mirror of https://github.com/hykilpikonna/AquaDX
[+] Auto redirect to /home when already logged in
@ -1,251 +1,255 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Turnstile } from "svelte-turnstile";
import { slide } from 'svelte/transition';
import { TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY } from "../libs/config";
import Icon from "@iconify/svelte";
import { USER } from "../libs/sdk";
import { t } from "../libs/i18n"
let params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
let state = "home"
$: isSignup = state === "signup"
let submitting = false
let email = ""
let password = ""
let username = ""
let turnstile = ""
let turnstileReset: () => void | undefined;
let error = ""
let verifyMsg = ""
if (params.get('confirm-email')) {
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verifying")
submitting = true
// Send request to server
.then(() => {
verifyMsg = t('welcome.verified')
submitting = false
// Clear the query param
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, window.location.pathname)
.catch(e => verifyMsg = t('welcome.verification-failed', { message: e.message }))
async function submit(): Promise<any> {
submitting = true
// Check if username and password are valid
if (email === "" || password === "") {
error = t("welcome.email-password-missing")
return submitting = false
if (turnstile === "") {
// Sleep for 100ms to allow Turnstile to finish
error = t("welcome.waiting-turnstile")
return setTimeout(submit, 100)
// Signup
if (isSignup) {
if (username === "") {
error = t("welcome.username-missing")
return submitting = false
// Send request to server
await USER.register({ username, email, password, turnstile })
.then(() => {
// Show verify email message
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verification-sent", { email })
.catch(e => {
error = e.message
submitting = false
else {
// Send request to server
await USER.login({ email, password, turnstile })
.then(() => window.location.href = "/home")
.catch(e => {
if (e.message === 'Email not verified - STATE_0') {
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verify-state-0")
else if (e.message === 'Email not verified - STATE_1') {
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verify-state-1")
else if (e.message === 'Email not verified - STATE_2') {
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verify-state-2")
else {
error = e.message
submitting = false
submitting = false
<main id="home" class="no-margin">
<h1 id="title">AquaNet</h1>
{#if state === "home"}
<div class="btn-group" transition:slide>
<button on:click={() => state = 'login'}>{t('welcome.btn-login')}</button>
<button on:click={() => state = 'signup'}>{t('welcome.btn-signup')}</button>
{:else if state === "login" || state === "signup"}
<div class="login-form" transition:slide>
{#if error}
<span class="error">{error}</span>
<div on:click={() => state = 'home'} on:keypress={() => state = 'home'}
role="button" tabindex="0" class="clickable">
<Icon icon="line-md:chevron-small-left" />
{#if isSignup}
<input type="text" placeholder={t('username')} bind:value={username}>
<input type="email" placeholder={t('email')} bind:value={email}>
<input type="password" placeholder={t('password')} bind:value={password}>
<button on:click={submit}>
{#if submitting}
<Icon icon="line-md:loading-twotone-loop"/>
{isSignup ? t('welcome.btn-signup') : t('welcome.btn-login')}
<Turnstile siteKey={TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY} bind:reset={turnstileReset}
on:turnstile-callback={e => console.log(turnstile = e.detail.token)}
on:turnstile-error={_ => console.log(error = t("welcome.turnstile-error"))}
on:turnstile-expired={_ => window.location.reload()}
on:turnstile-timeout={_ => console.log(error = t('welcome.turnstile-timeout'))} />
{:else if state === "verify"}
<div class="login-form" transition:slide>
{#if !submitting}
<button on:click={() => state = 'home'} transition:slide>{t('back')}</button>
<div class="light-pollution">
<div class="l1"></div>
<div class="l2"></div>
<div class="l3"></div>
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// Content container
> div
display: flex
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// Switching state container
> div
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left: -200px
top: 560px
height: 1200px
width: 1500px
$color: rgb(92, 195, 250)
background: radial-gradient(50% 50% at 50% 50%, rgba($color, 0.28) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%)
left: -600px
opacity: 0.7
top: -630px
width: 1500px
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$color: rgb(230, 110, 156)
background: radial-gradient(50% 50% at 50% 50%, rgba($color, 0.28) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%)
@media (max-width: 500px)
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<script lang="ts">
import { Turnstile } from "svelte-turnstile";
import { slide } from 'svelte/transition';
import { TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY } from "../libs/config";
import Icon from "@iconify/svelte";
import { USER } from "../libs/sdk";
import { t } from "../libs/i18n"
let params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
let state = "home"
$: isSignup = state === "signup"
let submitting = false
let email = ""
let password = ""
let username = ""
let turnstile = ""
let turnstileReset: () => void | undefined;
let error = ""
let verifyMsg = ""
if (USER.isLoggedIn()) {
window.location.href = "/home"
if (params.get('confirm-email')) {
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verifying")
submitting = true
// Send request to server
.then(() => {
verifyMsg = t('welcome.verified')
submitting = false
// Clear the query param
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, window.location.pathname)
.catch(e => verifyMsg = t('welcome.verification-failed', { message: e.message }))
async function submit(): Promise<any> {
submitting = true
// Check if username and password are valid
if (email === "" || password === "") {
error = t("welcome.email-password-missing")
return submitting = false
if (turnstile === "") {
// Sleep for 100ms to allow Turnstile to finish
error = t("welcome.waiting-turnstile")
return setTimeout(submit, 100)
// Signup
if (isSignup) {
if (username === "") {
error = t("welcome.username-missing")
return submitting = false
// Send request to server
await USER.register({ username, email, password, turnstile })
.then(() => {
// Show verify email message
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verification-sent", { email })
.catch(e => {
error = e.message
submitting = false
else {
// Send request to server
await USER.login({ email, password, turnstile })
.then(() => window.location.href = "/home")
.catch(e => {
if (e.message === 'Email not verified - STATE_0') {
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verify-state-0")
else if (e.message === 'Email not verified - STATE_1') {
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verify-state-1")
else if (e.message === 'Email not verified - STATE_2') {
state = 'verify'
verifyMsg = t("welcome.verify-state-2")
else {
error = e.message
submitting = false
submitting = false
<main id="home" class="no-margin">
<h1 id="title">AquaNet</h1>
{#if state === "home"}
<div class="btn-group" transition:slide>
<button on:click={() => state = 'login'}>{t('welcome.btn-login')}</button>
<button on:click={() => state = 'signup'}>{t('welcome.btn-signup')}</button>
{:else if state === "login" || state === "signup"}
<div class="login-form" transition:slide>
{#if error}
<span class="error">{error}</span>
<div on:click={() => state = 'home'} on:keypress={() => state = 'home'}
role="button" tabindex="0" class="clickable">
<Icon icon="line-md:chevron-small-left" />
{#if isSignup}
<input type="text" placeholder={t('username')} bind:value={username}>
<input type="email" placeholder={t('email')} bind:value={email}>
<input type="password" placeholder={t('password')} bind:value={password}>
<button on:click={submit}>
{#if submitting}
<Icon icon="line-md:loading-twotone-loop"/>
{isSignup ? t('welcome.btn-signup') : t('welcome.btn-login')}
<Turnstile siteKey={TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY} bind:reset={turnstileReset}
on:turnstile-callback={e => console.log(turnstile = e.detail.token)}
on:turnstile-error={_ => console.log(error = t("welcome.turnstile-error"))}
on:turnstile-expired={_ => window.location.reload()}
on:turnstile-timeout={_ => console.log(error = t('welcome.turnstile-timeout'))} />
{:else if state === "verify"}
<div class="login-form" transition:slide>
{#if !submitting}
<button on:click={() => state = 'home'} transition:slide>{t('back')}</button>
<div class="light-pollution">
<div class="l1"></div>
<div class="l2"></div>
<div class="l3"></div>
<style lang="sass">
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// Content container
> div
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// Switching state container
> div
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> div
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left: -200px
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height: 1200px
width: 1500px
$color: rgb(92, 195, 250)
background: radial-gradient(50% 50% at 50% 50%, rgba($color, 0.28) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%)
left: -600px
opacity: 0.7
top: -630px
width: 1500px
height: 1000px
$color: rgb(230, 110, 156)
background: radial-gradient(50% 50% at 50% 50%, rgba($color, 0.28) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0) 100%)
@media (max-width: 500px)
align-items: center
padding-left: 0
Reference in New Issue