import argparse import os import shutil from pathlib import Path import orjson import xmltodict from hypy_utils import write from hypy_utils.logging_utils import setup_logger from hypy_utils.tqdm_utils import pmap from wand.image import Image log = setup_logger() def convert_path(file: Path): # Get path relative to source rel = file.relative_to(src) # If path is one-level under StreamingAssets, ignore it (e.g. StreamingAssets/A000/Data.xml) if len( <= 2: return # Generate target file path # Ignore the first segment of the relative path, and append to the destination # Also collapse the single-item directory into the filename # e.g. {src}/A000/music/music000001/Music.xml -> {dst}/music/000001.json target = dst / '/'.join([1:-2]) file_id = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit,[-2])) file_id = file_id.zfill(6) target = target / f'{file_id}.json' return target def convert_one(file: Path): target = convert_path(file) if target is None: return # Read xml try: xml = xmltodict.parse(file.read_text()) except Exception as e:'Error parsing {file}: {e}') return # There should only be one root element, expand it assert len(xml) == 1, f'Expected 1 root element, got {len(xml)}' xml = xml[list(xml.keys())[0]] # Remove @xmlns:xsi and @xmlns:xsd if '@xmlns:xsi' in xml: del xml['@xmlns:xsi'] if '@xmlns:xsd' in xml: del xml['@xmlns:xsd'] if target.exists():'Overwriting {target}') # Write json write(target, orjson.dumps(xml)) def convert_dds(file: Path): target = convert_path(file) if target is None: return # Convert dds to jpg try: with Image(filename=str(file)) as img: img.format = 'jpeg''.png'))) except Exception as e:'Error converting {file}: {e}') return def get(d: dict, *keys: str): """ Get the first key that exists in the dictionary :param d: Dictionary :param keys: Recursive key in the format of keya.keyb.keyc... """ for k in keys: ks = k.split('.') cd = d while len(ks) > 0: cd = cd.get(ks.pop(0)) if cd is None: break if cd is not None: return cd return None def convert_music_mai2(d: dict) -> (str, dict): return d['name']['id'], { 'name': d['name']['str'], 'ver': d.get('version') or d.get('releaseTagName')['str'], 'composer': d['artistName']['str'], 'genre': d['genreName']['str'] or d['genreNames'], 'bpm': int(d['bpm']), 'lock': f"{d['lockType']} {d['subLockType']}", 'notes': [{ 'lv': int(n['level']) + (int(n['levelDecimal']) / 10.0), 'designer': n['notesDesigner']['str'], 'lv_id': n['musicLevelID'], 'notes': int(n['maxNotes']), } for n in d['notesData']['Notes'] if n['isEnable'] != 'false'] } def convert_music_chu3(d: dict) -> (str, dict): return d['name']['id'], { 'name': d['name']['str'], 'ver': d['releaseTagName']['str'], 'composer': d['artistName']['str'], 'genre': get(d, 'genreName.list.StringID.str'), 'lock': d['firstLock'], 'notes': [{ 'lv': int(n['level']) + (int(n['levelDecimal']) / 100.0), 'designer': n.get('notesDesigner'), 'lv_id': n['type']['id'], } for n in d['fumens']['MusicFumenData'] if n['enable'] != 'false'] } def convert_music_ongeki(d: dict) -> (str, dict): return d['Name']['id'], { 'name': d['Name']['str'], 'ver': d['VersionID']['id'], 'composer': d['ArtistName']['str'], 'genre': d['Genre']['str'], 'lock': f"{d['CostToUnlock']} {d['IsLockedAtTheBeginning']}", 'notes': [{ 'lv': int(n['FumenConstIntegerPart']) + (int(n['FumenConstFractionalPart']) / 100.0), 'lv_id': i, } for i, n in enumerate(d['FumenData']['FumenData']) if n['FumenFile']['path'] is not None], 'lunatic': d['IsLunatic'] } if __name__ == '__main__': agupa = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Source can be one of the following: # - maimai/Package/Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets # - chusan/App/data # - ongeki/package/mu3_Data/StreamingAssets/GameData agupa.add_argument('source', type=str, help='Package/Sinmai_Data/StreamingAssets directory') agupa.add_argument('destination', type=str, help='Directory to extract to') agupa.add_argument('-g', '--game', type=str, help='Game to convert', default='mai2', choices=['mai2', 'chu3', 'ongeki']) args = agupa.parse_args() src = Path(args.source) dst = Path(args.destination) # Special post-convert command to relocate stuff if args.source == 'post-convert': ori = dst dst = dst.parent # In assetbundle/dir, move each XXX_{id}_XXX.png to assetbundle/dir/{id}.png for d in os.listdir(dst / 'assetbundle'): d = dst / 'assetbundle' / d if not d.is_dir(): continue'Relocating {d}') for file in d.rglob('*.png'): id = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, file.stem)) shutil.move(file, d / f'{id}.png') exit(0) # Assert that A000 exists in the source directory assert (src / 'A000').exists(), f'{src}/A000 does not exist' # Assert that target directory does not exist if dst.exists(): if input(f'{dst} already exists, delete? (y/n): ') == 'y':'Deleting {dst}') shutil.rmtree(dst) # Find all xml files in the source directory files = list(src.rglob('*.xml'))'Found {len(files)} xml files') # Multithreaded map pmap(convert_one, files, desc='Converting', unit='file', chunksize=50)'> Finished converting') # Find all .dds files in the source A000 directory dds_files = list(src.rglob('*.dds'))'Found {len(dds_files)} dds files') # Convert and copy dds files (CPU-intensive) pmap(convert_dds, dds_files, desc='Converting DDS', unit='file', chunksize=50, max_workers=os.cpu_count() - 2)'> Finished converting DDS') # Convert all music'Combining music') music_files = list(dst.rglob('music/*.json'))'> Found {len(music_files)} music files') jsons = [orjson.loads(f.read_text()) for f in music_files] converter = {'mai2': convert_music_mai2, 'chu3': convert_music_chu3, 'ongeki': convert_music_ongeki}[] combined = {k: v for k, v in [converter(d) for d in jsons]} # Write combined music write(dst / '00/all-music.json', orjson.dumps(combined))