mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
Merge branch 'v1-dev' of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX into v1-dev
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class BasicFix
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = null;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MAI2System.Config), "IsTarget", MethodType.Getter)]
private static bool ForceNonTarget(ref bool __result)
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class BasicFix
return false;
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(MAI2System.Config), "IsIgnoreError", MethodType.Getter)]
private static bool ForceIgnoreError(ref bool __result)
@ -17,14 +17,16 @@ namespace AquaMai.UX;
public class LoadAssetsPng
private static string[] imageExts = [".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg"];
private static Dictionary<string, string> jacketPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> framePaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> platePaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> framemaskPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> framepatternPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> iconPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> charaPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> partnerPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> jacketPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> framePaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> platePaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> framemaskPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> framepatternPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> iconPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> charaPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> partnerPaths = new();
//private static Dictionary<string, string> navicharaPaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> tabTitlePaths = new();
private static Dictionary<string, string> localAssetsContents = new();
@ -41,24 +43,24 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
if (!imageExts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant())) continue;
var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_jacket_".Length, 6);
jacketPaths[idStr] = file;
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\frame")))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\frame")))
if (!imageExts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant())) continue;
var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_frame_".Length, 6);
framePaths[idStr] = file;
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\nameplate")))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\nameplate")))
if (!imageExts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant())) continue;
var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_plate_".Length, 6);
platePaths[idStr] = file;
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\framemask")))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\framemask")))
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_framemask_".Length, 6);
framemaskPaths[idStr] = file;
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\framepattern")))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\framepattern")))
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_framepattern_".Length, 6);
framepatternPaths[idStr] = file;
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\icon")))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\icon")))
@ -82,30 +84,30 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_icon_".Length, 6);
iconPaths[idStr] = file;
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\chara")))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\chara")))
if (!imageExts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant())) continue;
var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_chara_".Length, 6);
charaPaths[idStr] = file;
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\partner")))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\partner")))
if (!imageExts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant())) continue;
var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_Partner_".Length, 6);
partnerPaths[idStr] = file;
//if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\navichara\sprite\parts\ui_navichara_21")))
// foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\navichara\sprite\parts\ui_navichara_", charaid)))
// if (!imageExts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant())) continue;
//var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_navichara_".Length, 6);
// navicharaPaths[idStr] = file;
// }
//if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\navichara\sprite\parts\ui_navichara_21")))
// foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"AssetBundleImages\navichara\sprite\parts\ui_navichara_", charaid)))
// if (!imageExts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLowerInvariant())) continue;
//var idStr = Path.GetFileName(file).Substring("ui_navichara_".Length, 6);
// navicharaPaths[idStr] = file;
// }
if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(aDir, @"Common\Sprites\Tab\Title")))
foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(aDir, @"Common\Sprites\Tab\Title")))
@ -147,8 +149,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
public static Texture2D GetJacketTexture2D(int id)
return GetJacketTexture2D($"{id:000000}");
private static string GetFramePath(string id)
return framePaths.GetValueOrDefault(id);
@ -165,7 +167,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
return texture;
private static string GetPlatePath(string id)
return platePaths.GetValueOrDefault(id);
@ -182,8 +185,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
return texture;
private static string GetFrameMaskPath(string id)
return framemaskPaths.GetValueOrDefault(id);
@ -200,8 +203,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
return texture;
private static string GetFramePatternPath(string id)
return framepatternPaths.GetValueOrDefault(id);
@ -218,7 +221,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
return texture;
private static string GetIconPath(string id)
return iconPaths.GetValueOrDefault(id);
@ -235,7 +239,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
return texture;
private static string GetCharaPath(string id)
return charaPaths.GetValueOrDefault(id);
@ -252,12 +257,13 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
return texture;
private static string GetPartnerPath(string id)
return partnerPaths.GetValueOrDefault(id);
public static Texture2D GetPartnerTexture2D(string id)
var path = GetPartnerPath(id);
@ -360,8 +366,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
return false;
public static class FrameLoader
@ -386,8 +392,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
return false;
public static class PlateLoader
@ -412,8 +418,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
return false;
public static class FrameMaskLoader
@ -438,8 +444,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
return false;
public static class FramePatternLoader
@ -464,38 +470,28 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
return false;
public static class IconLoader
// Private | Instance
[HarmonyPatch(typeof(AssetManager), "GetIconTexture2D", typeof(string))]
public static bool IconLoader(string filename, ref Texture2D __result, AssetManager __instance)
public static IEnumerable<MethodBase> TargetMethods()
var matches = Regex.Matches(filename, @"UI_Icon_(\d+)\.png");
if (matches.Count < 1)
var AM = typeof(AssetManager);
var method = AM.GetMethod("GetIconTexture2D", new[] { typeof(string) });
if (method != null)
yield return method;
return true;
public static bool Prefix(string filename, ref Texture2D __result, AssetManager __instance)
var matches = Regex.Matches(filename, @"UI_Icon_(\d+)\.png");
if (matches.Count < 1)
return true;
var id = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
var id = matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
var texture = GetIconTexture2D(id);
__result = texture ?? __instance.LoadAsset<Texture2D>($"Icon/UI_Icon_{id}.png");
var texture = GetIconTexture2D(id);
__result = texture ?? __instance.LoadAsset<Texture2D>($"Icon/UI_Icon_{id}.png");
return false;
return false;
public static class CharaLoader
@ -520,8 +516,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
return false;
public static class PartnerLoader
@ -546,8 +542,8 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
return false;
public static class FrameLoader
@ -574,4 +570,4 @@ public class LoadAssetsPng
Reference in New Issue