using AquaMai.Attributes; namespace AquaMai.Fix; public class Config { [ConfigComment( en: "Allow login with higher data version", zh: """ 原先如果你的账号版本比当前游戏设定的版本高的话,就会不能登录 开了这个选项之后就可以登录了,不过你的账号版本还是会被设定为当前游戏的版本 """)] public bool SkipVersionCheck { get; set; } [ConfigComment( zh: """ 如果你在用未经修改的客户端,会默认加密到服务器的连接,而连接私服的时候不应该加密 开了这个选项之后就不会加密连接了,同时也会移除不同版本的客户端可能会对 API 接口加的后缀 正常情况下,请保持这个选项开启 """)] public bool RemoveEncryption { get; set; } [ConfigComment( zh: "如果要配置店内招募的话,应该要把这个关闭")] public bool ForceAsServer { get; set; } = true; [ConfigComment( en: "Force the game to be in FreePlay mode", zh: "强制改为免费游玩(FreePlay)")] public bool ForceFreePlay { get; set; } = true; [ConfigComment( en: "Force the game to be in PaidPlay mode with 24 coins locked, conflicts with ForceFreePlay", zh: "强制付费游玩并锁定 24 个币,和 ForceFreePlay 冲突")] public bool ForcePaidPlay { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Add notes sprite to the pool to prevent use up", zh: "增加更多待命的音符贴图,防止奇怪的自制谱用完音符贴图池")] public int ExtendNotesPool { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Force the frame rate limit to 60 FPS and disable vSync. Do not use if your game has no issues", zh: "强制设置帧率上限为 60 帧并关闭垂直同步。如果你的游戏没有问题,请不要使用")] public bool FrameRateLock { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: """ Use Microsoft YaHei Bold to display characters not in the font library Cannot be used together with CustomFont """, zh: """ 在显示字库里没有的字时使用微软雅黑 Bold 显示 不可以和 CustomFont 一起使用 """)] public bool FontFix { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: """ Make the AutoPlay random judgment mode really randomize all judgments (down to sub-judgments) The original random judgment will only produce all 15 judgment results from Miss(TooFast) ~ Critical ~ Miss(TooLate) Here, it is changed to a triangular distribution to produce all 15 judgment results from Miss(TooFast) ~ Critical ~ Miss(TooLate) Of course, it will not consider whether the original Note really has a corresponding judgment (such as Slide should not have non-Critical Prefect) """, zh: """ 让 AutoPlay 的随机判定模式真的会随机产生所有的判定 (精确到子判定) 原本的随机判定只会等概率产生 Critical, LateGreat1st, LateGood, Miss(TooLate) 这里改成三角分布产生从 Miss(TooFast) ~ Critical ~ Miss(TooLate) 的所有 15 种判定结果 当然, 此处并不会考虑原本那个 Note 是不是真的有对应的判定 (比如 Slide 实际上不应该有小 p 之类的) """)] public bool RealisticRandomJudge { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Cannot be used together with HideHanabi", zh: """ 修复 1p 模式下的烟花大小 不能和 HideHanabi 一起使用 """)] public bool HanabiFix { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Prevent gray network caused by mistakenly thinking it's an AimeDB server issue", zh: "防止因错误认为 AimeDB 服务器问题引起的灰网,建议开启")] public bool IgnoreAimeServerError { get; set; } [ConfigComment( en: "Reset touch panel after playing track", zh: "在游玩一首曲目后重置触摸面板")] public bool TouchResetAfterTrack { get; set; } }