using AquaMai.Attributes; namespace AquaMai.TimeSaving; public class Config { [ConfigComment( en: "Skip the warning screen and logo shown after the POST sequence", zh: "跳过日服启动时候的 WARNING 界面")] public bool SkipWarningScreen { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Disable some useless delays to speed up the game boot process", zh: """ 在自检界面,每个屏幕结束的时候都会等两秒才进入下一个屏幕,很浪费时间 开了这个选项之后就不会等了 """)] public bool ImproveLoadSpeed { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Directly enter the song selection screen after login", zh: "登录完成后直接进入选歌界面")] public bool SkipToMusicSelection { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Skip possible prompts like \"New area discovered\", \"New songs added\", \"There are events\" during game login/registration", zh: "跳过登录 / 注册游戏时候可能的 “发现了新的区域哟” “乐曲增加” “有活动哟” 之类的提示")] public bool SkipEventInfo { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Skip the \"Do not tap or slide vigorously\" screen, immediately proceed to the next screen once data is loaded", zh: "跳过“不要大力拍打或滑动哦”这个界面,数据一旦加载完就立马进入下一个界面")] public bool IWontTapOrSlideVigorously { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Skip the \"Goodbye\" screen at the end of the game", zh: "跳过游戏结束的“再见”界面")] public bool SkipGameOverScreen { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Skip TrackStart screen", zh: "跳过乐曲开始界面")] public bool SkipTrackStart { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Show a \"skip\" button like AstroDX after the notes end", zh: "音符结束之后显示像 AstroDX 一样的“跳过”按钮")] public bool ShowQuickEndPlay { get; set; } }