mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
[O] Refactor
@ -3,31 +3,29 @@ package icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games
import ext.API
import ext.RP
import ext.Str
import ext.minus
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.db.AquaUserServices
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.utils.*
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.chusan.dao.userdata.UserDataRepository
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.chusan.dao.userdata.UserGeneralDataRepository
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.chusan.dao.userdata.UserPlaylogRepository
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController
import kotlin.jvm.optionals.getOrNull
class Chusan(
val us: AquaUserServices,
val userPlaylogRepository: UserPlaylogRepository,
val userDataRepository: UserDataRepository,
override val playlogRepo: UserPlaylogRepository,
override val userDataRepo: UserDataRepository,
val userGeneralDataRepository: UserGeneralDataRepository
): GameApiController("chu3")
override suspend fun trend(@RP username: Str): List<TrendOut> = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
.map { TrendLog(it.playDate.toString(), it.playerRating) })
// Only show > AAA rank
private val shownRanks = chu3Scores.filter { it.first >= 95 * 10000 }
override val shownRanks = chu3Scores.filter { it.first >= 95 * 10000 }
override suspend fun userSummary(@RP username: Str) = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
// Summary values: total plays, player rating, server-wide ranking
@ -39,14 +37,10 @@ class Chusan(
"recent" to (extra["recent_rating_list"] ?: ""),
genericUserSummary(card, userDataRepository, userPlaylogRepository, shownRanks, ratingComposition)
genericUserSummary(card, ratingComposition)
override suspend fun ranking() = genericRanking(userDataRepository, userPlaylogRepository)
override suspend fun playlog(@RP id: Long) = userPlaylogRepository.findById(id).getOrNull() ?: (404 - "Playlog not found")
override suspend fun recent(@RP username: Str) = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
@ -3,31 +3,29 @@ package icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games
import ext.API
import ext.RP
import ext.Str
import ext.minus
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.db.AquaUserServices
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.utils.*
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.maimai2.dao.userdata.UserDataRepository
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.maimai2.dao.userdata.UserGeneralDataRepository
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.maimai2.dao.userdata.UserPlaylogRepository
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController
import kotlin.jvm.optionals.getOrNull
class Maimai2(
val us: AquaUserServices,
val userPlaylogRepository: UserPlaylogRepository,
val userDataRepository: UserDataRepository,
override val playlogRepo: UserPlaylogRepository,
override val userDataRepo: UserDataRepository,
val userGeneralDataRepository: UserGeneralDataRepository
): GameApiController("mai2")
override suspend fun trend(@RP username: Str): List<TrendOut> = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
.map { TrendLog(it.playDate, it.afterRating) })
// Only show > S rank
private val shownRanks = mai2Scores.filter { it.first >= 97 * 10000 }
override val shownRanks = mai2Scores.filter { it.first >= 97 * 10000 }
override suspend fun userSummary(@RP username: Str) = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
val extra = userGeneralDataRepository.findByUser_Card_ExtId(card.extId)
@ -38,14 +36,10 @@ class Maimai2(
"best15" to (extra["recent_rating_new"] ?: "")
genericUserSummary(card, userDataRepository, userPlaylogRepository, shownRanks, ratingComposition)
genericUserSummary(card, ratingComposition)
override suspend fun ranking() = genericRanking(userDataRepository, userPlaylogRepository)
override suspend fun playlog(@RP id: Long) = userPlaylogRepository.findById(id).getOrNull() ?: (404 - "Playlog not found")
override suspend fun recent(@RP username: Str) = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
package icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games
import ext.API
import ext.JSON
import ext.RP
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.utils.IGenericGamePlaylog
import ext.*
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.utils.*
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlin.jvm.optionals.getOrNull
data class TrendOut(val date: String, val rating: Int, val plays: Int)
@ -70,14 +69,45 @@ abstract class GameApiController(name: String) {
?.mapKeys { it.key.toInt() }
?: emptyMap()
abstract val userDataRepo: GenericUserDataRepo<*, *>
abstract val playlogRepo: GenericPlaylogRepo
abstract val shownRanks: List<Pair<Int, String>>
abstract suspend fun trend(@RP username: String): List<TrendOut>
abstract suspend fun userSummary(@RP username: String): GenericGameSummary
abstract suspend fun ranking(): List<GenericRankingPlayer>
abstract suspend fun playlog(@RP id: Long): IGenericGamePlaylog
abstract suspend fun recent(@RP username: String): List<IGenericGamePlaylog>
private val rankingCache = mutableMapOf<String, Pair<Long, List<GenericRankingPlayer>>>()
fun ranking(): List<GenericRankingPlayer> {
// Read from cache if we just computed it less than 2 minutes ago
val cacheKey = playlogRepo::class.java.name
rankingCache[cacheKey]?.let { (t, r) ->
if (millis() - t < 120_000) return r
// TODO: pagination
val players = userDataRepo.findAll().sortedByDescending { it.playerRating }
return players.filter { it.card != null }.mapIndexed { i, user ->
val plays = playlogRepo.findByUserCardExtId(user.card!!.extId)
rank = i + 1,
name = user.userName,
accuracy = plays.acc(),
rating = user.playerRating,
allPerfect = plays.count { it.isAllPerfect },
fullCombo = plays.count { it.isFullCombo },
lastSeen = user.lastPlayDate.toString(),
username = user.card!!.aquaUser?.username ?: "user${user.card!!.id}"
}.also { rankingCache[cacheKey] = millis() to it } // Update the cache
fun playlog(@RP id: Long): IGenericGamePlaylog = playlogRepo.findById(id).getOrNull() ?: (404 - "Playlog not found")
@ -1,29 +1,27 @@
package icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games
import ext.API
import ext.minus
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.db.AquaUserServices
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.utils.*
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.ongeki.dao.userdata.UserDataRepository
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.ongeki.dao.userdata.UserGeneralDataRepository
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.ongeki.dao.userdata.UserPlaylogRepository
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController
import kotlin.jvm.optionals.getOrNull
class Ongeki(
val us: AquaUserServices,
val userPlaylogRepository: UserPlaylogRepository,
val userDataRepository: UserDataRepository,
override val playlogRepo: UserPlaylogRepository,
override val userDataRepo: UserDataRepository,
val userGeneralDataRepository: UserGeneralDataRepository
): GameApiController("ongeki") {
override suspend fun trend(username: String) = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
.map { TrendLog(it.playDate, it.playerRating) })
private val shownRanks = ongekiScores.filter { it.first >= 950000 }
override val shownRanks = ongekiScores.filter { it.first >= 950000 }
override suspend fun userSummary(username: String) = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
// val extra = userGeneralDataRepository.findByUser_Card_ExtId(u.ghostCard.extId)
@ -31,14 +29,10 @@ class Ongeki(
// TODO: Rating composition
genericUserSummary(card, userDataRepository, userPlaylogRepository, shownRanks, mapOf())
genericUserSummary(card, mapOf())
override suspend fun ranking() = genericRanking(userDataRepository, userPlaylogRepository)
override suspend fun playlog(id: Long) = userPlaylogRepository.findById(id).getOrNull() ?: (404 - "Playlog not found")
override suspend fun recent(username: String) = us.cardByName(username) { card ->
@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
package icu.samnyan.aqua.net.utils
import ext.isoDate
import ext.millis
import ext.minus
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games.*
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games.GameApiController
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games.GenericGameSummary
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games.RankCount
import icu.samnyan.aqua.net.games.TrendOut
import icu.samnyan.aqua.sega.general.model.Card
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.JpaRepository
import org.springframework.data.repository.NoRepositoryBean
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.util.*
data class TrendLog(val date: String, val rating: Int)
@ -76,21 +79,19 @@ interface IGenericGamePlaylog {
interface GenericPlaylogRepo {
fun findByUserCardExtId(extId: Long): List<IGenericGamePlaylog>
fun findById(id: Long): Optional<IGenericGamePlaylog>
fun List<IGenericGamePlaylog>.acc() = if (isEmpty()) 0.0 else sumOf { it.achievement }.toDouble() / size / 10000.0
fun GameApiController.genericUserSummary(
card: Card,
userDataRepo: GenericUserDataRepo<*, *>,
userPlaylogRepo: GenericPlaylogRepo,
shownRanks: List<Pair<Int, String>>,
ratingComposition: Map<String, String>,
): GenericGameSummary {
// Summary values: total plays, player rating, server-wide ranking
// number of each rank, max combo, number of full combo, number of all perfect
val user = userDataRepo.findByCard(card) ?: (404 - "Game data not found")
val plays = userPlaylogRepo.findByUserCardExtId(card.extId)
val plays = playlogRepo.findByUserCardExtId(card.extId)
// Detailed ranks: Find the number of each rank in each level category
// map<level, map<rank, count>>
@ -134,33 +135,3 @@ fun GameApiController.genericUserSummary(
recent = plays.sortedBy { it.userPlayDate.toString() }.takeLast(15).reversed()
val rankingCache = mutableMapOf<String, Pair<Long, List<GenericRankingPlayer>>>()
fun genericRanking(
userDataRepo: GenericUserDataRepo<*, *>,
userPlaylogRepo: GenericPlaylogRepo,
): List<GenericRankingPlayer> {
// Read from cache if we just computed it less than 2 minutes ago
val cacheKey = userPlaylogRepo::class.java.name
rankingCache[cacheKey]?.let { (t, r) ->
if (millis() - t < 120_000) return r
// TODO: pagination
val players = userDataRepo.findAll().sortedByDescending { it.playerRating }
return players.filter { it.card != null }.mapIndexed { i, user ->
val plays = userPlaylogRepo.findByUserCardExtId(user.card!!.extId)
rank = i + 1,
name = user.userName,
accuracy = plays.acc(),
rating = user.playerRating,
allPerfect = plays.count { it.isAllPerfect },
fullCombo = plays.count { it.isFullCombo },
lastSeen = user.lastPlayDate.toString(),
username = user.card!!.aquaUser?.username ?: "user${user.card!!.id}"
}.also { rankingCache[cacheKey] = millis() to it } // Update the cache
Reference in New Issue