mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
[+] 20101 server
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
package icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.maimai2
import ext.*
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.BufferedWriter
import java.io.InputStreamReader
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter
import java.net.ServerSocket
import java.net.Socket
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import kotlin.collections.set
import kotlin.concurrent.withLock
const val PROTO_VERSION = 1
private object Command {
// Control plane
const val CTL_START = 1
// const val CTL_BIND = 2 // Actually maybe we don't need BIND
const val CTL_HEARTBEAT = 3
const val CTL_ACCEPT = 4 // Accept a new multiplexed TCP stream
// Data plane
const val DATA_SEND = 21
const val DATA_BROADCAST = 22
const val DATA_POLL = 23
// Server-to-client message
const val INCOMING_DATA = 41
const val INCOMING_CONN = 42
private object Proto {
const val TCP = 6
const val UDP = 17
data class Message(
val cmd: Int,
val proto: Int? = null, // Protocol, TCP or UDP
val sid: Int? = null, // Stream ID, only applicable in TCP streams, 0 in UDP
// Src and dst should be simulated ipv4 addresses and 0-65535 ports
val src: Int? = null,
val sPort: Int? = null,
val dst: Int? = null,
val dPort: Int? = null,
val data: Any? = null
fun ctlMsg(cmd: Int, data: Any? = null) = Message(cmd, 0, data = data)
data class ActiveClient(
val clientKey: String,
val socket: Socket,
val reader: BufferedReader,
val writer: BufferedWriter
) {
val log = logger()
val stubIp by lazy { keychipToStubIp(clientKey) }
val mutex = ReentrantLock()
var lastHeartbeat = millis()
fun send(msg: Message) {
mutex.withLock {
fun ActiveClient.handle(message: Message) {
when (message.cmd) {
Command.CTL_HEARTBEAT -> lastHeartbeat = millis()
Command.DATA_SEND -> {
// Find target by dst IP address
val tId = stubIpToKeychip(message.dst ?: return log.warn("No destination IP"))
val target = clients[tId] ?: return log.warn("Target not found: $tId")
// Send to target TODO: SID
target.send(message.copy(cmd = Command.INCOMING_DATA, sid = 0))
// Broadcast to all clients. This is only used in UDP so SID is always 0
assert(message.proto == Proto.UDP)
clients.values.filter { it.clientKey != clientKey }
.forEach { it.send(message.copy(cmd = Command.INCOMING_DATA, sid = 0, src = stubIp)) }
fun keychipToStubIp(keychip: String) = "1${keychip.substring(1)}".toInt()
fun stubIpToKeychip(ip: Int) = "A${ip.toString().substring(1)}"
// Keychip ID to Socket
val clients = ConcurrentHashMap<String, ActiveClient>()
* Service for the party linker for AquaMai
class MaimaiFutari(private val port: Int = 20101) {
val log = logger()
fun start() {
val serverSocket = ServerSocket(port)
log.info("Server started on port $port")
while (true) {
val clientSocket = serverSocket.accept()
thread { handleClient(clientSocket) }
fun handleClient(socket: Socket) {
val reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()))
val writer = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()))
var handler: ActiveClient? = null
try {
while (true) {
val input = (reader.readLine() ?: continue).trim('\uFEFF')
log.debug("Received: $input")
val message = input.json<Message>()
when (message.cmd) {
// Start: Register the client. Payload is the keychip
Command.CTL_START -> {
val id = message.data as String
clients[id] = ActiveClient(id, socket, reader, writer)
handler = clients[id]
log.info("[+] Client registered: $id")
// Send back the version
handler?.send(ctlMsg(Command.CTL_START, mapOf("version" to PROTO_VERSION)))
// Handle any other command using the handler
else -> {
(handler ?: throw Exception("Client not registered")).handle(message)
} catch (e: Exception) {
if (e.message == "Connection reset") {
log.info("[-] Client disconnected: ${handler?.clientKey}")
} else log.error("Error in client handler", e)
} finally {
// Remove client
handler?.clientKey?.let { clients.remove(it) }
fun main() = MaimaiFutari().start()
Reference in New Issue