in use: ${msg.sid}")
if (sid in tcpStreams || sid in pendingStreams)
return log.warn("Stream ID already in use: $sid")
// Add the stream to the pending list
if (pendingStreams.size > MAX_STREAMS) {
log.warn("Too many pending streams, closing connection")
return socket.close()
@ -117,15 +130,15 @@ fun ActiveClient.handle(msg: Message) {
Command.CTL_TCP_ACCEPT -> {
target ?: return log.warn("Accept: Target not found: ${msg.dst}")
msg.sid ?: return log.warn("Accept: Stream ID not found")
val sid = msg.sid ?: return log.warn("Accept: Stream ID not found")
if (msg.sid !in target.pendingStreams)
return log.warn("Stream ID not found in pending list: ${msg.sid}")
if (sid !in target.pendingStreams)
return log.warn("Stream ID not found in pending list: ${sid}")
// Add the stream to the active list
target.tcpStreams[msg.sid] = stubIp
tcpStreams[msg.sid] = target.stubIp
target.tcpStreams[sid] = stubIp
tcpStreams[sid] = target.stubIp
target.send(msg.copy(src = stubIp, dst = target.stubIp))
@ -165,7 +178,7 @@ class MaimaiFutari(private val port: Int = 20101) {
while (true) {
val input = (reader.readLine() ?: continue).trim('\uFEFF')
log.debug("Received: $input")
val message = input.json<Message>()
val message = Msg.fromString(input)
when (message.cmd) {
// Start: Register the client. Payload is the keychip
@ -178,7 +191,7 @@ class MaimaiFutari(private val port: Int = 20101) {
log.info("[+] Client registered: ${socket.remoteSocketAddress} -> $id")
// Send back the version
handler?.send(ctlMsg(Command.CTL_START, mapOf("version" to PROTO_VERSION)))
handler?.send(ctlMsg(Command.CTL_START, "version=$PROTO_VERSION"))
// Handle any other command using the handler
Reference in New Issue