using AquaMai.Config.Attributes; namespace AquaMai.Mods; [ConfigSection( en: """ These options have been deprecated and no longer work in the current version. Remove them to get rid of the warning message at startup. """, zh: """ 这些配置项已经被废弃,在当前版本不再生效 删除它们以去除启动时的警告信息 """, exampleHidden: true)] public class DeprecationWarning { [ConfigEntry(hideWhenDefault: true)] public static readonly bool v1_0_ModKeyMap_TestMode; // Print friendly warning messages here. // Please keep them up-to-date while refactoring the config. public static void OnBeforeAllPatch() { if (v1_0_ModKeyMap_TestMode) { MelonLoader.MelonLogger.Warning("ModKeyMap.TestMode has been deprecated (> v1.0). Please use GameSystem.KeyMap.Test instead."); } } }