mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
[F] Fix build warnings
@ -1,76 +1,76 @@
<!-- Svelte 4.2.11 -->
<script lang="ts">
import Icon from "@iconify/svelte";
export let color: string = '179, 198, 255'
export let icon: string
// Manually positioned icons
const iconPos = [
[1, 0.5, 2],
[6, 2, 1.5],
[-0.5, 4.5, 1.3],
[5, -0.5],
[3.5, 4.5],
[9.5, 0.3, 1.2],
[12.5, 2.5, 0.8],
[10, 4.4, 0.8],
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<Icon icon={icon} style={`top: ${y}rem; right: ${x}rem; font-size: ${size || 1}em`} />
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outline: 1px solid transparent
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 12px rgba(var(--card-color), 0))
box-shadow: 0 0 0.5rem 0.2rem vars.$c-shadow
transform: translateY(-3px)
// Drop shadow glow
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 12px rgba(var(--card-color), 0.5))
outline-color: rgba(var(--card-color), 0.5)
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mask-image: linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 30%, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 70%, white 100%)
opacity: 0.8
@media (max-width: vars.$w-mobile)
opacity: 0.6
:global(> svg)
position: absolute
rotate: 20deg
<!-- Svelte 4.2.11 -->
<script lang="ts">
import Icon from "@iconify/svelte";
export let color: string = '179, 198, 255'
export let icon: string
// Manually positioned icons
const iconPos = [
[1, 0.5, 2],
[6, 2, 1.5],
[-0.5, 4.5, 1.3],
[5, -0.5],
[3.5, 4.5],
[9.5, 0.3, 1.2],
[12.5, 2.5, 0.8],
[10, 4.4, 0.8],
<div class="action-card" style="--card-color: {color}" on:click role="button" tabindex="0" on:keydown>
<div class="icons">
{#each iconPos as [x, y, size], i}
<Icon icon={icon} style={`top: ${y}rem; right: ${x}rem; font-size: ${size || 1}em`} />
<style lang="sass">
@use '../vars'
overflow: hidden
padding: 1rem
border-radius: vars.$border-radius
box-shadow: 0 5px 5px 1px vars.$c-shadow
transition: all 0.2s ease
cursor: pointer
position: relative
background: linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 20%, rgba(var(--card-color), 0.5) 100%)
outline: 1px solid transparent
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 12px rgba(var(--card-color), 0))
box-shadow: 0 0 0.5rem 0.2rem vars.$c-shadow
transform: translateY(-3px)
// Drop shadow glow
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 12px rgba(var(--card-color), 0.5))
outline-color: rgba(var(--card-color), 0.5)
font-size: 1.2rem
display: block
margin-bottom: 0.5rem
position: absolute
inset: 0
color: rgba(var(--card-color), 0.5)
font-size: 2rem
transition: all 0.2s ease
z-index: -1
mask-image: linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 30%, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 70%, white 100%)
opacity: 0.8
@media (max-width: vars.$w-mobile)
opacity: 0.6
:global(> svg)
position: absolute
rotate: 20deg
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 12px rgba(var(--card-color), 0.5))
outline-color: rgba(var(--card-color), 0.5)
font-size: 1.2rem
display: block
margin-bottom: 0.5rem
@ -26,16 +26,10 @@
<style lang="sass">
@use "../vars"
display: grid
// 3 columns
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(260px, 1fr))
gap: vars.$gap
display: grid
// 2 columns
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(290px, 1fr))
gap: vars.$gap
@ -434,37 +434,10 @@
<style lang="sass">
@use "../vars"
display: flex
flex-direction: column
gap: 1rem
display: flex
gap: 1rem
padding: 0.5rem 1rem
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transition: background-color 0.2s
font-weight: 500
color: vars.$c-main
width: 100%
height: auto
display: flex
flex-direction: row
gap: 3rem
@media (max-width: vars.$w-max)
flex-direction: column
display: flex
flex-direction: column
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<div>Error: {error}</div>
<div class="user-card">
<img use:pfp={data.aquaUser} alt="Profile Picture" />
<img use:pfp={data.aquaUser} alt="Profile" />
<div class="details">
<span class="in-game-name">{data.name}</span>
<span class="username">@{username}</span>
@ -1,98 +1,98 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { fade } from "svelte/transition";
import LinkCard from "./Home/LinkCard.svelte";
import SetupInstructions from "./Home/SetupInstructions.svelte";
import { DISCORD_INVITE, FADE_IN, FADE_OUT } from "../libs/config";
import { USER } from "../libs/sdk.js";
import type { AquaNetUser } from "../libs/generalTypes";
import StatusOverlays from "../components/StatusOverlays.svelte";
import ActionCard from "../components/ActionCard.svelte";
import { t } from "../libs/i18n";
import ImportDataAction from "./Home/ImportDataAction.svelte";
import Communities from "./Home/Communities.svelte";
let me: AquaNetUser
let error = ""
let tab = 0;
let tabs = [t('home.nav.portal'), t('home.nav.link-card'), t('home.nav.game-setup')]
USER.me().then((m) => me = m).catch(e => error = e.message)
<main class="content">
<!-- <h2 class="outer-title"> </h2>-->
<nav class="tabs">
{#each tabs as t, i}
<div class="clickable"
class:active={tab === i}
on:click={() => tab = i}
on:keydown={(e) => e.key === "Enter" && (tab = i)}
role="button" tabindex={i}>{t}
{#if tab === 0}
<div out:fade={FADE_OUT} in:fade={FADE_IN} class="action-cards">
<ActionCard color="255, 192, 203" icon="solar:card-bold-duotone" on:click={() => tab = 1}>
{#if me && me.cards.length > 1}
{:else if me}
<ActionCard color="82, 93, 233" icon="fluent:chat-12-filled" on:click={() => tab = 3}>
<ActionCard on:click={() => tab = 2} icon="uil:link-alt">
{:else if tab === 1}
<div out:fade={FADE_OUT} in:fade={FADE_IN}>
{:else if tab === 2}
<div out:fade={FADE_OUT} in:fade={FADE_IN}>
{:else if tab === 3}
<div out:fade={FADE_OUT} in:fade={FADE_IN}>
<StatusOverlays {error} loading={!me}/>
<style lang="sass">
@use "../vars"
display: flex
gap: 1rem
color: vars.$c-main
font-size: 1.3rem
margin: 0
display: flex
flex-direction: column
gap: 1rem
<script lang="ts">
import { fade } from "svelte/transition";
import LinkCard from "./Home/LinkCard.svelte";
import SetupInstructions from "./Home/SetupInstructions.svelte";
import { DISCORD_INVITE, FADE_IN, FADE_OUT } from "../libs/config";
import { USER } from "../libs/sdk.js";
import type { AquaNetUser } from "../libs/generalTypes";
import StatusOverlays from "../components/StatusOverlays.svelte";
import ActionCard from "../components/ActionCard.svelte";
import { t } from "../libs/i18n";
import ImportDataAction from "./Home/ImportDataAction.svelte";
import Communities from "./Home/Communities.svelte";
let me: AquaNetUser
let error = ""
let tab = 0;
let tabs = [t('home.nav.portal'), t('home.nav.link-card'), t('home.nav.game-setup')]
USER.me().then((m) => me = m).catch(e => error = e.message)
<main class="content">
<!-- <h2 class="outer-title"> </h2>-->
<nav class="tabs">
{#each tabs as t, i}
<div class="clickable"
class:active={tab === i}
on:click={() => tab = i}
on:keydown={(e) => e.key === "Enter" && (tab = i)}
role="button" tabindex={i}>{t}
{#if tab === 0}
<div out:fade={FADE_OUT} in:fade={FADE_IN} class="action-cards">
<ActionCard color="255, 192, 203" icon="solar:card-bold-duotone" on:click={() => tab = 1}>
{#if me && me.cards.length > 1}
{:else if me}
<ActionCard color="82, 93, 233" icon="fluent:chat-12-filled" on:click={() => tab = 3}>
<ActionCard on:click={() => tab = 2} icon="uil:link-alt">
{:else if tab === 1}
<div out:fade={FADE_OUT} in:fade={FADE_IN}>
{:else if tab === 2}
<div out:fade={FADE_OUT} in:fade={FADE_IN}>
{:else if tab === 3}
<div out:fade={FADE_OUT} in:fade={FADE_IN}>
<StatusOverlays {error} loading={!me}/>
<style lang="sass">
@use "../vars"
display: flex
gap: 1rem
color: vars.$c-main
font-size: 1.3rem
margin: 0
display: flex
flex-direction: column
gap: 1rem
@ -1,375 +1,375 @@
<!-- Svelte 4.2.11 -->
<script lang="ts">
import { fade, slide } from "svelte/transition"
import type { Card, CardSummary, CardSummaryGame, ConfirmProps, AquaNetUser } from "../../libs/generalTypes";
import { CARD, USER } from "../../libs/sdk";
import moment from "moment"
import Icon from "@iconify/svelte";
import StatusOverlays from "../../components/StatusOverlays.svelte";
import { t } from "../../libs/i18n";
// State
let state: 'ready' | 'linking-AC' | 'linking-SN' | 'loading' = "loading"
let showConfirm: ConfirmProps | null = null
let error: string = ""
let me: AquaNetUser | null = null
let accountCardSummary: CardSummary | null = null
// Fetch data for current user
const updateMe = () => USER.me().then(m => {
me = m
m.cards.sort((a, b) => a.registerTime < b.registerTime ? 1 : -1)
CARD.summary(m.ghostCard.luid).then(s => accountCardSummary = s.summary)
// Always put the ghost card at the top
m.cards.sort((a, b) => a.isGhost ? -1 : 1)
state = "ready"
}).catch(e => error = e.message)
// Data conflict overlay
let conflictCardID: string = ""
let conflictSummary: CardSummary | null = null
let conflictGame: string = ""
let conflictNew: CardSummaryGame | null = null
let conflictOld: CardSummaryGame | null = null
let conflictToMigrate: string[] = []
function setError(msg: string, type: 'AC' | 'SN') {
type === 'AC' ? errorAC = msg : errorSN = msg
async function doLink(id: string, migrate: string) {
await CARD.link({cardId: id, migrate})
await updateMe()
state = "ready"
async function link(type: 'AC' | 'SN') {
if (state !== 'ready' || accountCardSummary === null) return
state = "linking-" + type
const id = type === 'AC' ? inputAC : inputSN
console.log("linking card", id)
// Check if this card is already linked in the account
if (me?.cards?.some(c => formatLUID(c.luid, c.isGhost).toLowerCase() === id.toLowerCase())) {
setError(t('home.linkcard.linked-own'), type)
state = "ready"
// First, lookup the card summary
const card = (await CARD.summary(id).catch(e => {
// If card is not found, create a card and link it
if (e.message === t('home.linkcard.notfound')) {
doLink(id, "")
setError(e.message, type)
state = "ready"
const summary = card.summary
// Check if it's already linked
if (card.card.linked) {
setError(t('home.linkcard.linked-another'), type)
state = "ready"
// If all games in summary are null or doesn't conflict with the ghost card,
// we can link the card directly
if (Object.keys(summary).every(k => summary[k as keyof CardSummary] === null
|| accountCardSummary!![k as keyof CardSummary] === null)) {
console.log("linking card directly")
await doLink(id, Object.keys(summary).filter(k => summary[k as keyof CardSummary] !== null).join(","))
// For each conflicting game, ask the user if they want to migrate the data
else {
conflictSummary = summary
conflictCardID = id
await linkConflictContinue(null)
async function linkConflictContinue(choose: "old" | "new" | null) {
if (accountCardSummary === null || conflictSummary === null) return
console.log("linking card with migration")
if (choose) {
// If old is chosen, nothing needs to be migrated
// If new is chosen, we need to migrate the data
if (choose === "new") {
// Continue to the next card
conflictSummary[conflictGame as keyof CardSummary] = null
let isConflict = false
for (const k in conflictSummary) {
conflictNew = conflictSummary[k as keyof CardSummary]
conflictOld = accountCardSummary[k as keyof CardSummary]
conflictGame = k
if (!conflictNew || !conflictOld) continue
isConflict = true
// If there are no longer conflicts, we can link the card
if (!isConflict) {
await doLink(conflictCardID, conflictToMigrate.join(","))
// Reset the conflict state
function linkConflictCancel() {
state = "ready"
conflictSummary = null
conflictCardID = ""
conflictGame = ""
conflictNew = null
conflictOld = null
conflictToMigrate = []
async function unlink(card: Card) {
showConfirm = {
title: t('home.linkcard.unlink'),
message: t('home.linkcard.unlink-notice'),
confirm: async () => {
await CARD.unlink(card.luid)
await updateMe()
showConfirm = null
cancel: () => showConfirm = null,
dangerous: true
// Access code input
const inputACRegex = /^(\d{4} ){0,4}\d{0,4}$/
let inputAC = ""
let errorAC = ""
function inputACChange(e: any) {
e = e as InputEvent
// Add spaces to the input
const old = inputAC
if (e.inputType === "insertText" && inputAC.length % 5 === 4 && inputAC.length < 24)
inputAC += " "
inputAC = inputAC.slice(0, 24)
if (inputAC !== old) errorAC = ""
// Serial number input
const inputSNRegex = /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,2}:){0,7}[0-9A-Fa-f]{0,2}$/
let inputSN = ""
let errorSN = ""
function inputSNChange(e: any) {
e = e as InputEvent
// Add colons to the input
const old = inputSN
if (e.inputType === "insertText" && inputSN.length % 3 === 2 && inputSN.length < 23)
inputSN += ":"
inputSN = inputSN.toUpperCase().slice(0, 23)
if (inputSN !== old) errorSN = ""
function formatLUID(luid: string, ghost: boolean = false) {
if (ghost) return luid.slice(0, 6) + " " + (luid.slice(6).match(/.{4}/g)?.join(" ") ?? "")
switch (cardType(luid)) {
case "Felica SN":
return BigInt(luid).toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(16, "0").match(/.{1,2}/g)!.join(":")
case "Access Code":
return luid.match(/.{4}/g)!.join(" ")
return luid
function cardType(luid: string) {
if (luid.startsWith("00")) return "Felica SN"
if (luid.length === 20) return "Access Code"
if (luid.includes(":")) return "Felica SN"
if (luid.includes(" ")) return "Access Code"
return "Unknown"
function isInput(e: KeyboardEvent) {
return e.key.length === 1 && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey
<div class="link-card">
{#if me}
<div class="existing-cards" transition:slide>
{#each me.cards as card (card.luid)}
<div class:ghost={card.isGhost} class='existing card' transition:fade|global>
<span class="type">{card.isGhost ? t('home.linkcard.account-card') : cardType(card.luid)}</span>
<span class="register">{t('home.linkcard.registered')}: {moment(card.registerTime).format("YYYY MMM DD")}</span>
<span class="last">{t('home.linkcard.lastused')}: {moment(card.accessTime).format("YYYY MMM DD")}</span>
<span class="id">{formatLUID(card.luid, card.isGhost)}</span>
{#if !card.isGhost}
<button class="icon error" on:click={() => unlink(card)}><Icon icon="tabler:trash-x-filled"/></button>
{#if !inputSN}
<div out:slide={{ duration: 250 }}>
<!-- DO NOT change the order of bind:value and on:input. Their order determines the order of reactivity -->
<input placeholder="e.g. 5200 1234 5678 9012 3456"
on:keydown={(e) => {
e.key === "Enter" && link('AC')
// Ensure key is numeric
if (isInput(e) && !/[\d ]/.test(e.key)) e.preventDefault()
class:error={inputAC && (!inputACRegex.test(inputAC) || errorAC)}>
{#if inputAC.length > 0}
<button transition:slide={{axis: 'x'}} on:click={() => {link('AC');inputAC=''}}>{t('home.linkcard.link')}</button>
{#if errorAC}
<p class="error" transition:slide>{errorAC}</p>
{#if !inputAC}
<div out:slide={{ duration: 250 }}>
(<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wakdev.wdnfc">Android</a> /
<a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nfc-tools/id1252962749">Apple</a>)
<input placeholder="e.g. 01:2E:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F"
on:keydown={(e) => {
e.key === "Enter" && link('SN')
// Ensure key is hex or colon
if (isInput(e) && !/[0-9A-Fa-f:]/.test(e.key)) e.preventDefault()
class:error={inputSN && (!inputSNRegex.test(inputSN) || errorSN)}>
{#if inputSN.length > 0}
<button transition:slide={{axis: 'x'}} on:click={() => {link('SN'); inputSN = ''}}>{t('home.linkcard.link')}</button>
{#if errorSN}
<p class="error" transition:slide>{errorSN}</p>
{#if conflictOld && conflictNew && me}
<div class="overlay" transition:fade>
<div class="conflict-cards">
<div class="old card clickable" on:click={() => linkConflictContinue('old')}
role="button" tabindex="0" on:keydown={e => e.key === "Enter" && linkConflictContinue('old')}>
<span class="type">{t('home.linkcard.account-card')}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.name')}: {conflictOld.name}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.rating')}: {conflictOld.rating}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.last-login')}: {moment(conflictOld.lastLogin).format("YYYY MMM DD")}</span>
<span class="id">{formatLUID(me.ghostCard.luid, true)}</span>
<div class="new card clickable" on:click={() => linkConflictContinue('new')}
role="button" tabindex="0" on:keydown={e => e.key === "Enter" && linkConflictContinue('new')}>
<span class="type">{cardType(conflictCardID)}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.name')}: {conflictNew.name}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.rating')}: {conflictNew.rating}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.last-login')}: {moment(conflictNew.lastLogin).format("YYYY MMM DD")}</span>
<span class="id">{conflictCardID}</span>
<button class="error" on:click={linkConflictCancel}>{t('action.cancel')}</button>
<StatusOverlays bind:confirm={showConfirm} bind:error={error} loading={!me} />
<style lang="sass">
@use "../../vars"
width: 100%
display: flex
margin-left: 1rem
.existing-cards, .conflict-cards
display: grid
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(250px, 1fr))
gap: 1rem
min-height: 90px
position: relative
overflow: hidden
white-space: nowrap
background: rgba(vars.$c-darker, 0.8)
.register, .last
opacity: 0.7
font-size: 0.8rem
> div
flex: 1
position: absolute
right: 10px
bottom: 10px
transition: vars.$transition
background: vars.$c-darker
font-size: 0.8rem
opacity: 0.7
<!-- Svelte 4.2.11 -->
<script lang="ts">
import { fade, slide } from "svelte/transition"
import type { Card, CardSummary, CardSummaryGame, ConfirmProps, AquaNetUser } from "../../libs/generalTypes";
import { CARD, USER } from "../../libs/sdk";
import moment from "moment"
import Icon from "@iconify/svelte";
import StatusOverlays from "../../components/StatusOverlays.svelte";
import { t } from "../../libs/i18n";
// State
let state: 'ready' | 'linking-AC' | 'linking-SN' | 'loading' = "loading"
let showConfirm: ConfirmProps | null = null
let error: string = ""
let me: AquaNetUser | null = null
let accountCardSummary: CardSummary | null = null
// Fetch data for current user
const updateMe = () => USER.me().then(m => {
me = m
m.cards.sort((a, b) => a.registerTime < b.registerTime ? 1 : -1)
CARD.summary(m.ghostCard.luid).then(s => accountCardSummary = s.summary)
// Always put the ghost card at the top
m.cards.sort((a, b) => a.isGhost ? -1 : 1)
state = "ready"
}).catch(e => error = e.message)
// Data conflict overlay
let conflictCardID: string = ""
let conflictSummary: CardSummary | null = null
let conflictGame: string = ""
let conflictNew: CardSummaryGame | null = null
let conflictOld: CardSummaryGame | null = null
let conflictToMigrate: string[] = []
function setError(msg: string, type: 'AC' | 'SN') {
type === 'AC' ? errorAC = msg : errorSN = msg
async function doLink(id: string, migrate: string) {
await CARD.link({cardId: id, migrate})
await updateMe()
state = "ready"
async function link(type: 'AC' | 'SN') {
if (state !== 'ready' || accountCardSummary === null) return
state = "linking-" + type
const id = type === 'AC' ? inputAC : inputSN
console.log("linking card", id)
// Check if this card is already linked in the account
if (me?.cards?.some(c => formatLUID(c.luid, c.isGhost).toLowerCase() === id.toLowerCase())) {
setError(t('home.linkcard.linked-own'), type)
state = "ready"
// First, lookup the card summary
const card = (await CARD.summary(id).catch(e => {
// If card is not found, create a card and link it
if (e.message === t('home.linkcard.notfound')) {
doLink(id, "")
setError(e.message, type)
state = "ready"
const summary = card.summary
// Check if it's already linked
if (card.card.linked) {
setError(t('home.linkcard.linked-another'), type)
state = "ready"
// If all games in summary are null or doesn't conflict with the ghost card,
// we can link the card directly
if (Object.keys(summary).every(k => summary[k as keyof CardSummary] === null
|| accountCardSummary!![k as keyof CardSummary] === null)) {
console.log("linking card directly")
await doLink(id, Object.keys(summary).filter(k => summary[k as keyof CardSummary] !== null).join(","))
// For each conflicting game, ask the user if they want to migrate the data
else {
conflictSummary = summary
conflictCardID = id
await linkConflictContinue(null)
async function linkConflictContinue(choose: "old" | "new" | null) {
if (accountCardSummary === null || conflictSummary === null) return
console.log("linking card with migration")
if (choose) {
// If old is chosen, nothing needs to be migrated
// If new is chosen, we need to migrate the data
if (choose === "new") {
// Continue to the next card
conflictSummary[conflictGame as keyof CardSummary] = null
let isConflict = false
for (const k in conflictSummary) {
conflictNew = conflictSummary[k as keyof CardSummary]
conflictOld = accountCardSummary[k as keyof CardSummary]
conflictGame = k
if (!conflictNew || !conflictOld) continue
isConflict = true
// If there are no longer conflicts, we can link the card
if (!isConflict) {
await doLink(conflictCardID, conflictToMigrate.join(","))
// Reset the conflict state
function linkConflictCancel() {
state = "ready"
conflictSummary = null
conflictCardID = ""
conflictGame = ""
conflictNew = null
conflictOld = null
conflictToMigrate = []
async function unlink(card: Card) {
showConfirm = {
title: t('home.linkcard.unlink'),
message: t('home.linkcard.unlink-notice'),
confirm: async () => {
await CARD.unlink(card.luid)
await updateMe()
showConfirm = null
cancel: () => showConfirm = null,
dangerous: true
// Access code input
const inputACRegex = /^(\d{4} ){0,4}\d{0,4}$/
let inputAC = ""
let errorAC = ""
function inputACChange(e: any) {
e = e as InputEvent
// Add spaces to the input
const old = inputAC
if (e.inputType === "insertText" && inputAC.length % 5 === 4 && inputAC.length < 24)
inputAC += " "
inputAC = inputAC.slice(0, 24)
if (inputAC !== old) errorAC = ""
// Serial number input
const inputSNRegex = /^([0-9A-Fa-f]{0,2}:){0,7}[0-9A-Fa-f]{0,2}$/
let inputSN = ""
let errorSN = ""
function inputSNChange(e: any) {
e = e as InputEvent
// Add colons to the input
const old = inputSN
if (e.inputType === "insertText" && inputSN.length % 3 === 2 && inputSN.length < 23)
inputSN += ":"
inputSN = inputSN.toUpperCase().slice(0, 23)
if (inputSN !== old) errorSN = ""
function formatLUID(luid: string, ghost: boolean = false) {
if (ghost) return luid.slice(0, 6) + " " + (luid.slice(6).match(/.{4}/g)?.join(" ") ?? "")
switch (cardType(luid)) {
case "Felica SN":
return BigInt(luid).toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(16, "0").match(/.{1,2}/g)!.join(":")
case "Access Code":
return luid.match(/.{4}/g)!.join(" ")
return luid
function cardType(luid: string) {
if (luid.startsWith("00")) return "Felica SN"
if (luid.length === 20) return "Access Code"
if (luid.includes(":")) return "Felica SN"
if (luid.includes(" ")) return "Access Code"
return "Unknown"
function isInput(e: KeyboardEvent) {
return e.key.length === 1 && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey
<div class="link-card">
{#if me}
<div class="existing-cards" transition:slide>
{#each me.cards as card (card.luid)}
<div class:ghost={card.isGhost} class='existing card' transition:fade|global>
<span class="type">{card.isGhost ? t('home.linkcard.account-card') : cardType(card.luid)}</span>
<span class="register">{t('home.linkcard.registered')}: {moment(card.registerTime).format("YYYY MMM DD")}</span>
<span class="last">{t('home.linkcard.lastused')}: {moment(card.accessTime).format("YYYY MMM DD")}</span>
<span class="id">{formatLUID(card.luid, card.isGhost)}</span>
{#if !card.isGhost}
<button class="icon error" on:click={() => unlink(card)}><Icon icon="tabler:trash-x-filled"/></button>
{#if !inputSN}
<div out:slide={{ duration: 250 }}>
<!-- DO NOT change the order of bind:value and on:input. Their order determines the order of reactivity -->
<input placeholder="e.g. 5200 1234 5678 9012 3456"
on:keydown={(e) => {
e.key === "Enter" && link('AC')
// Ensure key is numeric
if (isInput(e) && !/[\d ]/.test(e.key)) e.preventDefault()
class:error={inputAC && (!inputACRegex.test(inputAC) || errorAC)}>
{#if inputAC.length > 0}
<button transition:slide={{axis: 'x'}} on:click={() => {link('AC');inputAC=''}}>{t('home.linkcard.link')}</button>
{#if errorAC}
<p class="error" transition:slide>{errorAC}</p>
{#if !inputAC}
<div out:slide={{ duration: 250 }}>
(<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wakdev.wdnfc">Android</a> /
<a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nfc-tools/id1252962749">Apple</a>)
<input placeholder="e.g. 01:2E:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E:6F"
on:keydown={(e) => {
e.key === "Enter" && link('SN')
// Ensure key is hex or colon
if (isInput(e) && !/[0-9A-Fa-f:]/.test(e.key)) e.preventDefault()
class:error={inputSN && (!inputSNRegex.test(inputSN) || errorSN)}>
{#if inputSN.length > 0}
<button transition:slide={{axis: 'x'}} on:click={() => {link('SN'); inputSN = ''}}>{t('home.linkcard.link')}</button>
{#if errorSN}
<p class="error" transition:slide>{errorSN}</p>
{#if conflictOld && conflictNew && me}
<div class="overlay" transition:fade>
<div class="conflict-cards">
<div class="old card clickable" on:click={() => linkConflictContinue('old')}
role="button" tabindex="0" on:keydown={e => e.key === "Enter" && linkConflictContinue('old')}>
<span class="type">{t('home.linkcard.account-card')}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.name')}: {conflictOld.name}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.rating')}: {conflictOld.rating}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.last-login')}: {moment(conflictOld.lastLogin).format("YYYY MMM DD")}</span>
<span class="id">{formatLUID(me.ghostCard.luid, true)}</span>
<div class="new card clickable" on:click={() => linkConflictContinue('new')}
role="button" tabindex="0" on:keydown={e => e.key === "Enter" && linkConflictContinue('new')}>
<span class="type">{cardType(conflictCardID)}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.name')}: {conflictNew.name}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.rating')}: {conflictNew.rating}</span>
<span>{t('home.linkcard.last-login')}: {moment(conflictNew.lastLogin).format("YYYY MMM DD")}</span>
<span class="id">{conflictCardID}</span>
<button class="error" on:click={linkConflictCancel}>{t('action.cancel')}</button>
<StatusOverlays bind:confirm={showConfirm} bind:error={error} loading={!me} />
<style lang="sass">
@use "../../vars"
width: 100%
display: flex
margin-left: 1rem
.existing-cards, .conflict-cards
display: grid
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(250px, 1fr))
gap: 1rem
.existing-cards .existing.card
min-height: 90px
position: relative
overflow: hidden
white-space: nowrap
background: rgba(vars.$c-darker, 0.8)
.register, .last
opacity: 0.7
font-size: 0.8rem
> div
flex: 1
position: absolute
right: 10px
bottom: 10px
transition: vars.$transition
background: vars.$c-darker
font-size: 0.8rem
opacity: 0.7
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
{#if d}
<div class="leaderboard-container">
<div class="lb-user" on:mouseenter={() => hoveringUser = d.users[0].username}>
<div class="lb-user" on:mouseenter={() => hoveringUser = d.users[0].username} role="heading" aria-level="2">
<span class="rank">{t("Leaderboard.Rank")}</span>
<span class="name"></span>
<span class="rating">{t("Leaderboard.Rating")}</span>
@ -47,7 +47,9 @@
<span class="ap">{t("Leaderboard.AP")}</span>
{#each d.users as user, i (user.rank)}
<div class="lb-user" class:alternate={i % 2 === 1} on:mouseover={() => hoveringUser = user.username}>
<div class="lb-user" class:alternate={i % 2 === 1} role="listitem"
on:mouseover={() => hoveringUser = user.username} on:focus={() => {}}>
<span class="rank">#{user.rank}</span>
<span class="name">
{#if user.username !== ""}
@ -109,9 +109,10 @@
<div class="name-box">
{#if typeof d.user.rival === 'boolean' && game === 'mai2'}
<a class="clickable" on:click={()=>setRival(!d.user.rival)}>
<span class="clickable" on:click={() => setRival(!d?.user.rival)} role="button" tabindex="0"
on:keydown={e => e.key === "Enter" && setRival(!d?.user.rival)}>
{d.user.rival ? t("UserHome.RemoveRival") : t("UserHome.AddRival")}
{#if me && me.username === username}
<a class="setting-icon clickable" use:tooltip={t("UserHome.Settings")} href="/settings">
@ -219,7 +220,7 @@
<div class="activity-info">
<div class="hide-scrollbar" id="cal-heatmap" bind:this={calElement} />
<div class="hide-scrollbar" id="cal-heatmap" bind:this={calElement}></div>
<div class="info-bottom">
<div class="plays">
Reference in New Issue